Fall Fusion
ok if you haven't watched steven universe then you won't understand this...but i wanted to try something new. i don't want to spoil it for ya so keep reading. btw it's not a crossover. i. hate. crossovers. k bye.
Today is the first day of fall. Poppy was so happy! Fall (or Autumn if your feeling fancy) was and still is her favorite season. She loved everything about it. The warm weather, the beautiful colors of the color-changing leaves, and the smiles on every troll's face. It was also the season where she got married to the love of her life, Branch. Their 5 year anniversary was in 2 days, and Poppy had a lot of plans for their special day. She figured that since Branch had taken control over their past anniversary celebrations, it was her time to return the favor. "Branch is old." She snickered. "I doubt whether he'll remember our anniversary this year teehee." Suddenly, two large blue hands held on to her waist. Poppy froze. She knew exactly who it was and feared that she said her plan out loud. "Why would you think I wouldn't remember our anniversary, Poppy? I'm not that old." He chuckled. "Braaaaanch!" the pink troll whined. "Do you have to remember everything?" Branch laughed as he took her hand and spun her around. "You're a clown. Don't worry Poppy. I'll surprise you this year. I just gotta think of something. Anyways, see you later babe." He kissed her hand and turned to walk of. Poppy didn't like that her husband was going to take over this anniversary. And she wasn't going to allow him to do so either. Hopefully. She chased after Branch, and after finally catching up to him, she used her soft pink hair to drag him over to her. Branch, curled in a soft ball of fluffy hair, looked up to his wife in confusion. "Poppy? What's wrong?" He asked with slight concern. Poppy took a deep breath and spoke. "I w-was wondering...if I can m-maybe plan our anniversary celebration this y-year..?" Branch found it adorable when she was flustered. Of course he had to give in to her. She was so cute!! "You want to surprise me this year?" The blue troll spoke. Poppy blushed so hard, you could practically call her a tomato. "Ofcourseifyoudon'twantmetothenIdefinitelywon'tdoitbutIwasjustwondering..." Branch shushed her. He was surprised that she could talk that fast when she's nervous. "Poppy, I never said no. But I am going to say yes." As soon as the Queen heard this, a smile quickly grew on her face and she bounced up and down. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, Branch! I won't disappoint you!" She grabbed his cheeks and gave him a big fat kiss before running off. "That cheeky little girl." Branch said to himself, walking to the pod that him and Poppy now shared.
2 days later...
Today marks 5 years since Poppy and Branch got married. Poppy was to first to get up from her sleep. She looked to the side and saw her husband sleeping peacefully right next to her. The pink troll silently shed a tear and kissed her husband on the cheek softly, so to not wake him from his slumber. Poppy slipped out of their bed and got dressed. It was about 5:30 in the morning so obviously Branch wouldn't be awake. This was normal. Poppy would be up 2 1/2 hours earlier than her husband, so she had enough time to run out and get ready. Poppy ran out off her pod and to a beautiful clearing where Branch had proposed to her 5 years ago. She took a moment to take in the view. After staring for a quick 2 minutes, she quickly decorated the area with beautiful decorations and covered the floor with poppy petals (since rose petals are SO 2016). She set up a table for 2 next to the waterfall and placed a skinny vase with a single bluebell in it. Bluebells were Poppy's favorite flower, and she was lucky to have found one at this time of year. Those flowers are extremely rare in the Fall. The pink Queen stepped back to look at her work and found it quite beautiful. Around this time, it was 7:30 in the morning and Branch would be waking up in about an hour. With this in mind, she headed back to her pod, leaving her masterpiece behind.
A few hours went by after Poppy set up her surprise. Branch had spent the whole day by her side, never wanting to let her go. Troll Village had a special gathering for the King and Queen. Every troll was excited to shower the couple with their love! Some trolls even brought cute little gifts for the royal couple. King Peppy brought a huge box of diapers, saying to his daughter that he expects a grandchild or two (or maybe even three) by next year. This left Poppy as red as the blood pumping through her body. The only time Branch and her had been physically together was on the night they got married. Since then, it was hard to find time to you know...have sex. But Poppy and Branch wanted kids more than anything. The young troll reassured her father that in time, they will have a baby. Branch was hanging around the Snack Pack when he saw Poppy walk up to him. He smiled, giving her a light smack on her behind as a way of saying, "Hey babe." Poppy blushed again, knowing that her friends watched Branch smack her behind as if nothing was wrong. But they just laughed it off.
"I am SO happy for y'all!" DJ said with a big smile. "I can't wait to here about your fusion!" Poppy and Branch turned to each other, then looked back at DJ with confusion in their eyes. "Our what?" They spoke in unison. "Fusion, it happens every 5 years of marriage. Of course you can fuse anytime you want but it's more special on your anniversary." Guy Diamond pitched in. "Allow us to demonstrate" DJ said as she grabbed Guy's hand and pulled him to her. A bright light burst out between the two and suddenly a beautiful troll with sparkly red skin, light orange hair, and four arms appeared. Poppy and Branch gazed at this new figure in awe. Branch found it spectacular that married trolls can form into new ones. "Hi!! I'm DJ Diamond! Nice to meet yAAaAAAaAaAaaaaA!!" The sparkly troll spoke in their auto-tuned voice. "BRANCH!! THAT'S GONNA BE US IN A FEW HOURS!! I'M SO EXCITED." Poppy leaped into her husbands arms and hugged him. "Alright, calm down you clown. Looks like the crackhead in you jumped out." Branch chuckled. Poppy rolled her eyes and sighed. "Whatever." DJ Diamond began to unfuse back into Guy and DJ. They have been married for 7 years and have 2 kids together. Fusing for them feels like a breeze. "Hope you enjoyed our little show. Now go enjoy your romantic evening. Make some babies while your at it." Guy laughed. Poppy stuck her middle finger at them and Branch used some *cough* very strong profanity towards their friends. But the sun was setting and both Poppy and Branch wanted to change into something classy for their night out. Even though Branch had no idea what Poppy had planned.
