Chapter 1°°°New Friends
A|N Hey guys! Don't Play the song until I tell you to!
I layed in my light blue sheets, in my dark blue bed im my royal blue room wide awake. I slowly opened my and immediately looked out the window to my right. As soon as I did that I started singing Good Morning over and over," Good morning! Good Morning trees, Good morning flowers, Good morning grass, Good morning sun, Good Morning Forest, Good morning Nature-" Then Grandma walked and I sang the happiest cheeriest voice,"GOOD MORNING GRANDMA!!!!"
"Good Morning Branch." she responded the she sat at the edge of bed and continued,"You have to get Branch, as you know I'm going to the royal pod to discuss something with the king and a few others, there all bringing their children so I thought, why not bring you?"
By the time she said the last part I was already beaming and looking through my closet. I picked out my normal clothing, shorts and my leafy vest, but then I decided to go without the vest. When I was done so was she so not to be rude I ran up to her gave her a hug and and finally said,"OK grandma!" Then I rushed off to the bathroom.
~~~~~~~30 minutes later~~~~~~~
I was downstairs eating- or as grandma liked to call it destroying my delicious breakfast of Blueberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries. I had a cup- actually this was my 5th cup- of water.'
When I finished my breakfast Grandma was only on her second bite! Like she said I was 'destroying' my food. So I just decided to do what Grandma liked to hear most, my singing voice.
( Play Song Now) ( Pretend that's kid version if Branch singing)
By the time I finished singing Grandma had already started to put her dish in the sink and then she clapped.
Now there are a few thing you should know about where we live:
1. It's further twards the gate because the Burgens recently gave us a small forest over there
2. It's half a miles walk from the Troll Tree
3. It's a treehouse
So we started walking I noticed that Grandma had started going deeper into the forest,"Grandma?" I asked with concern,"I thought that the Troll Tree was the other way?" I said in more of a question form. Then I noticed the red wagon she dragging along and immediately took and I started bringing it instead,"I also need to collect more berries and leaves for all the Trolls." She responded. I simply nodded and kept on following. And I may or may not have sung that song again.
(You may or may not play that song again.)
When we finished the wagon was completely filled Grandma asked if I could eat some because they would've just tumbled out and she laughed as I 'devoured' the about to fall down berries. Grandma and I started walking towards the Troll tree and finally reached the Royal pod.
I woke up to the sound if someone knocking on the door. So I lay awake wondering who in my light pink sheets, in my pink crib(Because she's only 2), in my hot pink room just wonder-. Oh no, I forgot!!!!! Guests are coming over! In the distance I could hear talking, I heard a woman and.... Oh! More knocking.
Okay so now I hear Another woman and this time a boy... And 2 girls.... Or is it one girl? Okay now I hear daddy saying something.... I hear footsteps getting closer to my room... Uh oh! Pretend to be asleep!!!
After what seemed like, forever! (Although it was just a few seconds) Daddy came and said,"I know your awake!" So I sat up and lifted my out of my crib,"Good Morning daddy!" I greeted,"Come on, there are some kids out there who would love to play!"
Do when I finished getting ready I ran into the living room, there was 3 boys and 4 girls, 5 including me! There was one boy who looked different from the rest, he was standing on both his arms and legs and had a long neck. The was one boy who held a worm in his arms, and boy who didn't carry anything or looked different. Then for the girls, there were twins, a girl with headphones, and a tiny girl. They were all older than me it looked like but we could still be friends!
Then my dad came and suggested,"Why don't all go around introducing yourselves? Sit in a circle and go around." We all said OK and then get in a circle then and I raised my hand said loudly,"I'll go first!" Everyone laughed then I said,"I'm Poppy!" Then the kid with the worm went next and he said,"I'm Biggie, and this is Mr.Dinkles." next were the twins (Sorry I forgot their names and Google won't tell me!) Then was the tiny girl (Again forgot!). Then was the girl with headphones," I'm DJ Suki" Then the different looking one,"I'm Cooper!" And last but not least was the boy who didn't look different or carry anything,"Hi, My name's Branch" He ended then all of a sudden everyone's who was a weird look watch had a flower pop up and glow.
I looked in wonder and asked,"What is that?" Branch looked at wrist saw I didn't have one then said,"It's a hug Time Bracelet, every hour it goes off and then we give whoever's around us a hug." Then everyone surrounded me a gave me a big hug.
After playing games for 3 hours, we ate the berries Grandma and I got then we all sat down for a few minutes until Biggie suggested something," Why don't we perform something? Make it a surprise for the adults?" We all nodded then Poppy pulled something out of her hair.
"Cow Bell!" She whispered! "Good we have an instrument," Biggie continued,"Now we need a some dancers, I'll be one." "I'll be the other, plus I can a my harmonica to." Cooper volunteered. "Some backup singers?" Then the twins said at the same time Us! "And finally Biggie said,"And the singer?" "I'll do it!" I smiled. "Good!" Biggie said,"We just need a place to perform and a band name!!!" "I have a treehouse in the forest." I suggested,"But for the name..." We were all lost in thought untill Poppy said, or more like bursted out,"The Snack Pack!" "Great idea" "Perfect" "Awesome! Everyone kept shouting out.
After 30 minutes everyone started to leave until I was the only one left. The King and Grandma came over the King said,"Poppy, tomorrow I'll need to have you go with Branch and his Grandma OK?" Poppy asked,"Why?" And the King responded,"That's a secret, but you'll find out this trollcist." " Are we escaping?" I asked," You'll find out." Said Grandma and with our Goodbyes, Grandma and I left.
A|N Okay guys I hope you enjoyed! And I'm sorry that I didn't even make it to 2000 words but it's just the beginning! Also what I said about only updating on Fridays and Saturdays? Not gonna happen I'm gonna update everyday I possibly can maybe you'll get 2 stories a day, maybe I'll write 5 stories then post them all at once, who knows? But I would really appreciate Comments about how this story is doing!
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