You will be alright
After a few more minutes of crying and holding hands with Justin I came out of the stall with my make up ruined again I put my hand over my face so he wouldn't see the disaster of my running make up from the tears forgetting that I was whereing short sleves and didnt have my coat on to hide the bruises "Hey" he said in a gentle voice "why are you covering your face?" "Because i'm Ugly sense my make ups all over." There was I long pause I peeked threw my fingers to make sure he didn't leave me alone in the bathroom,he didn't he was just starring at me. Then I remembered I wasn't wearing my coat "I" I began to say but couldn't manage to finish a sentence. My instent thought was to run far away from him but before I could get the chance he pulled me into his arms and held me tight. There was a long silence but the drips comeing from the leaking sink in the bathroom. "He hurt you didn't he?" Justin broke the silence " didn't he?" Justin said again but this time in a more firm voice. "Maybe" I whispered Justins grip on me got even tighter With dont know what he did but I started to cry even more "Yeah he did thats why i'm scared of him." I was balling now "shhhh Em shhh its alright." Justin said in a calm quite voice "it will be alright". He started rubbing my back and reapeating the same words over and over again. A few more minutes passed and I finally calmed down Justin lifted my head and wipped the left over tears from my face and said "let's try this again he hurt you didn't he?" "Yeah, BUT PLEASE DON'T TELL ANYONE!" I started tearing up again " IF HE FINDS OUT I TOLD PEOPLE HE WILL HURT ME SEVERELY!" Justin pulled my face to his and said " Listen no ones going to hurt you not while Im around you hear me?" I didn't know what to do or say so I just knoded." No one huts you and gets a way with it!""wh-what are you going to do?" Before he could answer the belle rang we both looked at eachother with a worried look WE MISSED A WHOLE PERIOD!!! " We are DEAD!" I said I was about to run out until Justin pulled me again "what! I hace to get going mom will kill me once she finds out I skipped." Justin laughed " WHATS SO FUNNY!" I exclaimed "Nothing" he said with a chuckle "unless you want to show off your bruises and look like a racoon." " "I forgot" I ran into the stall grabbed my coat and dashed to the sink. "Whoa slow down Em its okay here let me help." He grabbed a paper towle, put it in warm water and washed the running Mascara away. I sorta smiled he grabbed my hand and we were off. As we where running I still was wondering what Justin was planning on doing but hopefully its not something that he will regret.
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