Two days without you
A/N: Just wanna say this is kinda inspired by one of _TMAG_ oneshots cause um fricking t a l en t
Anyways enjoy hA
Also, this is long as hell so sorry (well I'm not really sorry cause I worked hard on this but eh)
Poppy and Branch were currently not on good terms.
In fact, they were on bad terms.
Ever since they had last argued, they haven't been talking to each other for the longest time.
Poppy had started seeing someone for a few days, and after a week, they were finally going out.
The troll's name was Dillan, a white troll with brown hair, and Branch didn't like him one bit.
Of course the snack pack was happy for the two, but Branch was not at all fazed.
But, because he was Poppy's best friend, he tried his hardest to be happy for her. Not them, just her.
Then it started to get to the point Poppy got pretty close with Dillan and would just be nowhere to be seen, except with him.
Branch had lost it.
A few weeks before...
Branch walked over to the Pink Troll's pod and stood in front of the door for what seemed like an eternity.
'Am I really about to do this.', he thought.
Then, after waiting for a few minutes, he knocked on the door.
A few seconds after he knocked, he swore he could hear giggling and chuckling and something along the lines of, "You cutie!", making him regret he ever collided his knuckles with that door.
But before he could even move, the door had opened, revealing the Queen herself.
"Oh, hi Branch!" She said with a wide smile.
"Hey Pops.. uh.. can we talk?" Branch rubbed the back of his neck slightly, feeling small droplets of sweat forming on it.
"Yeah, of course! What's up?" She asked, completely oblivious to his nervous behaviour.
Branch peeked over to see Dillan sitting on a couch, watching them communicate.
"..Can we go somewhere more private?" He whispered so Dillan wouldn't hear.
Before she could even respond, Branch grabbed her hand and walked her over to a nearby tree.
"Okay, what's going on?" Poppy had a more stern tone in her voice, putting her hands on her hips.
Branch sighed and rubbed the side of his forehead. He didn't know how to say what he wanted to say without somehow 'offending' her.
"Poppy, look, I.. about your boyfriend-"
"Right, well.. he.. he just.."
Poppy started at him intently, getting a little impatient.
"He just what?"
Branch took another deep sigh.
"I just feel like he's taking you away from us! From me! Okay?" Branch quickly looked away, thinking she thought he was being ridiculous.
Poppy just stood there silent, not knowing how to reply to what she just heard.
"You.. I... what?" That was all she got out.
"You heard me, Pops.." He looked back at her.
"Branch, these past few weeks no one, not even you, has complained about me and Dillan being in a relationship, and now all of a sudden you feel the need to do so?"
"What?! I-I'm not complaining! I just feel like these days all you ever do is just hang out with him!"
"Well he's my boyfriend, of course I'm gonna be hanging out with him a lot! I really like him, Branch!"
When she said she really liked him, that just made the blue troll want to run away and hide forever, like he did when he was gray.
"Well, what about us huh? You just seem to care and appreciate him more than you do with us."
"Now you're just making stuff up."
"Really? Because a few days ago I remember asking you if you wanted to watch a movie, and you said yes, but you never even came. Where were you, I wondered? Oh yeah, with him. And you even missed Suki's birthday party. Isn't she one of your best friends?"
Poppy stopped talking and looked down at the ground, feeling complete shame.
"I can't believe you would choose him over us." Branch muttered.
Poppy's shame quickly went away and she looked at him with a hint of anger.
"Don't you dare say that about him, he is a sweet and loving troll and he has been nothing but kind to me! Honestly Branch! I'm just starting to think you're just jealous of me and Dillan, because nobody has come to me saying this stuff except you!"
Branch just blankly stared at her.
"Look what he's done to you. This isn't you at all. You've changed." He felt he was at the brink of tears, and let out a shaky laugh.
"No, I'm still me and I always have been, Branch. You have no right to come and tell me how I should be in my relationships. In fact, if you can't accept that I love Dillan, I don't think we can be friends anymore."
Branch was just completely silent at this point. He kept his blank stare towards her, not saying a word. All he saw in her eyes was anger, and disappointment.
"Fine." That was all he said, before taking a few steps back, before turning around.
Poppy didn't even say anything, and just turned and made her way back to her pod.
Branch turned around to see her gone.
That was it.
Things were never gonna be the same again from there.
And it was all his fault.
Present day...
Branch, exhausted and still upset as ever, heard a knock at his bunker door, and let out the most miserable groan. He hadn't done that since he was Gray.
