So I end up telling my best friend everything she wants to know from the start since she saw Wyatt and I spooning each other. Wyatt, on the other hand, has already left my unit, wearing the same clothes he was wearing yesterday when he came here. But after he left, he gave me a chaste kiss that left me breathless in front of my best friend, who screamed her throat out.
While I know that I feel comfortable showing him as my boyfriend, and that's he's mine, I'm thinking that he may be accepting this a little bit faster. For someone who just came upon the realization that he's been into men his whole life, he's taking this really well. And honestly, I can't help but think that maybe he's a ticking bomb waiting to explode.
The pressure is going to be there.
I don't want him to feel like he has to show me off to everyone, because I'll be okay. If he's ready, then I'm ready, too. He doesn't need to come out immediately, or rather, he doesn't need to come out at all because he doesn't need to explain this to everyone. I know we get a sense of relief when we tell people who we are, especially when they accept us, but that scenario doesn't apply always. But whatever his decision is, I'll support him no matter what.
"So this has been going on for a while now?" Melody asks me, practically glaring daggers at me. I offer her a peace sign. "And you didn't tell me?"
"In my defense, how could I tell you?" I reason out. "That guy was still in a dark place, and he was trying to find himself. I couldn't tell you about that."
Melody keeps glaring at me.
"Okay, I admit, I already sensed that he was dropping hints to me." I say exasperatedly. I'm not obligated to tell her anything that I don't want, but since she's my best friend and has a special place in my heart, she feels required to know everything about me, and I feel required to know everything about her. "But the romance and everything, it just happened suddenly. We went home in Texas, then the party happened, and then suddenly, he was kissing me, and we were both crying, and then he told me everything and this led to us being boyfriends."
My best friend sits beside me and wraps her arms around me. She knows what I've emotional stress I've gone through, because she knows that I had a bad history with Wyatt. I take her hand and shut my eyes. I'm glad to have a friend like her in my life. She's rare to have.
"Let me know if that bastard hurt you," Melody says with conviction.
I let out a chuckle. "You'll be the first one to know, and once you do, please kick his butt."
"With pleasure," she unwraps her arms around me and bows down.
We talk for a little while, telling how much we've missed each other. We missed a lot of fun when we were back at Texas since everyone was catching up with our parents. Melody missed her parents just as much as I did, and I wouldn't want to take her precious time with her parents since we only had a few. But somehow, Wyatt managed to squeeze into my schedule when I was supposed to be having fun with my parents alone.
Melody has mentioned Kevin unknowingly, and there's a twitch in my heart. Questions have been raised in my head now that his name has been brought up. Am I leading Kevin on? Should I tell him that I'm exclusively dating Wyatt now? Is it okay to let him know that Wyatt is gay and is in a relationship with me?
It's actually infuriating since Kevin is really a good guy, and he deserves a lot more. He has shown interest to me, and he's man enough to admit that he likes me. Wyatt... Wyatt has done a completely different thing, but I still chose him. Maybe it happens a lot - I chose the bad guy over the good guy. But I wouldn't change a thing. I'm always going to choose Wyatt.
"What's wrong?" Melody asks me, her tone laced with worriedness.
"I don't know how to tell Kevin about this," I motion my hand to the seat beside me where Wyatt has been an hour ago. "I know I'm not leading him on, but this feeling is weird. One way or another, I know he's gonna be hurt."
Melody takes my hand and smiles at me. "Just tell him the truth. You're not available anymore, you're officially taken, and he'll understand." She tells me with assurance. "Like you said, Kevin will get hurt one way or another, but let's not prolong that, okay? We both know that he isn't deeply in love with you. We don't even know if he's in love with you, but what we know is just he likes you. So while he's in that phase, break it to him and tell him to don't waste his attention on you knowing that you'll never choose him. Ever. It's for the better. For both of you, no, for the three of you. Unless you're one greedy bitch."
"I'm not one greedy bitch, Melody."
"Yes, but you're a bitch nonetheless."
"Well, you know the saying, a bitch person gets to have bitch friends."
"Whose saying is that?"
"Me," I tell her, laughing as I throw a pillow at her. "But you're right. I have to break it to Kevin that I'm taken. It's better to crush his hope now than to crush it later before he sets high hopes. I don't want to lose Kevin. He's a great person and a great friend."
