*Molly was asleep on her mother's bed as she purred in her sleep until*
Branch: PUP!
*Molly yowled in surprise and fell off the bed*
Molly: *groans* Branch! you gotta warn someone before you do that! you scared the ever-living heck out of me
Branch: Sorry but have you seen your mom anywhere?
Molly: Nope i woke up and she was gone
Branch: Molly...
Molly: Hey i'm not lyin' bro she left and i dunno where she went and there's nothing you can do to tell me
Branch: Molly if you tell me the truth you get...this
*Branch holds up a muffin*
Molly:...you know me WAY too well
Molly: Okay so i was getting ready for bed and mom tells me that she's going on some retreat to get away from trollstopia and she told me not to tell you...unless you bribed me with muffins she also told me to NEVER EVER tell the village she went on the retreat and since then *blows raspberries* she didn't come back...Okay now gimme the muffin
*Branch hands her the muffin and she eats it*
Branch: So what you're saying is that your mom is missing and you shouldn't never tell anyone except me in case i bribe you?
Molly (Mouthful): Dude...i just told you that *swallows the muffin*
Branch: *Grabs molly by her wings* Okay molly this is very VERY important do you have a map?
Molly: Yeah but can you not hold my wings like that it's hecking painful
*branch lets go of molly's wings and she grabs the map*
Molly: Okay here's the map, she said she went about...here
*molly points to a forest on the map*
Branch: Pup your mom could be in serious trouble!
Molly:...oh sheesh i didn't think about that
Branch: okay pup we got a job to do...we're going after your mom
*In the bunker*
*Molly and Branch gathered some supplies to go find poppy*
Branch: Okay pup you ready?
Molly: Born ready bud
Molly: Now let's find poppy
*Branch and molly got out of the bunker with their supplies and headed to the forest to begin their quest to find poppy*
*Poppy wandered through the forest looking around nervously until she saw something that looked like legs*
Poppy: wait is that...Cooper?!
*Poppy runs to the legs hoping it was cooper but it wasn't...it was honking birds*
Poppy: Oh! uh...hi?
*the honking birds look at poppy before they begin honking at her, startling her and she runs away terrified and she hid behind a tree sliding down it to sit down and catch her breath*
Poppy: Well at least it can't get any worse
*Then a storm showed up as rain poured down*
*then lightning nearly hit her and she yelped and ran away into a cave but she wasn't looking where she was going and she tripped and she passed out*
*Molly and branch were pushing against the wind thanks to molly who was gripping her claws into the ground*
Branch: Poppy!
Molly: Poppy!
*Molly looked and saw the same cave poppy wandered into*
Molly: In there! Hurry!
*Molly and Branch ran into the cave*
Branch: Oh boy...we're never gonna-
*branch suddenly froze he heard breathing*
Branch: Pup? d- did you hear that?
Molly: Yeeah?
*then branch peeked a corner and he gasped*
Molly: What is it?
*Molly peeked around the corner and her eyes widened*
*it was poppy and she was unconscious on the ground*
Molly and Branch: Poppy!
*Molly and branch rushed over to poppy*
Branch: Poppy are you alright?
*Poppy's eyes opened slightly*
Poppy (Weakly): guys?
Molly: yeah what happened? how in the hair did you get in here
Poppy:*sits up slightly* I- i was walking around and there was a storm and i ran in here but i wasn't looking where i was going
Branch: well we're glad your okay but you shouldn't run away like that without telling everyone where you're going
*branch told poppy as he put his hands on her shoulders*
Poppy (tearfully): *sighs* I know...i'm sorry guys it's just that i was under so much pressure and i needed a break from the village and i should have just told them i needed a break a- and
Branch: Hey poppy...it's okay if you ever want to take a break come to me just don't run off when you want to take a break from the village
Poppy: *giggles* I promise branch
*Poppy hugs branch*
Branch: Now let's get you home
*suddenly lightning struck and they yelped, huddled together*
Branch:...as soon once the storm lets up
Molly and Poppy: agreed
*eventually the storm let up and they made it back to trollstopia*
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