His colors were slightly dull, and he went to the lever and pulled it up.
Once he got to the top he opened the door to see Guy Diamond, with a huge grin on his face.
"Heya Branch! I was wondering if-"
He stopped talking as he noticed his colors were slightly dull than they were before.
"Still feeling down?" He asked in a soft voice.
"What do you think." He gave him one of the most blank stares and voices. It had almost been a month and he was still not over the past events he had caused.
"Come on bud, you can't stay like this forever!"
"I have for twenty years now. I can do it again." Branch replied blankly.
"Poppy was probably just mad, she'll come talk to you again sooner or later!"
"Guy, it's been almost an entire month. She wants nothing, to do with me. Now leave me alone, I don't wanna talk about this anymore." Branch was about to close the door, but Guy quickly grabbed it and held it open.
"Just hear me out, please?" Guy asked.
Branch stared at him, not really wanting to hear what else he had to say, but Guy was one of his good friends, and he seemed pretty serious right now, so he gave in.
Guy smiled a bit hearing that.
"Me, DJ and everyone else were planning to go camping for a few days, and we were wondering if you wanted to come with us."
Branch thought about it for a second.
What if Poppy's there? Well, he didn't really mention her so she's probably not. I mean I won't be surprised if she isn't anyway, she's probably just drooling all over Dillan.
"Um, sure Guy. That sounds nice."
Guy's smile grew wider. He was finally gonna get his buddy to come out again.
"Great! Pack your stuff because we're leaving during sunset which is in a few hours. I have sleeping bags covered and Suki has food covered so you don't have to worry about any of that."
Branch felt himself begin to smile a bit.
"Alright. See you then Guy."
"See ya bro!" Guy gave Branch a quick hug and pat on the back and walked away, humming a tune.
Branch closed the door and went back down into his bunker.
This might actually be fun. He thought.
A few hours later...
Branch had just finished packing his things and checked to make sure he wasn't forgetting anything.
"Gary? Check. Map? Check. Water? Check. Books? Check. Flashlight? Check. Positive attitude? Check.. I guess."
He held his bag over his shoulders and went to his lever and pulled himself up to the door.
He opened the door and immediately saw Guy with that same wide grin.
"GAH!! Guy don't do that!" Branch held his forehead and climbed out his bunker, locking the door.
"Sorry bro. You ready to go?" Guy asked him.
"Yeah, sure."
Guy smiled and he led them to where everyone was at, which was near the woods.
"Branch! Glad you could make it." DJ smiled at him.
"Yeah, I-" Branch swore he felt his heart stop when he saw a familiar pink and white troll talking together.
They seemed like they were enjoying themselves a lot, too.
Quickly, Branch went to look for Guy, getting more anxiety with every step.
"Guy!" He whisper-yelled.
Guy turned to him, completely oblivious.
"Ye?" He responded.
"You didn't tell me they were gonna be here!" Branch continued whisper-yelling while nudging his head slightly to where Poppy and Dillan were.
Guy looked at them then back at the dull blue troll.
"Well if I did you would've said no. And she asked me if she could come, I couldn't just say no. Plus, it's not like they're gonna talk to you anyway, you'll be fine."
Branch groaned and turned around, making his way back to his bunker.
"Hey!" Guy grabbed him with his hair and pulled him back.
"I'm doing this for you, don't you realize that? We're, doing this for you. I really don't want to see one of my best friends be miserable and go gray again. So please, just stay?" Guy at this point began to beg. He really cared about Branch's well being, even if it didn't show sometimes.
Branch looked over at Poppy and Dillan, before looking back at Guy.
Finally, he sighed.
"Okay, fine. But I'm staying away from them at all causes, just know that." He pointed out in a firm tone.
Guy smiled once again.
"That's perfectly fine, whatever makes you comfortable." He patted his shoulder, then went over to everyone else.
"Okay gang, let's get going!" Guy shouted to everyone, as they all began making their way into the woods, Branch following behind slowly.
It was nighttime, and everyone was getting their things settled for the night.
"Thanks guys for coming, especially you Poppy. It's been a while since we've spent time with you." Guy smiled at Poppy.
"You're welcome Guy. I thought about it and, I have maybe been not talking to you guys a lot. It feels good to be doing this again with you all." Poppy returned the smile.
