The Wedding Day
(A/N sorry for not posting as much. I went camping and could not bring my devices. I'll update today and tomorrow with SpicyNachos)
Branch's POV
* hyperventilating* Deep breaths Branch. You can do this I believe in you. The love of your life is waiting for you on the altar just get up there, God. Where is Guy Diamond when you need him. I cannot find him anywhere . "Guy Diamond, where are you? Son of a butternut squash." * more hyperventilating.* Oh boy, I hope she says yes. Well, obviously she's gonna say yes. I mean, I'm Branch why wouldn't she say yes? I'm so hot. I bet you I would be on the magazine for the hottest lifeguard around. Anyways, Satin and Chenille picked out this outfit for me.
They said it would work nice with my hair. I don't think so. But whatever. I'm good with what I have. Oooohhhhh! I wanna see my babygirl so badly. (Btw she recovered from her "drunkness") She said she found the most sexiest, hottest dress I've in my whole life. I hope so because if not, then I'm leaving her at the altar if she looks like a rag doll. Just saying. Hmm. I wonder if Poppy invited Gristle and Bridget. I hope so. If she invited any other Bergen, I will smack her. Once again, just saying. Alright, Guy is waiting for me outside. I have to go now. *the heart goes pitter patter as he leaves his pod that he shares with Poppy.*
Poppy POV
Oh jeez. Oh boy. I think I might be coming with "cold feet". I mean, I'm not nervous at all. I'm just scared that Branchie might leave me at the alter. I want this to go well cause I have a surprise for him and the guests. I think my dad will be the most shocked. Don't tell anyone that I'm pregnant. Especially Branch and Peppy. If they find out before the wedding, the surprise will be ruined. The only person that knows about this if DJ and she hair sweared that she wouldn't tell anyone. If she does, I will kill her. Anyways, if you don't remember, this is my dress...
I so hope Branch likes it cause I don't wanna look like someone who was thrown in the dumpster for a week. Anyways, this is my hair for today...
This is seriously the first and the last time that I'm wearing my hair down like this. It's SO uncomfortable 😣. I like my hair to be free and wild. *grr* Branch is so lucky. "Yo! Poppy! Get down here! We have to get to the lagoon!" Oh shoot! I lost track of time again. Welp. Gotta go.
(Time skip to after they exchange their vows)
"Do you Branch, take Poppy to be your lawfully wedded wife, through sickness and in health?" Said Sky Toronto. "Of course!" Said Branch. "Do you Poppy, take Branch to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and in health?" "YESSSSS!" I said. "Well, I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Blue. You may now kiss the bride." *smoochy smoochy* OMG. I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M FINALLY MARRIED TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. *SQUEAL*.
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