Chapter 2°°°Camping
Branch and I were heading to his bunker to pack his things when I heard a familiar voice,"Poppy" he said,"Hi Creek!" I beamed,"I'm sorry Creek, I would give you a hug but if I let go if him" I nodded my head over to an angry Branch,"He might leave and I can't do that."
"I over heard your conversation" Creek started,"I'm sorry! I was excited to go I forgot to tell you guys!" I said still cheery.
"Well, I was wondering if-" Creek got cut off,"No" stated Branch firmly,"But-" No he got cut off again,"No" "Bu-" "NO!" Creek kept trying but Branch kept saying no, so I cut in,"Branch, let Creek say what he was going to say, Creek?" "Thank you Poppy, could I go with you?" "No, and that's final" Branch said more like to me than him. I sighed,"I'm sorry Creek but Branch doesn't even want to go, more or less with someone he dislikes." "It's okay, but I actually asked King Poppy if I could go" when Creek said that Branches eyes went wide and he asked,"What did he say?" "He said yes, that it would be great for you to warm up to more people." Branch looked frustrated and started to head back to his bunker.
I raced after Branch trying to reason with him,"Come on Branch it can't be that bad! Were all going to have fun together! You, me, Creek, running around, hiding from Bergens, finding new trolls! You get to show off your survival skills! There will be singing, dancing, hugging, scrapbooking!" I looked over to him and he gave me a look,"You know you enjoy my singing!" I said and continued,"3 friends, no! The 3 musketeers!" "He's not my friend" Branch corrected.
"True... But he will be!" "No. He. Won't." he said through grinded teeth."Branch" I asked,"What?" "Why do you hate Creek?" "That's a looooooong list" I sighed, would this end good, or bad? Hopefully good.
When we got to Branches place, he reached down and touched the mat,"Wait, so just a touch of a hand can open it? I asked,"Nope" he said.
We walked into his bunker and he took the suitcase from me. We walked into his bedroom, and he put my suitcase against the wall.
"Okay, so let's see, we'll need drills, nails, wood, sheets, blankets, water-" I interrupted Branch,"Wait, what?" "Oh don't worry Poppy, I'm going to pack more" Branch reassured me,"No, Branch" I said,"You only need a few clothes, water, some food, a small blanket, and maybe an idea of where you want to go."
Branch sighed and started packing, of course he tried to go overboard, but I stopped him and in the end he had a reasonable amount of clothes.
When we finished packing, we went outside to see Creek already to go and he asked,"Ready?" I responded,"Yep! Branch, do you have an idea of where we should go?"
(Because I'm lazy:
C=Creek B=Branch P=Poppy)
C-I thought you would choose Poppy
P-No, this is mainly for Branch, plus he knows the areas better than any other troll
C-Oh, okay
B-South is the troll tree, east there's a bunch of forest and then a bunch of these really bouncy flowers,
B-North, straight ahead, is a forest, and I think a troll village
P-New People!!!!!!
B-And west is just forest with some small animals
B-And right next to me is a pink troll princess who won't stop screaming
P-Prin!- oh
C-Branch, please, be nice, smile, and choose our direction
P-Yay! First step to being friends!
B-I go to my bunker and you two, where ever you want
P-Or not
P-Branch, how about this, you guys stay exactly 20 feet or more away from each other, and I walk in the middle of you both so then EVERYONE can be happy and cheery
P-Branch? Branch what are you doing?
He already built something. Their was 2 sticks, each 25 feet long, and then huge big leaves connecting them together, each no more apart than 7 feet apart. Branch had put all his stuff on and he it looked like he had made 2 sides to it.
1 side, he pit his stuff on, the other side it looked like he made a pillow and a blanket. The side with the stuff he gave to Creek, but the side with the makeshift bed he held.
B-Put your stuff on Creeks side, Poppy you can sleep on this side. Creek and I will hold up the stuff and continue walking
P-Oh, Branch. You didn't have to do all this
B-Besides, now when start to camp out, we have flooring, all we would need is the top, which is in my bag
I smiled, Branch really out did himself, so being me, I hugged him
B-You can express your gratitude by NOT hugging me
He sighed, after a couple of second Branch hugged back and I smiled even wider
Sadly when Branch did that, Creek said
C-Come on, we have to start moving
B-It's okay Poppy
Branch reassured me, but what he said after made me smile even wider (if possible)
B-Another time
(A|N I just realized this is supposed to be all Branches POV so..... Yeah.)
"I think we should head North" Poppy decided. I nodded, Creek and Poppy put their stuff on and Poppy climbed into the makeshift bed. Once everyone was ready, Creek and I lifted up the throne-storage-thing and started walking.
