The Sneaky Pack Pt. 2
A/N: Thanks for all the support on my sucky oneshots y'all. I'm doing a part 2 of this since it was requested so yay broppy :) I also have another request that I'm gonna do later because my life is so stressful so yeah enjoy :D
@Karena52005 here you go
"Pfft, sure it was a mistake. You're big mouth can't keep shut for once, Poppy!" Branch groaned. "Well I'm sorry about telling our friends about us dating but you should've known that my 'big mouth' was gonna spill the beans whether you like it or not. Besides, what's the harm in telling them that we were already in a relationship? All we have to do is tell them I'm having a baby and we're good!" Poppy finished her sentence with a final *humph* and walked the opposite way towards her friends to tell them the exciting news. Branch gulped, turned around, and narrowed his eyes on Poppy. He instantly used his hair to grab her back.
"Hey! Let go of me Branch! We have to tell them!" Poppy yelled.
"NO WAY! We CANNOT let them know about this."
"Why not? They'll be so happy!!"
"You know what Poppy, we'll continue this discussion inside." Branch groaned. "This is your fault anyways..." He mumbled to himself quietly. "I HEARD THAT!!" Poppy screamed. "Besides, you were the one who forgot to use protection!"
Branch gasped and growled. "You insisted that I shouldn't use it!! This is your fault!" The blue troll said as he walked towards his bunker and went inside with Poppy. "What was my life become?" He thought to himself.
"POPPY'S PREGNANT?!?" DJ and Guy Diamond yelled. They were both following Poppy and Branch secretly to get some more juicy details and gossip about their relationship status. "Branch did her gooddddd!" Guy chuckled to himself. "GUY!" DJ said as she nudged Guy Diamond with her elbow. "Sorry, jeez." Guy said. "Anyways, I wonder why Poppy and Branch never decided to tell us this. Probably because YOU would tease them about what they did several nights ago." DJ said, annoyed. "Oh please, I wouldn't do that. You are pregnant too!" Guy Diamond laughed. "Keep it down. We must remain unclassified..." Dj whisper-shouted. Guy rolled his eyes. "So, what do we do for them? Throw a party or something?" He questioned. The DJ shook her head. "Wow! You are finally smart for once. We should throw them a party. Or maybe a baby shower is better. HmMmMmMmMmMm..." Guy Diamond peeked out the bush they were hiding in and saw Poppy and Branch exit Branch's bunker. "Oh darn. DJ! We must get out of here. Branch and Poppy are headed this way!!!" DJ snapped out of her thought bubble and silently screamed, slapping both her hands against her cheek. "OMG. If they find out we are here, they would totally know what's going on! We gotta scram." DJ was silently hyperventilating at this point and Guy Diamond was trying to calm her down. "DJ calm down," he said, "we can use our hair to blend in with the bushes."
DJ glared at Guy. "I'm pretty sure Poppy and Branch are smart enough to know the difference between a real bush and a fake bush. We have to make a run for it!" DJ yanked Guy's hand and ran out from behind the bush and towards the clearing. Suddenly, hot pink and royal blue hair wrapped around the both of them and pulled them back. "Oh skeeeeeeeettttt!!" DJ yelled. When they both felt the hair loosen up, the turned around to face Poppy giving them a skeptical look and Branch glaring and them ever so angrily. Poppy noticed this and held Branch back.
"What were you guys doing in that bush over there?" Poppy asked quizzically. "Umm...making out. What else would we be doing?" Guy said frantically.
"wtf." Branch thought to himself.
"Yeah, obviously." DJ said quickly. "So why'd you run away then?" Poppy questioned. "Because we didn't want you guys to see us. Like, hello? Is privacy not a thing anymore?!?" Guy fought back. Branch removed Poppy's hand from his mouth and shouted, "PrIvAcY iS a ThInG bEcAuSe ThErE iS sOmEtHiNg CaLlEd A pOd!! YOU WOULD HAVE WENT THERE IF YOU HAD COMMON SENSE! Now TELL ME! What did you hear us say?!?" Poppy covered his mouth again. "Branch take it easy! You're embarrassing me again." Branch grumbled and crossed his arms. "Guys, we swear we are telling the truth!" DJ nervously said. Poppy gasped. "Branch, they sWeArEd!! They're obviously telling the truth!" Branch rolled his eyes, removed Poppy's hands from his mouth once again and turned around going back to his bunker. "Bullskeet-" He said to himself.
"So, are you guys a thing too?" Poppy asked DJ Suki and Guy Diamond excitedly. "N-no! W-we were just testing it out to see how it felt." DJ responded quickly. "And did it feel gooddd?" Poppy smirked. "POPPY!" Guy and DJ yelled together in unison. "Alright, alright, alright, I apologize. Ima just check on Branch and see how he's doing. See ya!" Poppy turned around and headed towards the bunker.
"Testing it out? wtf" Poppy thought to herself.
Guy and DJ sighed, clearly relieved. "I don't know how we got out of that situation." DJ told Guy Diamond in relief. "I know right, now let's go tell the others! And know...make out later." Guy wiggled his eyebrows. "GUY!!" DJ yelled, clearly annoyed. Guy Diamond laughed and said, "I'm joking lmao." DJ rolled her eyes, grabbed Guy's hand and ran back to tell the rest of the Snack Pack about their plan for Poppy and Branch.
A/N: and it looks like I'm done here :) I hope y'all enjoyed this. and I might be lack toast and taller ant ._. but I don't care cause I'm eating cErEaL!! mkay bye-
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