~Love You Forever~
ya ya ya so ya my last oneshot. i think i like this one a lot. oh, just for context, Poppy is 19 in this and Branch is 21. some of this doesnt make sense but just pretend Poppy was 18 and Branch 20 when they went on their adventure together. do that and ill love u forever. k lets get started. oh yeah, there's also cursing and mild content ahead. NOT SEX. JUST REALLY STEAMY CONTENT. thx.
Poppy turned in her bed. The clock read 1:34 am. She couldn't sleep. That one troll was on her mind. And also down the hall. Yeah, that's right. She's staying over at Branch's Bunker for the night. After their long day out together, Poppy decided to stay over by him since it would be too dark to walk home by herself.
Branch had taken her out by her favorite spot. A beautiful, secluded area, just for Poppy. It had a nice pond, with little fishies swimming in it. There was flowers growing in every direction, and the trees were covered in little flowers. Cherry blossoms. Poppy admired Branch for that. Him taking the time out of his own busy schedule just to spend time with her was so sweet of him. The pink troll found herself blushing. He's been her crush for majority of her life, and after their adventure together, Poppy knew in her heart that he was the one for her. But she didn't know if she was the one for him. "Oh fuck it," She thought to herself. "Might as well tell him about my feeling while I have the chance." Poppy rose from her bed and walked out the guest bedroom, and made her way to Branch's room.
Poppy walked with caution, not wanting to set off any traps or alarms. Finally she made it to Branch's lair. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. I don't think I'm ready for this." Poppy's mind raced a thousand thoughts as to everything that could possibly go wrong. Suddenly, she heard the knob of Branch's door start to shake. He must be opening the door to get something. Poppy ran away from his room as fast as she could. However, she didn't realize that she accidentally set off one of Branch's traps. "Oh my god, I'm full of Branch's dick, and piss, and vinegar." She said to herself quietly.
"Poppy?" Branch called out. "What the fuck are you doing? Trying to give me a heart attack?" The pink troll slowly turned herself around to face Branch. Damn, even the way he walked made her lose her train of thought. "Hello? Earth to Poppy?" The handsome troll waved his hand in front of Poppy until she snapped out of it. "Oh hi Branch. Uh...how are you doing today?" Branch raised his brow. "Was feeling okay until a certain troll decided to wander around and set off my alarms." Poppy immediately blushed out of embarrassment and started to apologize until Branch stopped her. "Wait a minute" he began, " Why are you wandering around so late?" Poppy's eyes widened. She can't just tell Branch that she wanted to confess her feelings to him. "I...was sleepwalking..until I made it to your door. Then I woke up and realized that you were opening the door so I ran away until I tripped over something and set off the alarm. Ya...so ya." She finished her lie with a cheeky smile. Branch raised his brow again. "You think I'm falling for that bullshit? I'm not dumb Poppy. Tell me why you're awake so early." Poppy sighed. "Fine, I'll tell you." The troll queen grabbed Branch's hand and went back to his room.
After arriving at his bedroom. Poppy sat Branch down on his bed and remained standing. "T-there is a r-reason why I'm up so early. I was on my way to s-see you." Branch looked confused. "To see me? Why?" Poppy gazed at the ground. "Funny you asked. I couldn't sleep because... because... because there was a monster under my bed." The blue troll rolled his eyes and looked at his best friend. "Poppy, you know you can tell me anything. I'm your best friend. Or what is it your friends call it. Oh, I'm like totally your BFFL." Branch earned a slight giggle from Poppy but it quickly died out. "Okay I'll tell you. I couldn't sleep because I was thinking about you. T-to be honest, I can never stop thinking about you, Branch. Every night, I think about what it would be like to fall asleep next to you. And every morning, I wonder what it would be like to wake up by your side. I hate to admit it but..."
"But what?" Branch asked, waiting for her to continue.
"Oh my fucking troll Jesus, I want to have your kids so bad. And I don't care if I'm still a teen. I want to have them now." Her statement earned a chuckle from Branch. Poppy's ears perked up and her heart began to flutter. "And your laugh. It's the sound I want to hear for the rest of my life. I don't know if the message got through to you yet but I really really love you Branch. With my whole damn heart and soul." Branch stared at the young pink troll in front of him. Poppy noticed this and became scared. "I-I think I should go. I probably messed up our friendship." The queen ran out the door and to her guest room, locking the door behind her.
Branch sighed, got up from his bed and went over to the guest room. He pressed his ears against the door and heard muffled crying. The blue troll knocked on the door. He heard the crying stop and movement within the room. "Poppy, let me come in. You can't hide from me or this forever." Inside the room, Poppy hid under the bed sheets. She couldn't face him after what she had done. "Poppy, please let me in. We have to talk about this. Hiding from me is just going to make things worse. And I'm pretty sure you don't want things getting worse from here." Silence was all he heard. "Oh fuck it, I have a key to this room anyways." Branch formed a key with his hair and unlocked the door. He went inside and saw a shaking lump on the bed. "Poppy?" He called out softly. The shaking stopped. The pink troll slowly took off the bed sheets from her face and saw Branch smiling at her.
"Branch, I'm so sorry. I messed everything up between us and I-"
"Poppy, stop." Branch cut her off. "You didn't even give me time to speak after you told me you loved me." He moved Poppy's body over and sat himself down on the bed, then placed Poppy on his lap. The queen blushed and covered her face with her hands. "Uncover your face babe. Don't hide your beauty from me." Poppy felt herself blush even more at the word "babe" and kept her hands on her face.
"Poppy, I will never push you away." He started, gently removing her hands from her face.
"I will never tell you to leave me alone." He pressed himself Poppy, making her blush once again.
"You're so beautiful and sexy." His fingers began tracing her curves and slightly under her nightgown.
"You can be a pain in the ass sometimes." He smirked at Poppy, bringing his hand towards her behind. Poppy let out a slight moan at that.
"You're Poppy. And I wouldn't change it for the world." Branch closed the gap between the two of them and kissed her ever so passionately.
Branch broke the kiss and began to speak again. "I love you Poppy. And I'd love to have kids with you." He took her off his lap and pinned her down to the bed. "So whatcha say? Ready to dance, babe?" It was at that moment that Poppy felt burning down in her core. She nodded, ready to start the newest chapter of her life with the one troll she loved.
yas ya i hope you liked this. this is officially my last one shot for this oneshot thing I've been doing. I'm gonna miss doing this so much but I feel like it's time to move on, ya know? I have a new fan page for steven universe now which is connies.angel . so I'll be on there more often. anyways, I hope you enjoyed this. bye my loves 💕
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