9:30-ish P.M
Poppy and Branch had changed into something fancier for their date tonight. Poppy was wearing a baby pink dress with little diamonds on it. Her headband was pink with little rubies around it and her hair was pulled back into a curly ponytail. As for Branch, he wore a sharp suit with a bow-tie that had tiny diamonds on it. He didn't do much with his hair, as he noticed that having his hair out without combing it made Poppy crazy (in a good way). She claims it makes him more "attractive". That's one of the reasons why Branch calls her a clown. Poppy doesn't like when Branch calls her a clown. But whatever. She's his clown, and no one else's.
After getting dressed, the happy couple walked out of the pod and began to walk to Poppy's surprise. "Where are you taking me?" He asked Poppy with a light laugh in his voice. "Don't you worry your sexy self about it. This place will be familiar to you anyway." Poppy grabbed his hand and started dragging him to her special surprise. After what seemed to be an hour of walking, they finally reached their destination. Branch's mouth widened as big as Poppy's smile. "Y-you did this? For me?" Poppy was tearing up at this point. She loved seeing the troll she cared for so happy. "Yes, Branch! All of this is for you. I love you with my heart and my soul. I don't know what I would do without you." Branch was actually starting to tear up himself. He picked up his beautiful wife and spun her around, then finally sealing the gap between them with a kiss. Branch spoke up, "I love you more than anything, Poppy. You don't know how much you've helped me over the past few years. You're smart, you're beautiful, sometimes a clown, but you're mine." Poppy was overwhelmed with all this love she was receiving and couldn't help but to burst into tears. She gave Branch a big squeeze and Branch happily returned the hug. After releasing from the hug, Branch asked Poppy if she wanted to dance with him. Of course she said yes. The two royal trolls walked near the waterfall and began to dance. The sounds of the waterfall was the only music they needed to here. After dancing for a while, Branch and Poppy's hair began to glow. However, the happy trolls were unaware of this. When Branch began to twirl Poppy, a burst of lavender light took over the whole lagoon. As the light dimmed, there stood a new troll with lavender skin, baby pink hair mixed with baby blue hair. The torso was a part of Branch's suit and the bottom was from Poppy's dress. "What a day to be alive!" they spoke, "wait a minute." They looked down to see that they had fused into one troll, and boy did it feel amazing. "Woah! Branch, what should name our-self?" the fusion said. "Well if my name is Branch, and your name is Poppy, there's only one obvious answer."
The fusion walked over to their friends pod. They saw a burst of light coming from it, meaning Guy and DJ fused again. "Perfect time to introduce myself." The fusion walked over to the pod and knocked on the felt doors. DJ Diamond opened the door and gasped. "Nice to see you DJ Diamond. You've met me before, but as two different trolls. My name is Broppy." DJ Diamond shrieked in joy. Poppy and Branch had finally fused! "OMG!! BROPPY, YOU ARE GORGEOUS!!" The red fusion exclaimed. "Aww shucks...I try." DJ Diamond chuckled. They definitely knew that Poppy and Branch's personalities would form a diva. After talking for awhile, the fusions decided to unfuse. Problem was, Broppy didn't know how to unfuse. So they asked DJ Diamond for help.
"Easy! Just get the other person mad." DJ Diamond said to their fusion friend. "But Poppy and I hardly fight. She only gets mad when...I have idea. Gotta blast!" The fusion ran out of their friend's pod and back to their own pod.
"Branch, you never get me mad. What do you me-"
"You a clown."
They unfused immediately. Poppy glared at Branch as he laughed at her. "I was just playing with you babe." Poppy rolled her eyes and walked to their bedroom. Branch followed her to the bedroom, still laughing at her. "You know I love you right?" Branch asked her with a little chuckle in his voice. "Yeah, yeah. I love you too." Poppy said. She couldn't deny it. She loved Branch so much, she would go crazy if she was apart from him for more than five minutes. Branch couldn't help but playfully smack her behind again. He loved her curves, but not as much as he loved her. "Get away from me, you sexy hoe." He said in his husky voice. Poppy blushed and ran into the bathroom that was in their room and closed the door. "Stop making me blush, Branch. Now you're just being cruel." The pink troll yelled from inside. "But Poppy, making you blush is one of the most beautiful sights that my eyes will ever see." Branch whined. "Come our from there so I can see your gorgeous face." The queen slowly opened the door and revealed her red face. Branch chuckled. "You are so cute. You know that right?" Poppy stared right in to his cerulean eyes. "Can we get some sleep, Branch? All this blushing is making me tired." The blue King rolled his eyes and said "whatever" as he crawled into bed with his wife. "Love you, babe." Poppy smiled as she got closer to him. "Love you more, Branch." The married couple ended the night with a kiss and fell asleep in each others arms.
i hope y'all enjoyed that. this is by far one of my favorite oneshots that ive written. and by far the longest. im proud. 2234 words?!? holy crap. anyways bye.
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