(A/N take note that this is at the reception. The reception is at this huge castle-like party hall. almost everywhere sparkly and shiny... just like Poppy and Branch's wedding ring!)
Poppy's POV
OH MY FLEEB. I-I CANT BELIEVE IM MARRIED. AND PREGNANT. AT THE SAME TIME. *SQUEAL*. But wait. I might be having all fun and games right now but I still don't know how I'm supposed to tell anyone I'm pregnant. Ok, I'm gonna need some help. Where in the world is DJ? Oh. Over there. She's heading to the bathroom. Perfect. I'll be able to talk to her there.
At the bathroom...
"DJ? You in here?" I yell. "Yah, I'm in the stall." she said. *BLARFF* Oh boy. Did she get food poisoning again? That would be very odd since she didn't eat anything after breakfast. Hmm? OMFG. Could she? No she can't! Oh no. DJ could be fucking fricking flipping pregnant! DJ said she never wanted any children though. I don't even know who she fucked. "Umm DJ? You ok in there?" "Oh Poppy, I'm not ok. Poppy, I'm pregnant. I know I said I didn't want any children but looking at you so *BLARFF* happy when you found out you were pregnant made me realize that I should have a child too. And *BLARFF* I know I never told you this, but you can't tell anyone. I'm dating Guy. And we fucked." OMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFGOMFG. SHE IS PREGNANT TOO! *SQUEAL* "DJ, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU AND GD. Look who couldn't wait until their wedding day to fuck." "Shut up Poppy. I did it two weeks ago and you did it with Branch over 5 times. Your're even hornier than me." Well, that's true. But I actually did it 8 times to be exact. "Hey! I have an excuse. I was drunk. But anyways, I need your help. How am I supposed to tell anyone, more specifically Branch and my dad, that I'm having a baby?" I say. "Girl, *BLARFF* why are you asking me? This is a no-brainer. Just go up and tell them. It's literally that easy." I guess it is that easy. "Ok, I'll give it a shot. But its almost time for my surprise. We have to go." "Your right. Lets go."
Time skip to Poppy's surprise speech...
"Hello everybody! Thank you all for joining me and Branch today to celebrate our wedding today. As we all know, I did make an announcement about the surprise I wanted to tell you about." *hyperventilating* "Branch, Dad. I'm pregnant." All of a sudden, the room gets so quiet, you can hear somebody blinking. "Babygirl, y-y-your pregnant? Are you s-s-serious?" says Branch. "Yes" I say shyly. Suddenly, he picked me up and started spinning me around like a ferris wheel. Then he put me down and started crying. "Poppy, your pregnant? Oh happy day! I've always wanted to be a grandfather!" said dad. All of a sudden, the room starts buzzing about me having a baby, what the gender is, if its twins and blah blah blah. I can't believe Branch of all people is crying. "Branchie, are you crying?" I ask. "No, no Poppy. I-I just got something in my eye. Its fine." Haha, silly Branch.
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