Trolls/ HTTYD Crossover
This crossover was requested by Chipmunklover16. Never done a crossover before. I'll do my best.
Long ago, in a mysterious forest, there lived a boy named Branch. He had been collecting supplies for his home when suddenly, and a dark shadow loomed over him. He looked up at the giant and asked with a trembling voice, "Who are you? What do you want from me?" She frowned. " I have been watching you for a long time. You have disturbed my peace, and now you shall pay!" Then, as his punishment, she cast a spell on him so he would always remain half human, half dragon.
Ten terrible years later.....
Branch was trudging through a forest, looking for more supplies. After 10 years of being half human, half dragon, he had gotten used to life like this. He was nearing his bunker when he suddenly heard a voice. Due to the spell, he transformed into a dragon on instinct. Then he heard singing. It belonged to a female, no doubt. Then a girl walked into his view. "Hey!" She sang. "I'm not giving up today! There's nothing getting in my way! And if you knock, knock me over, I will get back up ag- AAAAHHHH!!!" She screamed when she saw him. "Stay back! Don't hurt me!" He went back to his human self. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just thought you were a predator. I'm Branch. What's your name, and what are you doing out here?" "I'm Poppy and I was on my way home. How did you transform like that?" He frowned and looked away. Talking about his past was something he did not like doing. He sighed.
"Ten years ago, I was in this forest when suddenly a giant appeared before me. Apparently, I "disturbed her peace" so she cast a spell on me as a punishment. It made me a half dragon, half human forever." For some reason, telling Poppy about his past made Branch feel better. He smiled a little. All of a sudden, he collapsed. "Woah, are you okay?!" Poppy asked. He groaned. "Yeah, I think it's just a small bug." "No, it's not. You're coming with me." He raised an eyebrow. "Where?" She rolled her eyes. "My home, silly!" Normally he would disagree, but he was too weak. "Okay fine. Which way do we go?" She pointed east. "Why?" Before she could finish, he converted himself into his dragon form. "Does this answer your question?" She nodded. "Cool. Hop on." She hesitated for a moment. "Are you sure it's safe?" He smiled." Of course."
As they flew through the sky, Poppy cried out, "Why....... so......... bumpy!" He chuckled. "Just because it's safe doesn't mean it's not bumpy! Calm down, we're almost there." As if on cue, he swooped down, landing in a small grove of trees. Poppy jumped off and looked around the village, while he returned to his usual form. Poppy smiled and pulled him into a group of people. "Hey, guys!" Once they saw her, smiles wider than tree trunks appeared on their faces. "POPPY!" They screamed, almost running her over. Branch stayed hidden, watching from behind. "Okay guys, calm down. I have a new friend to introduce." She looked back at him, mentioning for him to show himself. "Hey everybody," He smiled nervously, afraid he would do something wrong. They stared at him, causing him to become frightened. Without thinking, he became a dragon. Everyone screamed and drew weapons, ready to attack. "No, wait! He's innocent!" Poppy yelled. "He was turned into a half dragon, half human by an evil giant. I promise he's not dangerous!" "Okay fine. If you say so. Our names are Cooper, Smidge, Satin, Chenille, Biggie, Guy Diamond, and DJ Suki. We call ourselves the Snack Pack. What's your name and how'd you get like that?" "Well, it all began ten years ago....."
By the time he finished his story, he noticed that the Snack Pack were all staring at him with an admiring gaze. He sighed. "So now I'm stuck like this for eternity." "No, you won't," DJ spoke up. He raised an eyebrow at her, wondering what she had in mind. They all looked at each other as if they were all thinking the same thing. "Because we're gonna find that giant." Guy Diamond said. "You know where she lives right?" Poppy asked. He nodded. "Why?" "Because we're gonna find her and make her un-curse you." Branch's eyes widened. "Oh no. I can't risk getting you guys in danger." "Especially Poppy," a voice in his head said, but he pushed it away. "No," Guy Diamond said. "You're our friend now, and friends help each other out. Now, where does she live?" "We're all going with you. There's no changing that." Poppy said. "Branch doesn't deserve this," her mind stated. "He's too sweet and cute and- wait a minute! What am I thinking?" She quickly added, "Because you're one of us now." He opened his mouth to argue but closed it when he realized he was outnumbered. "Fine. We leave tomorrow morning."
