Oh no, guys, girls.... I'm running out of ideas! I NEED help. Please give me ideas. It'll probably, hopefully improve my story. Just please give me ideas.😯😧😯
Oh, and thank you for these two always supporting me!
I'm sure I have many people supporting me, but I get notifications from these guys and or girls 24/7! Especially TrollsLover.
So other than complaining about not having any idea's, I'm here thanking all of you.
And remember, only 1 more story that needs to be voted for!
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(*₩*) (°¬°) (+-+) ('=") ("-") ('~') (*.*) (0.0)(=,=) ('.') (×_×) (·.·) (<~>) (/_\) (-_-) (*'*) (_-_) ⬅That person is doing a handstand! (\o/) (#.#) ('u') (._.) (·-·) (d.b) (b.d) (',') (θ¤θ) (*¬*) (<ฯ>) (+-+) ()*_*()
/ \
° °
() ()
See? The eyebrows are. / and \ so is the nose, the cheeks are () the mouth is |__| and the eyes is °.
I'm ridiculous :)
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