"You're not going to lose him," Melody assures me. "Kevin will understand no matter what. You'll see him back in the dating game a couple of days after you turned him down. He's also attractive, you know. If I wasn't in a relationship right now, I'd flirt with him."
"Ew," I make a face.
"Oh stop it, as if you didn't flirt with him." She flips her hair to me. "If you weren't dating Wyatt right now, you'd still flirt with Kevin, and you wouldn't have this conversation about him with me. You wouldn't be so torn like you are right now. Admit it or not, Kevin has got fine things to offer. He's a piece of meat waiting to be devoured."
"What? I'm just saying that he's totally fine. He's hot."
"I'm telling your boyfriend about this,"
"Go ahead, let me accompany you." She rolls her eyes playfully at me. "He wouldn't care. He knows I'm exclusively his, and it's not like I'm cheating. I'm letting him make comments about girls that are pretty because it's not illegal, and it's not like he's attracted to them. We just happen to be vocal in appreciating a person's physique and appearance."
Matt is so lucky to have my best friend, and Melody is lucky to have Matt. Ever since they got together, they've been happier. In fact, when I look at Melody, I can't see any hurt that was there before ever since Donnie cheated on her. And hopefully, their happiness doesn't send.
"Damn, Matt is lucky to have a girlfriend like you."
"Damn right he is," she flips her hair as if she's a beauty queen and winks at me.
After a few hours of catching up, Melody decides to ditch me for her boyfriend who has asked her on a date. Melody is ecstatic to know her boyfriend is taking her somewhere, so she immediately agrees. She lets out a squeal before kissing my cheek and telling me that she'll catch up soon about what's going on with my life, especially about my love life. I literally just told her everything yet she still wants more, probably the juicy stuff. Well, the juice stuff that Wyatt and I have done is a lot of kissing. Lots and lots of kissing.
After Melody has left me for her boyfriend, I start cleaning the house. I've been gone for a long time, and my precious unit hasn't been taken care of. My room is a mess, and I'm pretty sure there are dusts on the table. It's not bad, honestly. But after my best friend left me, something needs to entertain me or else I'll end up doing something I'll regret.
So to keep myself occupied, I start cleaning my whole damn unit. Apart from my room, there's not much to clean, but I do it anyways just to avoid myself from getting bored. While I'm cleaning, 80s' to 90's playlist keeps playing on my phone, blaring through the small speaker.
Two hours of cleaning and I'm all sweaty. As I place the broom behind the fridge, there's a knock on the front door. I furrow my brows as I'm not expecting any guests today, unless Wyatt has decided to cancel his work today and get back here. My white shirt is a mess, smudges of dust spreading across my shirt. I probably smell, too. But it's rude not to answer the door, so I yell for the other person to hold on while I take my clothes off. At least I don't look dirty.
I open the front door and yelp when a smiling Kevin greets me with a pizza on his hand.
"I brought pizza!" he grins while I gape, then he whistles. I forgot that I'm not wearing any shirt. "It's time you put some flab on you."
"Hey, my body is fine, thank you very much."
"Agree, but I'd like to fatten you up so no less guys would be into you so you'd always be stuck with me." Kevin says as he gets past me, looking around the unit with a newfound interest.
"That's mean of you to say,"
"I'm just kidding. Whether you're fat, thin, or average, I'm sure people would still line up on you." He chuckles. As I look at Kevin, I remember all the words my best friend said to me. Kevin doesn't deserve me. Kevin deserves to be happy. Kevin deserves all the best things in the world, but I'm not one of it. So while he's here, I guess it's better to tell him everything. "Why do you look so sad? Has something happened?"
I shake my head as quickly as I can. "Nothing. I'm just tired and I'm glad you brought pizza."
"Then let's eat!"
Kevin puts the pizza on the table in the kitchen with much enthusiasm that I can't seem to replicate. The news I'm going to break to him will definitely change his mood. It may damage our friendship, but I'm hoping that whatever my best friend told me earlier about Kevin staying comes true.