After about 2 minutes Poppy started whisper-talking to me."Hey Branch" she started off.
B-Hey Poppy
P-Why do you and Creek hate each other?
I kept on walking and didn't respond
P-I'll ask Creek if you don't respond
I sighed
B-Many, many reasons you just wouldn't understand
P-Branch, please. I want to know why my 2 best friends hate each other
B-Poppy, you just wouldn't understand
B-Poppy, another day
P-Fine, but then you have to answer this question
I sighed
P-Why are you gray?
I didn't answer
P-Okay, is gray your true color?
I shook my head
P-What is your true color?
B-You said question, not questions
She sighed
I didn't answer but I'm pretty sure she smiled
P-Blue and Pink, Pink and Blue...
She trailed off
After that I heard a light snoring, I guess she's asleep.
We walked for another hour when Poppy woke up, she asked,"How long has it been?" "About an hour" I responded.
P-Oh, oka- wait, WHAT?
C-What's wrong?
P-You've been walking for an hour! Aren't you tired?
C-Yeah, but Branch won't let us rest
P-You need to rest
B-We will, but next safest spot is 3 miles away, we past the other safe spot 45 minutes ago
Poppy sighed
P-So about an hours walk?
P-It's getting dark, we'll have to camp out in that next safe spot. Okay, BRANCH?
B-You say that like I wouldn't listen
B-Although I wouldn't.
She sighed once more
1 hour later
We finally got to the safe spot in the forest (Where there are no dangerous creatures) and I stopped. I guess I surprised Creek because he kept on walking, he bumped into the thing I made, which caused Poppy to be startled and fall off.
Luckily, I caught her. For however long, we were just like that, her in my arms, staring at each other... Just staring....
I heard a sound, Poppy and I turned our heads to see Creek clearing his throat
C-Let us get our rest
Poppy and I looked at each other one last time then I slowly put her down. I took a deep breath and started setting up, what just happened? What was I feeling? What happened? I looked at Creek who was helping me. He seemed annoyed? Jealous? Weird? Well, he's always weird... I guess I'll let it go, for now.
When Creek and I finished fixing the base of the tent, I pulled out the top. It was 46 feet long. What? You've always gotta be cautious. I folded it in half and took out 3 of the 5 sticks I had to hold up the tent. Creek and I planted down the sticks the draped the top over it. We nailed downs all the ends and I checked each one 10 times to make sure it was for Poppy.
B-Creek, you go in first
C-Why me?
B-Incase it's dangerous
B-What? It could be dangerous
P-So you send Creek in?
B-Why else did he come along
P-So you could be friends with him
B-Then we'll be out here a long time
C-Poppy, it's okay
P-Branch apologise
P-Apologise or else I won't be your friend
B-Then I guess we're not friends
Poppy looked shocked
B-Poppy if your not my friend because I didn't apologise to someone, then we weren't really friends at all now were we?
She looked like she was about to cry
B-Poppy, I-I didn't-
I didn't get to finish, Poppy ran away
C-Great, I knew you would hurt her, I just knew it, why don't you just leave, and never come back?
He said through gritted teeth
B-No, you should just leave and forget about this entire thing. Maybe you could stay at the village io ahead, then again, that'll be to cruel for them.
C-What'll be too cruel is for that happy village to witness such a grumpy troll
B-I swear if it wasn't for Poppy, I would-
C-What? You would what? You don't even care for her
B-I care for her more than you ever could
And with that I was off to find Poppy. And Creek didn't even try to come, like I said, I love him more than he ever could.
After 6 minutes of walking, I saw Poppy crying against a tree.
P-Why do you hate each other?
That took me by surprise
P-I listened to your conversation, why do you hate each other?
P-Is it me?
I sighed
P-It's me isn't it
I sighed again and sat next to her
P-Why? Why do you hate each other because of me?
B-It's... Complicated
P-Is it? Or do just don't want to tell me?
B-It's just really complicated
P-Creek said it's because of something he did
She finally looked at me
B-He said that because it's easier than the truth
P-So... He lied
B-Not completely
P-Im confused
B-I know
I stood up
B-We have to get going
I helped her stand up and she started to sing, this time I didn't stop her, I just listened
A few seconds after she finished singing, I stopped walking. She stopped walking too and faced me.
P-What's wrong?
B-You know I didn't mean what I said earlier
B-The friend thing, no matter what I say you'll always be my best friend
P-Aww! Branch!
She gave me a hug, I sighed
B-You won't stop will you?
She didn't answer
Still didn't answer. Then I heard a light snoring. I picked her up and carried her back to the campsite.
