Requested my AngelicAmberAngel
The pink Queen of Pop Village, woke up with an itchy throat and aching head, but she just decided to shake it off and continue with her day.
She was walking through Pop Village helping her friends and doing her queen duties, when she felt dizzy so she decided to sing.
"Oh, HiS eYeS, hIs EyEs"
Poppy tried singing but her voice cracked. Clearing her throat she continued singing.
"MakE tHe staRs look lIke they'Re nOt shiniN'"
Her voice wasn't as cracked but it still wasn't good. Something inside of her told her to go home, but its Poppy Of course she doesn't listen. Its Poppy what did you expect?
"His hair, his hAir"
Poppy felt even more dizzy, she could barely walk straight.
"LoOokss pErfect withOut e-e- ACHO" The loud sneez could be heard from miles away hearing it echo Poppys eyes widened in horror.
"Oh no."
All the trolls turned to face their queen.
"POPPY 911!!!" Smidge yelled as all the trolls began to panic before Doctor Moon bloom screamed:
"HOT SOUP DOES ANYONE HAVE HOT SOUP?!" A few trolls rolled a hospital bed over to Poppy before hair wrapped around her waist pulling her into a large bush.
"Poppy, are you ok?" The hair retracted from her waist, and Poppy looked to see gorgeous blue eyes, which belonged to her best friend.
"I'm fine." She said weakly, almost falling over from how weak her legs were, before Branch grabbed onto her arms to hold her up.
Branch let go of her with one of her hands to feel her head, Branch noticed she was burning up and started to worry more for his Friend.
"Poppy, you have a fever!"
"Please don't tell anyone. I dont need a bigger fuss about it than there already is." Branch thought for a moment then agreed.
"Alright, but im taking you to my bunker so you can rest." Poppy nodded her head weekly.
"OkAayy" Branch picked Poppy up bridal style earning a yelp from the queen then snuck out of the village. When they arrived Branch pulled the lever to his elevator making their way down. They hit the bottom and Branch rushed to the couch placing her on it then running towards the kitchen.
Poppy watched as Branch searched through the cabinets for... well whatever he was looking for. Branch finally grabbed a bottle and a spoon coming back towards Poppy.
He poured the thick liquid onto the spoon and looked Poppy in the eye.
"Take this."
"What is it?" Poppy asked, she wasnt going to take whatever Branch had unless she knew what it was
"Its medicine. It will make you feel beter."
"Eww I rather be sick forever than take that."
Branch got up with the spoon still in his hand heading towards to kitchen. "I'll be back." He made his way back to the kitchen opening a cupboard and Grabbing a metal cup out of it, dumping the thick liquid medicine into the cup then came to Poppy side again.
"Here this will definitely make you feel better."
"What is it?" Poppy asked once again about what Branch had. He was not going to trick her into taking anything she didn't want to take.
"Uh get better juice?" Branch said unsure if Poppy would actually believe him.
"I love get better juice!" Poppy snatched the cup out of Branches hands chugging down the entire thing, soon realizing it wasn't actually juice.
"Ewwww you tricked me!" Poppy whined tears staring to build up in her eyes.
"Aw don't cry, baby please." He leaned over to hug her wiping off tears off her cheeks. Poppy blushed then cuddle into Branches chest apologizing.
"Sorry." She whispered as she sniffled.
"Don't be sorry. You have nothing to apologize for." Branch picked Poppy of the couch and placed her on his lap cradling her.
"Can you sing to me?" Poppy absolutely LOVED Branches voice, Grandma rosie Puff was right! It really was like an angel's!
Branch laughed slightly before responding. "Yes..."
Oh, your eyes, your eyes
Make they stars look like they're not shinin'
Your hair, your hair
Falls perfectly without you trying
Your beautiful and I'll tell you every day...
Suddenly Branch felt Poppys breath slow down as she took deeper breaths, noticing she was asleep, Branch, kissed her forhead also acknowledging he fever had gone down.
"I love you." He whispered
"I love you too" Poppy mubble into Branches chest making him smile as they both drifted to sleep in eachothers embrace.
anyway yeah thats all stay safe love ya and GOODBYE MAH PRECIOUS 💙
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