The next morning, the sun was up early and so was Poppy. She had been awake the entire night, thinking about the promise she made to Branch. She looked over at him. He was sleeping in a bed not too far from him, with a small smile on his lips. For some strange reason, every time she looked at him, she could feel her cheeks heating up and a longing ache in her chest. "Why do I feel like this? Why is it only when I see Branch?" Before she could answer her own questions, he awoke. He yawned and stretched his arms and legs. Poppy couldn't help but notice his firm and compact body. She was so deep in thought, she didn't realize he had opened his eyes and was staring at her. "Uh, Poppy?" He asked. The sound of his voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Oh, uh, yeah?" "Are you okay?" "Uh, yeah, I'm fine! Why?" He shrugged. "I don't know. You just seemed lost. You sure you're okay?" She nodded and smiled wide, showing her teeth. "Okay, well maybe we should start packing up." She nodded eagerly and began helping him prepare for their journey. Once they finished, they went outside where the Snack Pack was waiting for them, and they set off.
As they ventured deeper into the forest, Branch explained how the giant looked like. "She was tall, had purple skin, and was wearing a white uniform with a white hat." Although several hours had passed, it didn't seem like they were getting any closer. The Snack Pack and Poppy were exhausted, but they didn't want to show it. Even so, Branch noticed. "You guys are tired, and it's gonna be dark soon. We should set up camp." He pointed to a small area by a cree-no, river. Yeah, river. "Let's stay there for the night." He made each a bed, and a small campfire. "Wow. How do you know how to do this, Branch?" Satin asked. "Well, I have been a survivalist for the past 15 years. I taught myself how to survive since I had nobody. It's getting late, we should get to sleep." They eventually all went to sleep, except for one. Poppy. Ever since she met him, she couldn't get her mind off of Branch. "Why can't I get my mind of him?" She stood up, careful not to wake anybody up. She began to go for a walk, but then a voice stopped her dead in her tracks.
"Said all I want from you is to see you tomorrow, and every tomorrow maybe you'd let me borrow your heart. Is it too much to ask for every Sunday, and while we're at it throw in every other day, to start. I know people make promises, all the time, then they turn right around and break them. When someone cuts your heart, open with a knife, now your bleeding. But I could be that guy, to heal it over time, and I won't stop until you believe it, cause baby you're worth it. So......." Poppy watched in shock as she saw Branch singing softly by the river, staring at his own reflection. She wanted to sing with him, but remained hidden, listening to his angelic voice. "Don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me. Cause you might look around and find your dreams come true with me. Spent all your time and your money just to find out that my love was free. So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. Fall, yeah. Now how 'bout I be the last voice you hear tonight, and every other night, for the rest of the nights that there are. Every morning, I just wanna see you staring back at me, cause I know that's a good place to start. I know people make promises, all the time, then they turn right around and break them. When someone cuts your heart, open with a knife, now your bleeding. Don't you know I could be that guy, to heal it over time, and I won't stop until you believe it. Cause baby you're worth it. So....... don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me. Cause you might look around and find your dreams come true with me. Spend all your time and money just to find out that my love was free. So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. Not such a bad thing to fall in love....... No, I, won't fill your mind with broken promises and wasted time. And if you fall, you'll always land right in these arms, these arms of mine. Don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me. Cause you might look around and find your dreams come true with me. Spent all your time and money just to find out that my love was free. So don't act like it's a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. It's not a bad thing to fall in love with me, me. Not such a bad thing to fall in love with me..........
