Okay, so first off my rant is that before I went to bed, I turned my notifications volume all the way up, O didn't hear it at all last night, and now I woke to 28 notifications, and a few minutes later another one, a few seconds later another one. And the surprising thing I normally get 30 notifications from facebook, not Wattpad... So I guess I have no rant I'm just randomly telling you this... Well, this is awkward, again...
I can't believe it! Poppy was here all this time?
KP-Well then, I guess we can all head home
S-Aren't you forgetting something?
Ch-We heard your little thing with Branch, aren't you going to apologise to him?
GD-Especially you Creek
S-You probably had something to do with it
P-Look daddy! Satin and Chenille made me all these dresses!
We looked at them
Ch-We were bored
S-Besides, she loves them
GD-Well... I'll just be going now
GD, and the rest of the village left, leaving me, KP, Poppy, and the twins
S-Go apologise
Ch-Because you blamed him for something he didnt di
KP-Yes, and it was an accident
S-So say sorry, he's gray because if tradegy and people pushing him away
Ch-So be nice and
S&C-He just might get his colors back!
KP-Im going to take Poppy home
S-Go apologise
C-Fine, if you go with me
We all walked over to Branches bunker and Satin knocked on the boulder and the eye hole opened
S-Creek wanted to say something
B-I don't want a sorry
Then the eyehole closed
Ch-Well that was a waste of time
A|N Heyoa guys and gals! Howie arie youie? Youie prbablie alreadie knowie howie Imie doingie (silly) So anyhoo, short chapter I know, but I have to go
✌ Peace out✌
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