"And I'm glad I get to be here with you all." Dillan wrapped his arm around Poppy, making her roll her eyes playfully and smile wider. Truth was, he only came because Poppy came, but of course he didn't let anyone know that.
Branch just sat by himself, trying not to burst right then and there. There was so much he wanted to say but he couldn't.
"Well I guess we should all get to sleep then, huh? Goodnight guys!" Guy said to everyone before getting his sleeping bag ready, as so did everyone else.
Branch didn't move an inch, he just played with the grass near him.
His ear twitched a bit when he heard quiet giggles, and he turned to his left to see Dillan peppering Poppy's face in kisses.
"Dillan stoopppp!" Poppy giggled some more.
"Never." He smirked and continued coating her face with love.
Branch held a frown on his face and climbed into his sleeping bag slowly.
She looks so happy with him. Why didn't just keep my stupid mouth shut and be happy for her like I should've been. Now I ruined our relationship with each other for good.
He turned to the opposite and blinked away his tears, basically forcing himself to go to sleep.
"Well, I'm gonna lay down now." Dillan kissed Poppy's cheek and went to his sleeping bag.
Poppy smiled at him then turned to look to where Branch was.
Thinking he was asleep, she stared at him from behind, for a good five to seven minutes.
She quickly stopped when she heard Dillan call to her.
"You comin?" He asked, already snuggled in his sleeping bag.
"O-Oh, uh, yeah." She got up and went into a sleeping bag next to Dillan.
"You know, there's plenty more room in my sleeping bag if you wanna come in." Dillan joked and smirked.
"Shut up." She chuckled, closing her eyes. "Goodnight Dillan."
"Goodnight Poppy." He smiled, closing his eyes as well.
The next day, everyone was up and ready for what activities were planned.
But before they did anything, they were all eating breakfast sandwiches, provided by Suki.
"Mmm, these are really good DJ!" Smidge took another bite out of her sandwich.
"Thanks! If I'm not DJ'ing, I like to cook a lot." DJ smiled, eating a sandwich of her own.
"So what are we doing today Guy?" Biggie asked Guy Diamond.
"Well I was thinking we could go exploring, I heard there's some beautiful places around these woods." Guy smiled.
"That sounds great!" Poppy smiled.
After everyone was done eating, they all grabbed the things they wanted to bring with them while exploring.
"Okay, let's go glitter people! If you wanna go into different paths at some point you can, but we all meet back at this exact spot, okay?"
Everyone nodded.
"Then let's get explori-i-i-i-i-ing!" Guy said in his autotuned voice, starting down the path in front of him.
Everyone followed and stopped down the same path for a while.
"Hey, let's go somewhere else. I'm bored." Dillan whispered to Poppy.
"Oh, but I wanted to-"
"Come on Poppyyyy." Dillan slightly shook her arm.
Poppy just sighed and gave in.
Dillan smiled and grabbed her hand and took her somewhere else.
Branch followed along when he slightly looked to his right, seeing the two walk off somewhere.
He just rolled his eyes slightly and continued walking.
"Dillan, I think we went a bit too far.." Poppy said in a bit of a worried voice.
"I'm sure it's fine, besides that glitter dude said meet back at the same spot, he doesn't mind us being gone."
"I guess."
They kept walking when Poppy saw a beautiful sight.
There were flowers and butterflies everywhere, and a small pond was nearby, gleaming in its glory by the sun's rays.
"Wow.. this.. this is beautiful.." Poppy looked around, astonished.
"See? I told you it would be fine." Dillan smiled, wrapping an arm around her.
Poppy smiled and leaned into him, taking in the wonderful sight.
Dillan pulled away from her after a few minutes.
"Hey, I'll be back, okay?" Dillan said to her.
"Oh, uh, okay." Poppy replied.
Dillan smiled and walked off somewhere, leaving Poppy there, waiting.
Branch decided he was getting tired of everyone's blabbering, and wanted a bit of time to himself, so he took a different path.
He looked around at the nature before him, smiling a bit. He had a great interest in nature, so he enjoyed this a bit.
He continued walking and looking until he bumped into someone, who seemed to be walking his way.
"Sorry, I-" The Pink troll stopped talking when she saw him.
Branch didn't even say a word. He just stared at her, not even knowing what to do. His heart was beating out of his chest and he felt like he was gonna have a panic attack right in front of her.
Poppy just acted like nothing happened, and quickly walked around him.
Branch turned to watch her walk off.
I guess she really hates me.
