Twilight walk
It was the next day I woke up in Justin's arms like always. I smiled "Wake Up sleepy head" "wha-what" he yawned I smiled "its 10 Justin haha" "OH SHIT I NEED TO START ON HOMEWORK!" "Calm down I can help you" "Nah you don't have to you just focus on getting well k." "But Justin" "no buts its my work" "well to bad I'm going to help you, what's the subject?" "Math" he said annoyed "Its calculus with algebra." "Ooooo your on your own" I said then patted him on the back and ran best I could to the bathroom "oh really now" he said with a laugh I don't think so you know I'm a lot faster than you." He got up and chased after me I giggled "he got me and was taking me back to the bed. " I NEED TO PEE!" "My bad" he put me down and I got in the bathroom just kidding I don't ha" "oh you little" I giggled and locked the door. I walked over to the mirror and looked at my face it was pretty much healed the cut under my eye was a scar now and the brushing of my eye also was gone as wellthe cuts from the rings were all scars now I took a deep breath I was relieved I wasn't hideous anymore. I washed my face and took a shower I came out in a robe with my Pj's underneath. "Hey Justin guess what" "what" "I'm not ugly anymore" "when were you ever ugly Em?" I blushed Justin smiled at me "do you want me to do your hair?" He asked "if you want to" I replied I handed him my brush. "So what do you want today?" "Just a messy bun" "okay then I will make the best damn messy bun you will ever see" "I have no doubts." I said with a smile I grabbed my phone and my glasses "I never knew you had glasses Em." "Oh that's because I don't like the way I look in them. "Let me see." I turned to Justin "what do you think" "YOU LOOK SO CUTE! ... I mean lets get your hair started huh." I giggled okay I was playing on my phone and let Justin do his thing when he was done we both went down to the cafeteria I'm finding it easier to walk so I try to walk a lot so my legs get used to the feeling again Justin didn't like the idea of me going with him but I said I was going to no matter what. He held my hand to help me keep my balance to be honest thats all I really wanted was to hold his hand. We got our burgers and went back up to the room to start on his homework which took forever when we were done I felt like I was going to die "Well I don't want to think the rest of the day" I said he laughed its okay that's all the homework I have "Thank god!" I grabbed my stuffed owl and heard the door open "Mom Lilly!" I love my little sister "EM!" Lilly yelled she ran to my bed and hugged me, I kissed her on the head. "How's school going?" "Not really good its boaring the highlights of my day are recess and going home nothing else I laughed "Those were the highlight of my day too " I whispered. Lilly is in 2nd grade "I saw this cute boy at school we are now dating but don't tell mommy." "Oh boy" "yeah thats what I said he's a boy" I laughed. "Hey Lilly" Justin said "hey Justin so have you kissed my sissy yet?" "What" "LILLY" "what" "Lillian rose Johnson" "what" "I'm so sorry about her she's still a little girl hehe" "No worries" Justin said while Patting Lilly's head. "Omg I'm so sorry Justin" I said he turned super red "again no worries little kids will be little kids. Lilly told me a lot of crazy stories about how she became a mermaid while swimming with Rubys little sister Hanna. After a few Hours my mom took Lilly home and it was just me and Justin "I am so sorry my sister can be nuts sometimes hahaha." "Em really its no big deal." "Okay" I grabbed my stuffed animal and held it tight "you really like that huh?" He asked "LIKE IT NO I LOVE IT ITS THE CUTEST THING ON THIS PLANET!" Justin "No your the cutest thing on this planet hahaha" "that was so cheesy" "I know haha, hey you only have one more week in here." "Yeah I know" I looked down "Hey" he said in a gentle voice he put his hand on my knee "look at me" I looked up at him "remember what I promised you?" "Yeah you said "I won't let no body hurt you."" "Exactly and I'm going to keep that promise" he grabbed my hand and held it tight I smiled "you know your super sweet right." Justin started to go pink I smiled "thank you for everything Justin"." I kissed his cheek he looked like he was going to pass out "well..I...Thanks" I giggled. Justin was sitting there looking like a goon. "Are you just ganna have that stupid look on your face the rest of the night?" "What stupid look I don't have a stupid look you have a stupid look." I laughed "Sure I totally do" Justin looked out the window "Pretty isn't it" "Yeah" "I always look out that window every day and night its just so beautiful." "Hey Em" "hmm" "its a gorgeous night do you want to go for a walk?" "Sure" I put on my sandals and grabbed my phone. "I'm ready" Justin grabbed my hand and We went to the rose garden it was beautiful there was a pearl white pavailion in the middle of the garden with lots of pretty water falls. "Wow" "I know I love this garden" "why does the hospital even have such an amazing garden its one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen!" "You want to know what the most beautiful thing in the whole world is?" "Sure what is it?" "Its you" I blushed "that was over the top cheesy." "Thought it was a long shot but Eh at least I tried hahaha." I giggled I thought it was cute he was being all flirty "Em" "yeah" he sighed "So I have had the biggest crush on you but I was always to chicken to tell you I know your probably don't feel the same but your just so damn beautiful and." "Shh Justin." But Justin continued to ramble on, while listening I finally got the guts to kissed him. "I feel the same way to you just never let me fin." before I could finish my sentence he kissed me inturupting me yet again but this time I didn't care. It lasted about 5 minutes. "Wow" "talk about it" I smiled this was the first time I truly was happy. After our kiss we held hands and walked to the Pavilion we looked up at the moon and stars. "Justin" "Yeah" "your a good kisser hahaha." "Thanks" I laughed and he laughed right a long with me." We sat underneath the night sky and held hands I laid my head on his shoulder. "You cold?" " a little" Justin took off his leather jacket and put it on me it was pretty big but it was warm. "Thanks" "No problume" he kissed my head and held me in his arms I took a deep breath in and let it out slowly then smiled. It was the best night of my life one that I will never forget thats for sure!
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