Poppy was so mesmerized by his voice, she didn't realize that he had begun to leave. Immediately, she quickly ran back to her bed, making sure not to attract any attention. Soon, Branch came back to their spot. He looked around, making sure everyone was still asleep, before going back to his bed. As for Poppy, she pretended to be asleep, but on the inside, she was pretty excited. She's never heard an angelic voice like his before. She closed her eyes, playing the song over and over in her mind, drifting, drifting, drifting, until suddenly her eyes popped open. It took her a minute to realize she had fallen asleep. She yawned and sat up, stretching her arms. The Snack Pack and Branch were all seated around the fire, eating some type of fruit. Still a bit tired, she staggered towards the rest and sat down. Branch walked over to her, handing her a few pieces of fruit and a container full of water. "Here," He said. "Last night, I looked around and found some food. They're safe to eat, in case you're wondering. Eat up, we need energy for the rest of our trip."
"Agh" Poppy whimpered. Even though she just woke up, she felt tired. She hung behind the group, not wanting to attract attention. Unfortunately for her, Branch noticed. "Are you okay Poppy? You seem tired." "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a bit sleepy I guess." He raised an eyebrow. "Okay, but if you need something, tell me, alright?" She nodded. It seemed that after about an hour, she became more awake. Little by little, she managed to make her way to where Branch was. He seemed lost in thought as if he was mapping out the forest in his mind. "Hey Branch?" Poppy asked. "Yeah?" She wanted to ask him who he was singing about, but she could, he shushed her. "I think it's near. Poppy, you and the Snack Pack should stay back. I think we close." "You're right, you are close, TO YOUR DEATH, DEATH, DEATH!" A voice. (A/N It's not Cloud Guy.) They all looked up to see the giant. She looked exactly as Branch described her. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" Biggie screamed. She huffed. "I am Chef. I told him before, he has disturbed the peace in my forest. Apparently, that spell didn't teach you, so now your friends will pay!" Before she could make a move, she was interrupted by a low growl. There was Branch, in his dragon form. His blue eyes were glowing. "DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT!" She was slightly taken back, but she quickly ignored it. "Fine. I'll just hurt the princess." This made him even more furious. "YOU TOUCH HER, I'LL KILL YOU!" He screamed. She began to reach for Poppy, but Branch slammed into her, knocking her over.
Chef stood up, staring at him. "You've gotten stronger, so we'll see how strong you are!" Enraged, he continued slamming into her. She tried to block his attacks, but he was too fast. While he was fighting, he yelled to the Snack Pack, "Go! Hide somewhere safe!" "No!" Poppy yelled. "We're staying right here!" "GO!" He yelled. "Come on Poppy!" DJ yelled. Poppy had no choice but to hide behind a thick and tall tree, watching the fight. Meanwhile, Chef was becoming weaker and weaker with the blows Branch was giving her. "She tumbled down a small hill. "It's weird." She told him. "Why would you risk your life to save her's?" "BECAUSE I LOVE HER!" He screamed. At that point, he had reached his limit. He bit into her foot, lifting her into the air. Using all his strength, he launched her far away, towards a mountain on the distance. Once she was gone, he plopped back onto the ground, looking up to see the Snack Pack all staring at him. He expected them to be scared of him, but he couldn't have been more wrong. Those looks they gave him were of respect and admiration, except for Poppy. She was staring at him with a dreamy gaze. He waved his hand in front of her face. "Are you okay? She snapped out of it. "Yeah, just wondering what you meant when you screamed, 'BECAUSE I LOVE HER!'"? He blushed. "Because it's the truth," She smiled and began leaning in until she remembered the Snack Pack was still there. As if reading her mind, he covered them with his hair. "Now?" He smirked. She smiled. "Now," The two leaned in, sharing a passionate kiss. Soon, they broke apart due to their lack of oxygen. He uncovered them to find the Snack Pack smiling like maniacs. "Come on. Let's go home."
Soon, they arrived at the village. One by one, they all said their goodbyes and went home. Branch and Poppy went back to her home. She smiled. "You know, it's kinda weird to think this all started with me being scared by you." He chuckled and pecked her forehead. "Well yeah, but for right now, the only thing that matters is that we get some sleep." She giggled. "And that we're together." He nodded. "And that we're together."
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