He turned around and continued to walk for about ten minutes, when he heard a scream.
He immediately stopped and turned around again, seeing some forest creatures surrounding Poppy from afar.
They were all growling at her, slowly moving towards her, as she slowly backed up into a tree.
Her first act was to use her hair and whack them with it, but that would make them more irritated and use their force on her, so she just stood back in fear.
"Dillan!" She yelled, closing her eyes.
Just then, a stick was thrown and hit at one of the creature's face, scratching it.
Poppy opened her eyes and saw the creatures were all looking at Branch, who was in a 'Come fight me like a troll' stance.
They all growled at him now and ran towards him with no hesitation.
Branch just cracked his knuckles and picked up one of the creatures with his hair and threw it at the rest of them, knocking them all down.
They didn't give up until he picked up the stick he threw at one of them earlier, whacking them with it.
Finally, they all yelped in fear and ran off, away into the distance.
Branch put the stick down, panting heavily.
Poppy just stood backed up against the tree, not knowing what to do or say.
Branch looked at her, clearly seeing the fear in her eyes.
Not thinking much of it, he slowly walked up to her, wanting to hug her, wanting to tell her everything was gonna be okay, when-
"Poppy?! Poppy, where are you?!" A faint masculine voice yelled.
Branch quickly stopped and turned to where the voice was coming from.
Dillan came running over to where they are, panting heavily.
"Oh my troll!" Dillan practically pushed Branch out of the way and checked to make sure she wasn't hurt anywhere.
"Dillan I'm fine.." She tried to reassure him but he didn't listen.
Then he saw a slightly large cut on her left arm.
He looked up at her.
"I fell." She said, seeing by him looking at her he was clearly questioning how the cut got there.
Dillan let go of her and turned to Branch, who had no emotion at all.
"What did you do." He pointed at him, walking towards him slowly.
Branch didn't answer and just stared at him.
"WHAT DID YOU DO!" He asked the same question, except he yelled it.
"Dillan stop it! He didn't do anything!" Poppy walked over to her angry boyfriend.
Dillan didn't listen.
"Poppy told me about what you said to her weeks ago. And ever since then I have not laid any of my trust in you." He continued.
Branch still didn't say anything, though he was pretty shocked when he heard Poppy told him, him, about their business. Now that got him heated up.
"If I see you near my girlfriend again-"
"DILLAN! Enough!" Poppy grabbed his arm.
Finally, he stopped, and just breathed deeply, glaring at Branch.
"I'll be watching you." Dillan muttered.
Nearby, they heard someone call for them, and out came Guy with the rest of the snack pack.
"Geez, you guys went far, it took us forever to find you. Anyway, we're getting ready to eat lunch, come on." Guy said, walking back.
Branch stood there for a second before taking a quick glance at Poppy.
Poppy looked at him, quivering a bit on the inside.
He slightly glared at her, remembering when Dillan said she spilled all of their business to him.
"Come on Pops." Dillan grabbed her hand, quickly walking away from Branch.
He didn't take her eyes off the queen for what seemed like forever, before eventually moving along, carrying his things.
The sun was setting, the fire was being made, and everyone was getting settled in again.
"Ah, this has been enjoyable. I hate that it all has to end tomorrow, though." Guy said, getting himself settled in.
"Yeah, thanks for this Guy, it's really been amazing." DJ smiled at him.
Guy returned the smile.
Poppy went to her spot when she noticed Branch, who slept across from her, was missing.
She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. Where did he go? Did he go home?
She tried not to think much of it and just laid down next to Dillan, getting cuddled up.
Poppy sighed and looked at Dillan.
"Dillan, what was earlier about?"
Dillan looked at her. "What do you mean?"
"You know what I mean. We could've just left right then and there."
Dillan looked at her like she was crazy. "He hurt you, Poppy."
"I already told you, he didn't lay a finger on me!" She confronted.
"Well still, I don't want him near you. After what you told me, definitely not."
Poppy sighed heavily, hiding her face, regretting some things.
Dillan noticed this and sighed. "Poppy, you know I love you."
Poppy didn't say anything and just turned to lay on her side.
"Goodnight, Dillan." She said, not speaking a word after that.
Dillan just turned on his side as well, and went to sleep.
Poppy woke up a few hours after her slumber. She had a dream that basically forced her to wake up, and it was currently one in the morning.
She looked across from her and saw branch, still missing from his spot.