We both eat the pizza he brought. It has small trips of bacon, melted cheese, and it has a thin crust. It's delicious, too. I've been eating too much these past few weeks, and I haven't had the time to hit the gym because of my tight schedule and because of the drama that has entered my life. Kevin keeps moaning, paying little attention to me as he devours slice after slice of pizza. It's funny to see him like this and if I our friendship comes to an end, I'm definitely going to miss him. A lot. Kevin takes another slice, then gives it to me. His mouth is still full, a piece of pizza hanging on his lower lip. I playfully roll my eyes at him. He's already in mid-20s yet he still acts like a five-year-old kid. I have no idea how long we ate since the pizza is quite big, and he only brought one. I realize I still haven't worn a t-shirt. I also realize that I still have to do laundry, but I forgot that since Melody came barging here.
"So do you need any help?" he asks me, mouth still full.
I laugh at him, shaking my head. "There's nothing much to do. I still have to do laundry, but I think I'm going to do it tomorrow. I'm dead tired, and all I want to do is relax." Kevin nods and wipes his mouth with his hand. "Let's go watch a movie then?"
My lips quirk into a smile. "I'll ready the hot chocolate and some popcorns,"
Twenty minutes later, popcorn and hot chocolate are ready. Kevin, for some reason, has chosen Bride Wars to watch, but I'm not complaining. Anne Hathaway is so pretty. If I were straight, like really straight, I would crush hard on her. Night has already come, and I'm loving the busy streets of Brooklyn where the cars are honking at each other, and it can be heard here. I place the bowl on Kevin's lap as he seems engrossed with the movie, then I get the two mugs of hot chocolate and place it on the table.
The lights are turned off, and the only source of light is the TV and the moon planted in the sky. I haven't received any text or call from Wyatt so I guess he really has a tight schedule today, considering he cancelled his plans and meetings before we got back to Texas.
"Do you have something on your mind? Is something wrong?" Kevin asks me.
I've been stalling, I know. I've been trying to figure out how to start a conversation with him about me and Wyatt dating. My heart is already pounding hard against my chest in a not-so-good way. The longer I keep this bottled up, the more I get anxious. It's not like I did something bad, and it's not like I cheated on him because we were never together. But he is the first person who made me feel like I'm so important and he makes everything lighter.
"I just need to tell you something important," I tell him.
He turns to face me, Bride Wars is still playing but no one's paying attention to it now. My palms are getting clammy, and the longer I look at him, the more nervous I get. Kevin is really a nice guy and, like I said many times, he doesn't deserve someone like me.
"Is it bad?"
"Maybe, maybe not. I have no idea." I let out a chuckle, even though there's nothing amusement going on here. "Listen, you're the first person who realized I liked Wyatt, you know, in a romantic way. You are also the first person who made me realize that I deserve more, and I'm telling you right now, you deserve more."
"Is that you're way of you telling me that... we're together now?" Kevin asks me, confused. He tilts his head to the side and I groan out loud. "Or are you telling me that there's never going to be an us?"
"Kevin -"
"Wait, hold on," he raises a finger. "Don't answer that. I know it's the latter. But damn it hurts." He puts a hand on his chest where his heart is and hangs his head low. "I really thought I had a chance with you, you know. But... Wyatt really has a special place there, huh." He points his index finger to my chest. "I somehow knew I was never going to win you over, but at least I tried."
I take both of his hands and smiles sadly at him. Kevin's face is contorted, showing me how much pain he's bearing, and that hurts me. "Kevin, I'm not the one for you. You're a great guy, and you deserve a person who would appreciate everything about you. You deserve someone who would look up at you like you're some sort of deity that gives life to everything. You deserve someone who would cherish you, who would make you smile, who would sing sappy and crappy songs just to make you laugh. I found mine, and it's time to find yours."
"Hey, what do you mean? You're in a relationship with... Wyatt now?"
Slowly, I nod my head.
"When we got home. Texas." He lets out a huge sigh, looking anywhere but me. "It just so happened so fast that I thought it was a dream. Wyatt and I, we talked things through. He addressed how much of an asshole he became, and the reason for it. It was not a good reason, but he addressed how fuckup it was and that it reflected as anger, or hatred, towards me when we were in high school. And he hated change, and when he realized that something didn't really feel right when he was at that time, he became angrier. But I understand all of it now."
"I should have snatched you," he chuckles sadly. "I hate Wyatt now. Not because he did me bad when we were in high school, but because he's dating the boy I really, really like who I thought was going to choose me."
