Molly (voice-over): Holidays...the great days of getting together to do special things, everybody has a favourite holiday but my favourite holiday is...Trollmas!
Molly: Now there is entirely no doubt that trollmas is a hair-load spectacular holiday! and i invited 3 special guests to join us, who i admit are amazing, Ladies and Gentle-trolls Please welcome your special guests! Esmie, Luna (not my ali-human sister who is also named luna) and Skip!
*Esmerald, Luna and skip walk in*
Esmerald: Hi everybody!
Luna: Hey guys!
Skip: Hello!
Molly: OMG guys i'm so excited for trollmas what about you guys?
Esmerald: Same as you molly i'm super excited! *squeals*
Luna: Yeah we're all just as excited as you and esmerald
Skip: So am i! i can't wait to celebrate trollmas with you guys!
Molly: Me too! and catch a special moment on camera
Skip: *Gasps* are we catching Santa troll on camera?
Molly: No- well that too yeah- but no! we are going to try and capture a broppy kiss on cam
Molly: Esmie? you got the camera
Esmerald: Yep *pulls out her tablet*
Luna: Same here *pulls out a camera*
Molly: Excellent! now off to the trollmas party, follow me fellas
*esmerald, luna and skip follow molly to her mom's pod*
*at poppy's pod*
Molly: Okay guys we are here to capture a broppy kiss, now whatever you do keep your eyes peeled for them
Skip: got it
Esmerald: Oh! i see poppy!
Molly: you do? where?!
Esmerald: Over there!
*molly spots poppy over at the refreshments table*
*molly smirks deviously while rubbing her hands together*
Molly: Fellas? Operation; Catch a broppy kiss on camera is a go
Molly: Esmie you go distract poppy, Luna you go find some mistletoe to hang over their heads, and skip and I will go find branch
Esmerald: sounds like a plan
Luna: Got it!
Skip: Lovin' this plan so far molly
Molly: Okay and Break!
*the group split to go do their tasks*
*With esmerald*
Esmerald: Hey poppy!
Poppy: Oh hi esmerald! i didn't know you'd be here! did molly invite you?
Esmerald: Yeah!
Poppy: *chuckles* well she gets her invite skills from her mama
Esmerald: Yep!
Poppy: by the way how's ocean?
Esmerald (stammering): uh h- he's good, good, good we're all good *smiles nervously*
Poppy (thinking): Yep she's got a crush on him
*Meanwhile with Luna*
*luna was looking around for a tree that had any mistletoe on it*
Luna: c'mon where is it?
*luna spots a mistletoe on the ground*
Luna: Aha! perfect! Broppy kiss here we come
*meanwhile with skip and molly*
*molly and skip were sneaking around the party looking for branch*
Skip: Ah! molly i see him!
Molly: Perfect! now let's lead him to poppy
Branch: guys you know i can hear you two right?
Skip: Oh
Molly: right
Skip:...d'ya wanna go see poppy
Branch: Sure
*molly and skip high five*
Skip: She's over the refreshments table talking to esmerald
*as soon as branch went to go see poppy, molly pulled out a walkie talkie*
Molly (talking into the walkie talkie): guys! branch is going to poppy get the cameras out!
*branch came over to poppy and esmerald*
Branch: Hey guys whatcha doing?
Esmerald: Nothing...Gotta go! *dashes away to meet up with luna, molly and skip*
Branch: Ookay
Branch: By the way poppy i'm glad we could get to celebrate this moment together
Poppy: Awe thank you branch, you're so sweet
*then a mistletoe dangled above their heads and they blushed*
Molly (whispering): Okay guys this is it! esmie! luna! get the cameras!
*esmerald pulls out her tablet and goes into camera mode and starts recording while luna starts recording*
Molly: okay we're ready
*then branch and poppy slowly start to lean in close to each other and they kiss underneath the mistletoe*
*meanwhile, esmerald and luna got the whole thing on camera and they stop recording once they pull out of the kiss*
Molly: Guys we did it! we caught our first broppy kiss on cam!
Esmerald: me and luna will send you the footage, i have GOT to show ocean this
Molly: why? is it 'cause you Love him?
Esmerald (blushing): Wh- no! who told you that?!
Molly (laughing): Oh my Gosh you're so in love! maybe we should catch you and ocean kissing next!
*molly, esmerald, luna and skip laugh together*
A/N: Skip and luna belong to SkipTheZurroDragon and Esmerald and Ocean belong to EsmeraldLovesBroppy
A/N #2: Also SkipTheZurroDragon I didn't know whether to add your OC skip or your trollsona so i added in both if you don't mind
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