Quickly, she got up out of her sleeping bag, and ran to go find him.
Meanwhile, Branch was walking around in the woods, trying to find his way back home, even though he had no idea where he was going.
"Why am I so stupid? I should've just stayed home." Branch mumbled, continuing to walk.
He realized he was completely lost now, and just sat down and laid against a tree.
"I'll just stay here. I honestly don't even care anymore." Branch closed his eyes, feeling himself break even more than he did before.
But his eyes opened back when he heard someone yell his name from a distance. He turned to the side to see a faded pink light coming his way, and the voice got closer.
As it got more closer he began to recognize it, and he begin thinking of getting up and running as far as he could, but he didn't.
As much as he wanted to, he just stayed there.
Then he saw her. Her hair was glowing pink.
"Branch!" Poppy said.
Branch just stared at her in disbelief and confusion.
She came back for him, after everything.
Nevertheless, everything inside of him still hurt.
"What are you doing out here.." She got closer to him.
"Why does it matter to you." He got up and began to walk off again.
"Branch, it's one in the morning. Of course if I see you gone at one in the morning I'm gonna wonder where you are." She followed him.
"You haven't been worried about me since we last talked, which was over a month ago now."
"Stop it."
"Oh why should I?!" Branch whipped around, now yelling, making Poppy stop everything.
"You know for a fact, it's true! When we argued, all I did was try to tell you how I felt, how I missed you, but I guess when it came to him, everything I said was just an insult! I was never trying to break you and Dillan up, I just missed you, okay?! And yeah, maybe I was jealous too! Really, really jealous!"
Poppy's eyes widened.
"Poppy.. ever since after we argued.. I have been mourning, mourning, for weeks. I have not been myself at all. All I wanted to do was just come see you. Your smile, your freckles, your laugh, your eyes, everything.. I longed to see that again. But after that day, I knew you didn't want anything to do with me anymore. And you probably still feel that way."
"And even though I was kind of mad when I heard you told Dillan about our conversation, I wasn't surprised either. I should've just kept my mouth shut and left you guys alone, even if it killed me on the inside. All I wished for was to see you happy, and you were, but I ruined that. And our friendship. For good." Branch turned his back to her.
"Branch.." Poppy said his name again.
"Please just... leave me alone." He started walking again.
"Branch, wait, please.. Branch!" She followed after him.
"DIDN'T YOU HEAR ME?!" He turned around, the tears now spilling out of his eyes. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALO-"
All went silent when a crack was heard from somewhere.
The two looked around as the crackling noise continued.
"What was that?" Poppy continued to look around, backing up near Branch.
Branch's ear twitched as he figured out where the sound was coming from, and he turned to his right.
The same creatures from earlier came out, except there were more of them, and they were bigger.
"Branch?!" Poppy yelled out, not knowing what to do.
"Stay back." He said in a low voice, stretching his hair to a tree and breaking off a large stick and pointed it towards them.
One of the creatures growled and bit onto the stick, as Branch took this opportunity and swung it around harshly, until it eventually flew off and hit a tree, knocked out.
The other creatures charged forward, ready to attack.
Branch grabbed Poppy by her side and stretched his hair up to a tree and sat her down carefully.
"What are you doing?" She asked him nervously.
"Stay up here, okay?" He urged her.
"What?! But, I can't just sit up here and watch-"
"I'll be fine. Just stay up here." He held her shoulders.
Poppy sighed and gave in, looking away.
Branch let go and jumped off, holding the large stick again.
"Come at me." He glared at the creatures.
After a few minutes of growling, scratching, and hitting, Branch had defeated most of them, except for just two more.
He felt himself get tired and weak, especially from some of the bites and scratches he had.
"Branch, behind you!" Poppy yelled.
"What?" Branch yelled back up at her when he felt something scratch deep into his side.
He groaned and fell to the ground, holding his side.
"NO!" Poppy had had enough, and jumped down from the tree and grabbed the stick.
She didn't hesitate to swing at the two creatures harshly, and as they were down, she pointed the stick at them.
"Leave." She said in a threatening tone.
And just like that, the two creatures had run off, back into the darkness.
Poppy dropped the stick and ran to where Branch was and kneeled down.
"Branch, Branch talk to me!" She held him gently by his head and his cheek.
"P-Poppy.." Branch let out a cough, breathing heavily.
"Listen to me, you're gonna be okay, okay?! Just keep your eyes open for me!" Poppy felt tears began to prick at the edges of her eyes, as she began to scream to the top of her lungs for help.
