Welcome Back to Hell
It has been a week and I'm out of the hospital which is good but now I'm back in hell yeah. Everyone has been starring at me like I came back from the dead or something as I was looking around I heard a familiar voice, "Hey sorry I'm late my older sister woke up super late and you know my sister shes got to wake up and do her make up tell its "perfect"so I had to wait forever my mom couldn't drop me off this morning because she had an early doctors appointment. So now I HELLA late to school because of Ashley, ugh I can't wait tell I learn how to drive." "Layla Chill, its okay well I mean its not cause you missed Mrs.Taylor hand out out our end of the semester project we have to do, but I mean I'm not mad that you came late nor is Ruby we both knew if you didn't show up it was for a good reason so." " You guys know me so well I chewed sister the hell out in the car." I laughed and Layla continued to tell me about her morning. While walking to my next period I continued listening to Layla ramble on about something else to complain about but as she was ranting on and on I looked around the hallways and I knew nothing would ever sound,look,or be the same after what happened I was seeing everything and everyone differently, like I can look at a teacher but instead of seeing a "Hero" you know a person who jumps in front of a bullet to save his or her students from getting hurt, a person who is smart and gentle. I don't see that anymore instead all I see is a monster who watches a girl like me get tortured and wines up in the hospital for a month to recover. One things for sure, I will never be the same nor will I ever feel safe again in this school. I begged my mom to move me schools but she knows that I don't want to leave my friends behind nor my boyfriend. After my 4th period I went to my locker which was really scary this was the first time sense I was attacked so I was really paranoid. I starred at it for a long time before I got the courage to open the locker I started putting my stuff into it when I heard his curl voice "So my friends saw you holding hands with another man" I screamed slammed my locker shut and ran as I was running my phone dropped and I picked it up and saw that Austin wasn't even at my locker. Even tho I knew no one was there I still felt as if he was there leaning on my locker waiting for me so I continued to run away. When I got out of the building I went to the hill in the back of the school sense the school was already built on a small mountain you could see the whole valley. I went under the tree on the hill and sat down looking over the valley hugging my knees. "Hey" I heard someone say I turned around to see who it was, it was Justin. "Oh hey" I said in a low voice "can I sit?" "might as well" I turned around to look back at the view. "How did you find me anyways?' "Ruby and Layla told me this was your favorite part of the school and that I might find you here so I came and sure enough hear you are." "oh" " Are you okay?" "No I'm not" I felt a tear fall down my cheek. "Come hear" Justin said in a soft tone he pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. I started to cry " I saw and heard him!" "I know this is really hard on you to come back to this hell hole! But you can make it he and his stupid friends are gone no one here will hurt you I won't let them even get near you especially if I think that they will harm you in anyway! I promise I will never I repeat NEVER let what happened, happen again you will be safe and sound." I looked up at him "thank you so much you truly are the best boyfriend any girl could ask for." I kissed him "now you didn't eat lunch so I brought you deviled eggs I know how much you love them so eat up and don't go saying your not hungry because I know you cannot survive without food not for one single day nor a minute." he was right I couldn't survive without food not even for a few minutes as soon as that bell rings I run my ass to the food hahaha. "Your right babe thank you." I took the egg and ate it. After I ate me and him cuddled tell lunch was over, Justin walked with me to my locker then to my 5th period. "Thanks babe and I know I say that a lot but honestly I am so so so grateful for what you have done for me and I couldn't have found a better guy fit for me then you." Justin started to blush he chuckled that was way way to cheesy your even more cheesier then me. "Justin I'm serious!" I kissed him again and went into my math class with the biggest smile. "Well someone looks like she took a trip to lovers town." "Oh shut up Ruby." "I shall not where were you at lunch bruh." "I was on the hill like you told Justin where I would be." "Well I know that but why where you gone is everything okay?" "I just keep having flashbacks to you know that's all I thought I saw Austin at my locker today and I freaked out and just ran." "I get it Em I still feel bad with what happened I wish I could time travel and erase that form happening." " That's sweet Ruby thank you and I wish it didn't happen ether but I'm also kinda glad it happened because me and Justin would have never become a thing and he is truly the best boyfriend that I could ever have!" "I guess Austin didn't completely ruin you like he thinks he did." "Yep instead he gave me the one guy who truly loves me so he can suck on that." "I'm so proud of you Em I know you will still get these horrible flashbacks but instead of only seeing the bad side which was pretty much all of it you found the light! "Well I kinda have too for you guys with out you all I would be stuck in the darkness, so in a way you guys saved me." "Anytime you have done the same thing to one of us if we were in that position.""You bet I would,cause that's what true friends do for eachother." I hugged Ruby and class began.
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