"I'm not going to say sorry because of what I really feel for Wyatt," I tell him honestly. "And I'm not going to be sorry that I chose him. When you fall in love, there wouldn't be any sorry or regrets. Kevin, I love you as a friend, and I'll choose you and Melody to always stay Because you're both awesome. It's alright if you pick someone else, and you shouldn't be sorry about it. You're a real friend, Kevin, and as my friend, I want you to be at your happiest even though we didn't end up together. Someday, you'll realize that it's good I didn't choose you, and that you didn't let me choose you. Because one day, one person will just come barging into your life and swoop you right on your feet. So, if possible, let's continue to watch Bride Wars, pig out, and be the best of friends."
"Alright, I'm okay with that," he nods his head, a smile tugged on his lips. "But I'm warning you, I can't keep my hands to myself."
"Kevin!" I whine. He laughs.
He puts his hands up in surrender, shaking his head. "I'll always be your friend, Pierce. For now, I'm choosing you. But I hope what you said is true because I damn want it, and oh, if Wyatt hurts you, I'm going to beat him up."
I remember Melody. "I'll let you and Melody beat him up for me and teach that bitch a lesson."
"Good, good, now go back to Bride Wars."
We turn our heads to continue watching the movie, and it's at the point where Anne and Kate are already trying to ruin each other's wedding. We laugh, become emotional, and excited throughout the movie. The popcorn has been devoured, the hot chocolate was finished until the very last drop. And then the night really comes and it's time to sleep.
Both Kevin and I are on the couch, me pushed to him, and it's comforting. I'm glad that he didn't leave and things didn't get awkward. It remains the way it has been between us. Kevin is already asleep, his chest rising gently. I pull myself closer and shut my eyes.
Then I feel someone shakes me rather harshly, and when I open my eyes, I see Wyatt glaring daggers at me, his eyes flickering between me and a sleeping Kevin. I put my finger over my lips, telling him to shush. I stand up without moving much. Wyatt's white polo shirt is unbuttoned, and he's still porting that jealous look that makes me chuckle. He turns to glare at me and I tweak his nose, loving his reaction. He frowns, takes my hand, and guides me through the other couch. I look at him confusedly, then yelps when he picks me up and throws me on the couch. He pushes me until I'm pressed to the side. Wyatt slips his arm around me, then pulls me closer.
"Have I told you I always get really jealous when Kevin is with you?" he asks me gruffly.
"Keep quiet, you'll wake him up," I whisper-yell at him. "I like that you get jealous."
"I'm going to fucking punch him tomorrow,"
"Violence is not always the answer, Wyatt. Learn that. And I told you to keep quiet. He might wake up."
"Good for him to hear that you're mine."
"You're jealousy is something else, and he already knows that I'm yours."
"You told him about us?" Wyatt asks me, surprised.
I smile at him. "Of course I did. Why would I not? I have always wanted to tell the world that I have a man named Ajax Wyatt." He blushes at that, and it's a sight to see. "Have I told you I love you?"
"Yes, and it's good to hear it every time. Have I told you I love you, too?"
"Yes, and it's good to hear it every time. Especially it comes out of your mouth."
We share a smile. Wyatt leans down and kisses me on the lips. My heart beats faster, and so does his. He pulls me closer, closing whatever gap there is between us, and I'm loving how his body feels on me. I can't believe that Wyatt is into me, and that he loves me. He loves good. I hope this doesn't stop. I hope he loves me more. I hope he stays with me longer. I hope to wake up with him every morning. I hope to kiss him every morning.
"I'm glad that you're here with me." He tells me, resting his forehead against mine after a long kiss we shared. "You drive me crazy."
"That's a cliche thing to say," I muse, but I smile widely. "But you do the same to me. Now pull me closer and let's sleep."
"Yes, honey." He grins and I suppress a laugh. "I'll marry you one day, you'll see."
"You better, so I get to you call you my hubby."
"Sure, honey." We share another kiss before we shut our eyes and succumb to sleep after 30 minutes. Wyatt is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I know, a cliche thing to say, but damn I deserve him. I freaking deserve him, and that's why I'm in love with him. I really love this guy, more than everything.
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