"It hurts, Poppy.." Branch said in a weak voice, gripping onto her hand.
"Shh, I know, I know.. I'm so sorry Branch.." The tears finally fell from her eyes, as she tried her hardest to stop the blood from leaving his body.
Just then, Poppy heard footsteps from afar come their way, making her turn her head.
"Poppy?!" Someone had called her.
"I-I'm over here!" She responded, and turned the glow in her hair on so they could see where she was.
Guy, Dillan, and the snack pack ran over to where they were, eyes widening at what they saw.
"What happened?!" Guy exclaimed.
"T-There were these creatures and.. h-he was trying to protect me from them, but then.." Poppy showed the scratch on Branch's side.
"Oh my troll.." DJ said in shock.
Guy quickly ripped off a piece of a large plant nearby and wrapped it around his side.
"That should hold him up for a bit. What were you two doing out here anyway? It's one am.." Guy said, watching as Branch breathed and heavily.
"Well.." Poppy sighs, "It's a long story.."
Guy nodded, understanding. "You can take him home if you want, I could tell he didn't really enjoy this trip anyway. I just wanted to make him feel better after.. yeah."
Poppy looked down, realizing what he meant.
"Okay.. well, um.. goodnight guys, sorry for waking you up.." Poppy picked Branch up and held him carefully, walking past them, not even looking at Dillan.
Dillan watched her as she walked away into the darkness, feeling a mix of emotions inside him.
Poppy had found her way into Branch's bunker and went into his room, carefully laying him down on his bed.
She sighed and sat next to him, tearing up again.
"Where do I even start.. Branch, I'm so, so, so, so, so, so sorry.. I was so stupid.. you were right, Dillan was changing me.. and I didn't even realize it because I was blinded by my love for him.. but after today and yesterday, I realized.. my heart doesn't belong to him."
Branch breathed more lightly and peacefully now.
"I hate myself so much right now, more than you probably think.. I had no right to tell Dillan our personal business like that, boyfriend or not.. and to be honest, I.. did kind of have a large crush on you before.. I just stopped because I thought it was pointless, I thought you didn't feel the same. You can't hear me right now, but.. I'm really and completely sorry.."
Poppy held his hand.
"I love you..."
She let go of his hand and slowly got up, going to the lever to make her exit.
"So you're just gonna leave me?"
The queen's ears quickly rose up as she heard this, and turned around to see Branch, a weak but loving smile on his face.
"I love you too Poppy, I always have."
Poppy began to tear up again.
"Oh Branch!" She ran over to him and tackled him in a hug, but made sure to be careful because of his side.
Branch buried his face in her neck and squeezed her tightly, never letting her go.
"I love you so so so so much.. I'm so sorry for everything..." Poppy buried her face in his chest.
"It's okay, and I'm sorry too." Branch rocked her gently in his arms, pressing his lips against her cheek.
"No, don't be, I should be the only one apologizing." Poppy rested her head against his chest, sighing softly as she felt his lips collide with her cheek.
Branch just stayed quiet and rested his chin on her head.
Poppy lifted her head from his chest and looked into his eyes, as he looked into hers.
They both leaned in slowly, closing their eyes, and pressed their lips against each other.
Branch slid his hand up against Poppy's cheek and stroked it gently, as Poppy wrapped her arms around his neck.
After a few minutes, they pulled away, and pressed their foreheads against each other, eyes still closed.
"I heard everything, by the way. And I forgive you for the one gazillionth time." Branch muttered.
Poppy smiled a goofy and wide smile and poked his non-injured side playfully.
"I love you Branchie." She opened her eyes and smiled at him.
"I love you too, Pops." He smiled back at her and kissed her nose. "And for the record, only I can call you Pops. It sounds better when I say it."
Poppy giggled and rolled her eyes playfully. "And only I can call you Branchie."
Branch's smile grew wider as he nuzzled his nose onto hers.
And that night and after, things were finally back to how they should be.
Poppy had broken up with Dillan the next day, and he ended up moving to Bergen town. (I'm sorry I-)
Branch and Poppy were together, and the Snack Pack was happy to finally see them as they should be. Happy.
A/N: Okay well that ending sucked ass
Anyways um I hope you enjoyed this long piece of shit (if you even made it this far lmaO) cause I sure as hell enjoyed writing it
Byeeeee peace out my doodles
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