Chapter 3°°°The docter
A|N the picture up above I so terribly photoshopped
I was finally settled into my bunker enjoying a nice cup of hot tea when someone- no, someones knocked in my boulder and mat making noise calling my name like the maniacs they are.
I sighed, it's either a prank for which I'll strangle whoever did it, or it's serious, where I'll strangle whoever got us into this mess.
I opened the eye hole to my Go away! mat.
B-Can't you read?!?
C-Branch this is serious! I think Poppy might die!
I opened the mat and got out
B-What happened?
KP-His arm scraped against the shovel from the burgens, it must of had something on it!
B-Seriously? He passed out from exhaustion and for his arm, he just needs some of the liquid from the Neo-Spiron plant, and to be bandaged up. Nothing bad really happened.
Everyone calmed down a bit
B-But just incase, he might have to stay here a while so I can run some tests
I took Poppy, but quickly added
B-And learn some medical facts on your own, seriously who goes to a 3 year old for medical help?
And I went back underground I took him down further into my bunker where things actually were
I layed him on my bed and went to get the Neo-Spiron plant. I squeezed the liquid on his arm and rubbed it in soon it thickened. I took a microscope and sone tweezers and saw an infection starting. I quickly took the tweezers and popped the bubbles forming in his arm. I got some blenu berries and smashed them up. Then I put it in a bowl and held the bowl up to his nose.
He sat up
P-What is that?!?
B-It does many things, eat it if you don't want your arm to be cut off
P-You know I heard everything, I just couldn't talk or interact
B-I know, now eat
P-He ate it with a face of disgust
B-*smirks* your welcome, but it's pretty late, you should stay here
P-Okay, me and my best friend!
B-*rolls eyes* What ever
P-Thanks Branch
P-I'm hungry
B-Come on, I have some food
Poppy smiled and came walking close behind me. Then I saw it, my tea, getting cold I sighed
P-I'll heat it up for you!
Before I could say a word, he grabbed my cup and started looking around
I grabbed some more wood and put it in the very low fire, then I place the cup holder over it
P-Aha! I'll just put it this...
He put the cup in the cup holder then fixed us popcorn, took my hand, and said:
P-Show me the T.V.!
He said excitedly, I rolled my eyes and walked over to the T.V., by the way someone helped us build this, I didn't do it by myself.
P-Can we watch a movie?
B-I get to pick
P-*Groans* But it better not be-
I finished off his sentence, he shook his head and I chuckled
B-It's going to be scary
I said sitting on the couch
P-Okay, fine
Then be sat down next to me, that's when I realised he never let go if my hand, probably scared if what movie it's going to be
My tea then started boiling
P-I'll get it!
As he looked around for napkins since he claimed the cup was 'as hot as the sun itself' I started looking for scary movies when I saw one, Never coming Back (Made it up) I couldn't read that good, so I just waited for Poppy to come back
P-Im here!
This was sad, he had about 60 napkins in each hand holding the cup which looked like was about to drop, I took the cup from him, without the napkins and sipped some tea, then I placed it on the table, he just stared at me.
B-Sit down
He sat down then played the movie, right away he hugged me tight, I glared at him
P-Just incase your scared!
B-*rolls eyes* sure
But I let him continue after a while he brought me closer, I smiled but quickly erased it
P-Branch? You still here
B-Yes, no need to be scared
P-I'm not!
B-Oh yeah, cause screeching, hugging me tight, and holding me close doesn't mean your scared?
By the end of the movie, I'm pretty sure he couldn't hold me any tighter.
P-Branch? You still awake?
B-Hardly, from 2 things: Be tired and you squeezing all the air out if my lungs
He loosened, but didn't let go
B-So, tired...
He picked me up the best he could and layed me in my bed...
I wasn't sure if I should lay in her bed or not, I'm sure she wouldn't mind. I layed down and looked over at her, my best friend, she can say she doesn't like me all she wants, I know she does. And tommorow, well, I bet it'll be an interesting day.
A|N ¡Hola chicos y chicas! ¿Cómo estás hoy? Esto es español, ¿podrías decirlo? Y puedo o no haber utilizado un traductor. (Hello boys and girls! How are you today? This is Spanish, could you tell? and I may or may not have used a translator.) So... Yeah... Well....
Im out
✌ Peace✌
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