C-What happened?
I didn't answer, instead I layed her down the best I could inside one of the sleeping bags.
Creek came inside the tent and again asked
C-What happened?
I ignored him, instead I went outside to make a fire.
C-Branch, What happened?
Again, I ignored him, I started to make the fire. Once I finished making the fire, I went inside the tent and layed in the sleeping bag next to Poppies.
I couldn't sleep for hours, afraid that if I do, something will come. Something bad will happen. I just, can't sleep, not yet... Not... Yet.....
"Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch!"
Is what I woke up to, and I recognised that voice, Poppy.
P-Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Branch! Bra-
I covered her mouth
Uncovered it
P-Good morning!
Said smiling
I sighed then put the covers over my head
P-Wake up!
P-Wake up!
P-Wake up!
P-Im hungry!
I groan
B-Ugh, fine
She pulled the covers off of me
P-Im hungry now
B-And I'm tired
I took the covers back
B- now
P-Okay then, I'll just, wonder around the forest, by myself, where there could be dangerous predators, ALL by MYSELF
She giggled good! Then she skipped out. I sighed, why did I agree to do this? Oh right, I didn't. I got up to see Creek and Poppy sitting by the fire, looking through her scrapbook.
I pointed towards the scrapbook
P-It has memories!
I looked at her
P-It's the only one!
I glared at her
She sighed and took another scrapbook out of her hair
B-The others?
She took out 8 more scrapbooks
She took out 2 more things, a picture of Creek which she unfolded to make a picture of the entire snack pack, and a small little box which looks like ot could hold a small item frame.
B-10 scrapbooks?
B-Why? It's just going to the village, going back, vacation over
P-Yeah... About that
C-What is it Poppy?
P-We're traveling all over the world...
B-Wait, WHAT?
C-You mean...
P-Yeah... Sorry!
B-Let's just get through breakfast
I said through gritted teeth
I took out some berries, 2 cups, some tea leaves, a canteen of water, and 2 bowls. I put the berries in the two bowls then started making tea.
P-We're missing 1 bowl and 1 cup
B-Yeah well, I wasn't planning in 3 people coming
P-Well I was!
She took out an extra bowl and cup out if her hair then she took some berries and put it in the bowl, then she gave the cup to me and smiled brightly. I frowned. And poured some water in his cup then gave it to him" then continued fixing Poppy and I tea.
C-Aren't I going to get tea?
P-Don't worry Creek, you can some of mine
I poured the tea out if Poppies cup and instead poured water in it, then I gave it to her. She frowned.
P-Where's my tea?
I looked at her, then continued making my tea
P-I'm sorry, I won't give Creek my tea
I took her cup and gave her my tea which I just finished making, then I made myself more tea. Poppy sighed
P-Sorry Creek
C-It's fine
I finished making my tea then I gave Creek two tea leaves he and Poppy smiled, I just rolled my eyes.
After a few moments of silence, Poppy spoke
P-I want to show you guys my scrapbook
C-That would be wonderful Poppy
B-I guess that means I don't get to enjoy my breakfast in silence
Poppy giggles
P-I guess not
P-Look, this when Branch and I first met! I was running around when I went into the forest....
P-lalala ladada ladalada lalala
When I stopped to smell a flower, and I didn't realize that the Branch was about to fall on me...
Then Branch came to my rescue and used his hair to pull me out of the way
He gave me an entire lecture about being careful and staying out of the forest, even though I was 5
Flashback over
P-What a nice memory!
A few, no I'm sorry, thousands, maybe a little exaggerated, a lot of memories later..
P-Oh! And the final memory is when I tell you guys you have absolutely no choice but to answer my questions!
Creek and I sighed...
P-Great! Glad your so excited!
...In frustration
P-Question 1 goes to... Creek! What happened to your parents?
C-They died
P-We're going to keep playing like that, I ask Creek a question, he answers, then Branch, and you guys already know about me
P-Favorite color?
Oh great, Poppy was writing this down
C-July 4th, 1998
B-Exactly one year before his
P-Interesting... I always thought Creek was younger... And I already knew Branches age...
B-How? I never told you
P-I might've asked my dad
I sighed
P-Fondest memory?
C-A day with my brother
B-Also, a day with my brother
P-Hmm, I never knew you two had siblings, what we're their names?
Creek and I looked at each other
A|N Yallow peeps! How ya doin? Oh, what's that? Your mad at me for stopping right there? Yeah well, that's why it's called a cliff hanger! Don't be mad, please. Who do you think there brothers are?
Each other?
Someone in the snack pack?
Some made up character?
Find out next time!
✌Peace out✌
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