Birthday Present
i had to get this idea out my mind or else i would forget immediately. enjoy :)
Poppy's Birthday... 5 Years Ago..
Poppy: *walks around troll village humming happy birthday to herself*
DJ, Smidge, Satin & Chenille: HAPPY BIRTHDAY STUPID BITCH!!!
Poppy: *is startled* W-woah! THANK YOU DUMB ASSES!!
DJ: So..whatcha doin for your special day?
Poppy: Nothing much. I am having a party later though ٩( ᐛ )و
Satin: Yassss!!
Chenille: Shut the fuck up Satin omg...
Satin: ...
Smidge: ... uhh, so is there anything you want for your birthday?
Poppy: Nothing really. Branch says he has a surprise for me :')
The Other Hoes: oOoOoOooOoOohhhHh is it sex?
Poppy: *blushes* I don't know! It's a suRprisE!!
DJ: Okay girl, you do you. We'll catch you later at the party tonight.
Poppy: Alright, see y'all later!!
30 minutes later...
(Poppy's at Branch's Bunker)
Branch: Hey sexy birthday girl*wink* how are ya?
Poppy: *melts* (*not literally* *like shes blushing alot* *i think you understand*) I'm feeling queasy, but that's because I can see your rock hard abs right in front of my face.
Branch: *chuckles* Yeah, yeah. Come here. Your surprise is in my bedroom *wink wOnk* (hi _TMAG_ )
| hi short disclaimer. they are NOT having sex you nasty hoes |
Poppy: *wobbles to his bedroom and sees a beautifully wrapped box on his bedroom* EEK. A PRESENT!!!
Branch: *stands by the doorway and watches her while chuckling*
Poppy: *rips open the present* Ooh a note! And another box inside! *reads note*
Branch's note:
Poppy, this present will change both of our lives in the best way possible. I love you more than words can describe. And I know you love me too. Your slutty self won't stop talk about how big my dick is. That's a problem we're gonna have to fix. But anyways, last month when we fucked, you peed on my bed after sex and left my bunker tripping over yourself. So, I did the obvious thing and cleaned it up. In my own way. No I did not drink your pee. The answer to how I cleaned it up is in the box.
Poppy: 0.0 Branch why didn't you tell me I-
Branch: Shshsh, just open the box.
Poppy: *opens the box and finds a positive pregnancy test*
Poppy: OMG, IM PREGNANT?! BRANCH, I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!! *jumps on him and starts to smooch*
Branch: I knew you'd like your present :')
Poppy: *silently weeps* Branch, this is the best present I've ever received! But how'd you get the pee on to the pregnancy test?
Branch: My bed drains itself. There are buckets under it where liquid falls in. See.. *points to bed*
Bed: *drip*
Poppy: :O wow your smart Branch. But let's keep this a secret for now until my stomach grows larger.
Branch: Agreed. Your friends are crazy over babies.
Poppy: Thank you Branch. Now, we have a party to attend. Shall we?
Branch: We shall.
Present day...
Poppy: And that, my love, is how we found out we were pregnant with you!
Royal: Thanks for sharing. I love you mommy and daddy!
Branch: We love you more. Goodnight baby. *kisses her forehead*
Poppy: Goodnight sweetheart. *gives her a big hug and leaves the room with Branch*
Branch: I love you Poppy.
Poppy: I love you more Branch. Hey, my birthday is next month. Are you up for round two?
Branch: *smirks* I thought you'd never ask!
:') and that concludes my favorite oneshot that i've ever written. this one actually made me cry no joke. the last one was just a tease :))) anyways bye lol. <3
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