*a few days ago there was a huge storm in trollstopia, everyone survived but had some major injuries or were lost somewhere in the woods*
*Poppy paced around branch's bunker nervously and often peeked out of the trapdoor*
Poppy: Guy! Barb! Where's Branchie?!
Guy Diamond: Well he's guiding lost trolls back to the village
Poppy: You don't know that for sure
*Poppy tries to run towards the exit but barb grabs her arm*
Barb: Popsqueak calm down, he will come back, i mean come on it's not like he's dead or he got eaten or he got lost in the woods and-
Guy Diamond: Barb! You're not helping you're making poppy panic even more!
*Barb turned to see poppy rocking herself back and forth while she trembled and was speaking gibberish*
Barb:...O_O Yeeah i think i broke her
*then branch entered the bunker*
Branch: hey guys i'm back
*then poppy snapped back to reality and pounced branch and hugged him as tight as she could*
Poppy: Branch where were you?! I Missed you so much!
Branch: I know i was getting the other trolls back to their pods
*Branch tried to put poppy down but she didn't let go of him*
Poppy: Branchie i don't want you to let me go
Branch: I know poppy me too but i have to put you down
*branch tried to put her down again but she still clung to him*
Branch: poppy i need to continue finding the others
Poppy: Okay i- i can come i can help you!
Branch: poppy i can't let you do that
Poppy: but Branch-
Branch: I'm sorry baby i'll be back i promise *Kisses poppy's forehead and was about to leave when suddenly*
Poppy: No you can't go!
*Poppy clung to him tightly while kneeling*
Branch: Poppy it's only for a few days
Barb: Yeah popsqueak we'll keep you entertained while boytoy's away
Poppy (Sobbing): NO I WANT MY BRANCHIE! Don't leave me branch Don't leave me!
*Poppy begged branch as bulit-up tears streamed down her face*
Branch: Okay it's okay poppy i'm not gonna go i'll stay here everything's okay
*Branch told poppy as he kneeled down in front of her and held her close while rubbing her back as she sobbed*
Barb: Whoa i've never popsqueak do that before
Guy Diamond: Yeah she must be really scared
Branch (softly): it's okay...okay *kisses poppy's forehead*
*After a few minutes poppy stopped sobbing and she fell asleep in his arms*
*Barb, guy diamond and branch looked at each other and needed to figure out why poppy acted like this*
*two days later*
*Poppy was sitting on branch's bed, staring off into space*
Branch: Hey uh poppy?
*Poppy looked at branch*
Poppy: Oh hey branch what's up?
Branch: Okay well we- we need to talk
Poppy (nervously): *eyes widen and starts sweating* a- about what?
Branch: Don't worry it's just about how you acted two days ago
Poppy: Oh...right but branch i'm-
Branch: Look i know it wasn't your fault that you acted like that the reason i want to know is...why?
*Branch asked her as he sat next to her and wrapped his arm around her waist*
Poppy: Because i want you around
Branch: Poppy i know there's anything bothering you, i have to know
Poppy: I'm fine branch i swear
*poppy got up off the bed*
Branch: well it looks like you're not gonna be sleeping with me tonight
*Then Poppy stopped in her tracks and looked at branch scared*
Poppy: why? d- did i do something wrong?
Branch: no you didn't do anything wrong, i just wanna know what's bothering you
Poppy: Branch i told you nothing's- *sighs defeated* forget it...i need some rest
*Poppy goes onto the bed and falls asleep*
*Branch glanced at poppy worriedly, if only he knew what was wrong with her*
*The next day*
Biggie: Did you manage to find out what's wrong with her branch?
Branch: No she wouldn't tell me, usually she's like an open book about what's wrong but...this is the first time she never told me what's going on with her
Barb: Okay but maybe just some advice but you could get try to get tell popsqueak what's wrong
Branch: What do you want me to do? force her to tell the truth-?
Barb: NO! I want you to tell popsqueak that you love her so much, that you would do just about anything to cheer her up...
Branch: Barb? Were you being...Soft?
Barb:...Don't you dare tell popsqueak about this or i'll kill you
Branch: *rolls eyes* alright i'll see what i can do to cheer her up
*Branch goes to find poppy when he spotted a guitar and that's when he got an idea*
*In branch's bedroom*
*Poppy was sitting on his bed, feeling a bit sad until she saw branch come in playing a guitar*
Branch: We're far apart in every way
Branch: But you're the best part of my day
Branch: And sure as I breathe the air
Branch: I know we are the perfect pair
Branch: On a prickly path that goes on for miles
Branch: But it's worth it just to see you smile
*Branch caressed her cheek and brushed her bangs out of her face and poppy looked at him and she smiled sweetly*
Branch: And I cannot be pulled apart
Branch: From the hold you have on my heart
Branch: And even if the world tells us it's wrong
Branch: You're in my head like a catchy song
Poppy: Branch...did you write that?
Branch: Yeah, care to sing along?
Poppy: Sure
Branch: The seasons change
Poppy: and leaves may fall
Branch: But I'll be with you through them all
Poppy: And rain or shine, you'll always be mine
Branch and Poppy: On a prickly path that goes on for miles
Branch and Poppy: You're the only one who makes it all worthwhile
Branch and Poppy: And you should not blame me, too
Branch and Poppy: If I can't help fallin' in love with you...
Branch and Poppy: You're in my head like a catchy song
Branch and Poppy: On a prickly path that goes on for miles
Branch and Poppy: You're a shootin' star who makes all my dreams come true
Branch: out of everyone you're the most extraordinary of the bunch
Poppy: and you will always hold the most special place in my heart
Branch and Poppy: On a prickly path that goes on for miles
Branch and Poppy: i will always be right by your side
Branch: Because you're in my head like a catchy song
*Branch strummed the last chord and he put the guitar on the bed*
Poppy: wow branch...thanks for cheering me up
Branch: You're welcome
Poppy: *sighs* Okay i think it's about time i tell you what's wrong
Branch: What is it?
Poppy: Ever since you were gone to get the trolls back to their pods...at first i was calm...but the more you were gone...the more i got worried i thought that...i was afraid you would get lost out there too
*Poppy admitted as she looked at the ground sadly*
Branch: Hey...poppy look at me
*Branch grabs her hands and she looks at him*
Branch: I know you were scared when i wasn't here but it's okay if we ever got separated i will always find a way back to you angel
*Poppy smiles and hugs branch and he hugs back*
Poppy: I Love you branchie
Branch: I Love you too angel
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