Excited but not really
Its been a month"the doctors says I sould be out in a few days which I'm so greatful for." I texted Ruby "thats so good but do you really want to leave? I mean I wouldn't I would be to terrified to leave." Ruby texted " yeah. I mean I am but I can't let what happen scare me the rest of my life." " I am so proud of you Em,so how are you and Justin 😜 are you two a thing now? "No but he's been a real help and is the only thing keeping me from go all crazy bat shit in here. He's been doing my hair for me and hes really good at it too he even can French braid!" "Wow girl your lucky to have found a guy like that." "He isnt my guy even though I wish he was mine." The door opened to my room it was Justin "Hey gtg ttyl love you Ruby." I put my phone on the night stand next to the bed "Hey" I said "Hey are you excited?" "About what exactly?" I asked."About getting your stitches,cast, and bandages taken off." He said "yeah" I said Justin was way more excited then me about it which is odd because normally it's the other way around. I guess Ruby was right I didn't really want to leave I felt safe here unlike school. Justin looked at me curiously as if he knew something was bugging me. " You don't seem excited are you okay?" " Who me y-eah I'm fine." "I know your not what's up." I sighed every sense we have been in the hospital together I can't hide anything from him he just knew. "I mean Yeah I'm excited but I don't want to leave I feel safe here not but not at school I will never feel safe at that school ever again the teachers are pieces of shit that don't care about the children beating each other up they allow it" I said while looking down." Hey em it will be alright I won't let no one hurt you I will be with you every step of the way." He put his hand on my good leg and whispered " I promise " I smiled "thank you so much for everything Justin you have been with me helped me all the time and I never said thank you." "It's no problem I would do anything for you and you would have done the same to if it were me.""Oh you bet I would" I said he smiled we looked in to each others eyes we stayed like that for a long time until the opening door snapped us out of it. "Sorry if I'm interupting I came here to take Emily to go to get her stiches and Cast removed today." "your not inturpting anything" Justin said he then looked at me and hugged me "you will be okay I promise they won't hurt you." Justin whispered and I was off to get them removed. After A few Hours I came back with bandages around my head and my casts off. Justin looked at me and smiled I don't know why he was but it made me kinda nervous. "Why are you smileing?" I asked. Justin chuckled "no reason." "Okay then."
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