On the road to recovery
Its been a week sense my cast and stiches were removed. I was asleep then I felt someone poked me I woke up it was Justin "what" I said with a yawn "time for physical therapy." He said with a smile "Ughhh" I groaned I put a pillow over my face "no no no" Justin pulled the pillow away from my face I'll be with you and I'm the one helping you it will be okay." "I don't wanna" I wined he smiled at me "why do you sound like a child when you wine?" "I have no idea" "I'll be back I need to change out of my PJs." "Okay" after he left I just stared at the ceiling for a long time, after 10 minutes the nurse came in and I got dressed in a white tank top with blue sweats. "You ready" "I think so can you help me out please." "Yeah" Justin came over with the walker and helped me out. After a few minutes we were in the room "let's have you try to walk first" "good Idea" I said Justin helped me to the walk way I held the bars and tried to walk I got about 3 steps and I got all wobbly and fell "EM"Justin ran and caught me "careful we don't need another head injury your dumb enough." He said in a teasingly voice I chuckled "Your not so sharp yourself Justin." I said "Ouch that hurts" we both laughed he helped me up and I tried walking again this time I got 10 steps! "Your doing great!" Justin said "Thanks" I said back with a smile. After that it was on to weights to help my arm regain it strength I did that for a few minutes. It was then my break me and Justin sat at a picnic table and ate chicken noodle soup. "Okay be honest with me, why have you not left my side sense I have been hurt, and Why are you helping me?" "Well because your amazing and you have helped me a lot Em. You don't know how much you have done for me so I figured this would be my time to repay you for all of the things you have helped me through." I smiled at him and he did the same thing. "You ready to get back to work Em?" He asked with a smile. "Ugh I guess so I mean it's not like I have a choice." "That's the spirit" he said with a laugh. We did more walking for a few more hours and it was time to stretch my leg I got up on a stretching table and Justin pulled my knee to my face I will admit it hurt like HELL! But I was so glad that it was Justin who was helping me with this. "I know it hurts Em but think of it this way only one more week of this and you will be good as new!" "Yeah I guess your right." He stretched my other leg too which that felt nice I was really tense form what happened and it felt nice to stretch my legs and arms out. After stretching my legs. We went back to the room I laid in the bed exhausted "I FEEL LIKE I'M GANNA DIE" "Em you will feel better in the morning" "I hope your right because if your not I'm going to kill you for making me go through that HELL!" I said with a glare "Why are you cute when your mad?" "What?" " I meant nothing hahaha." I smiled "I will uh just go get a coke haha" He wasn't paying attention and it hit the door "ow SON OF A" then he walked out when I was for sure he was gone I freaked and texted Ruby and Layla "OMG OMG OMG HE CALLED ME CUTE NOT A DRILL, NOT A DRILL!" " Layla:Who?" " Ruby:OMG EM THATS GREAT and Layla where have you been ems talking about Justin Oml *face in palm* "Layla:Ohhh that's who you are talking about bro haha" Ruby: Um you okay Layla? You seem a little crazy." Layla: Yeah bro I'm totally fine haha" "Me: oof shes high." Layla: YOU HAVE NO PROOF DORA DONT YOU HAVE A TALKING MAP YOU NEED TO TALK TO!" "Me:Ruby go to Laylas house and help her out before she goes on a rampage looking for swiper or something." "Ruby: I'm already on my way." "Layla: YOU CAN'T FIND ME I'M SPONGE BOB I LIVE UNDER THE SEA IN A PINEAPPLE" Me: Oh dear god, well I will let Ruby handle you night guys." I put my phone down and ignored Layals crazy text messages that didn't make sense at all. I got out of the bed and walked to the window I was on the 2nd to highest floor in the hospital and it gave me an awesome view of the city I stood there for a few hours then I slowly walked back to the bed. The door opened it was Justin he had some things with him. "Hey what do you have?" I asked "I got some burgers,a pepsi for you, Coke for me , and this. Justin had a big fluffy white and pruple stuffed owl "OMG YOU GOT ME A OWL OMG THANK YOU!" Justin chuckled "I remembered you always talking about owls when we were younger I also remembered your favorite color was purple when I was at the gift shop down stairs I saw it and thought of you heh." I looked at him he remembered all of that geez Austin didn't even remember my birthday. Justin handed me the stuffed animal "Thank you Justin!" "it was nothing." I can't believe you remembered all of that." "well I did" I got up "EM WAIT" but before he could finish I hugged him he hugged me back "you really need to lay down Em you worked your ass off today. "Nah I'm fine" "You sure?" "Yeah" after I let go I got kinda dizzy "nope your not okay" Justin said he picked me up and laid me on the bed. Your mom says she will be here with Lilly tomorrow "Okay" I said with a yawn I then rubbed my eyes and fell asleep. While I was asleep Justin climbed in with me I only slept soundly when he was with me I felt him pull me close I rested my head on his chest and he rested his chin on my head. He started rubbing my back, I loved it when he did that its always relaxing to me. I then felt him kiss my head I don't know why he only kisses me when I'm asleep I wish he would kiss me when I was awake. I also wish I had the guts to tell him how I felt but I could never do it I'm to much of a chicken.
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