Christmas Special
This is a short that isn't connected to the main story.
I always wanted to do a soulmate AU. So if you guys bare with me, I'm going to test out my skills with it with this special. And I know it's a little late, but I'm sure there are Christmas decorations still up in someone's house besides mine. There are no quirks in this and your old enough to be living on your own. I hope you guys like it. 🎅🏻☃️🌨❄️🎄
⚠️Fair warning, could be triggering to some people.
You shiver as you trudge through the snow, heading toward your small apartment building, the layers of coats doing nothing to keep the cold from nipping at you. Getting inside, you sigh in relief, knocking off the layer of snow that had was practically an outer layer at this point. Peeling off your coats, you hang them up onto the coat rack, pulling off your snow boots and long, thick pants you wore over you normal ones. It was a nice change to step into the warm room, walking over to you small kitchen and put the groceries on top of the counter.
You put your groceries away before going to your chair and sat down, pulling down your long sleeves to stare at the writing you had put on your skin. Nothing new, nothing that you didn't write, just your grocery list and the order you had to writ on your wrist since you ran out of paper. You knew it was stupid, thinking that someone would suddenly write on their arm to make your fears and doubts to go away. When you were younger, you had once found a small flower drawn onto your wrist, but as soon as you went to show your parents, it was gone, not even a smudge left.
They pushed it off as you wishing for a soulmate and that you had just mistaken something to be on your wrist. But you were positive that someone drew it, so you wrote on your arm, asking why they got rid of the flower. You continued to write questions on your arm for about three years, before you stopped and just used your skin for notes and reminders. You knew it would annoy whoever your soulmate was, if you really had one, so you continued to do it to spite them. But that small little flower was the only hint of a soulmate you had, but it went away so quick, that it was hard to tell if it was even real or some hopeful dream.
Your parents didn't have soulmates, they just meet and fell in love, with no force or pull, so everyone told you that you were going to be like them and not have a soulmate. That they had already died or that they don't care about someone who constantly scribbles on their arm. You sigh and look at your lonely, small Christmas tree, just a string of lights and cheap, plastic the only decorations. The only thing extraordinary about it was the priceless star that sat on top, pure crystal and a family heirloom. Your Mom had wanted to throw it out when you still lived with her, but were able to save it, the memories of past Christmases seeming to dance in its artificial light.
You smile as your childhood swam past in a lazy flow, allowing you to enjoy the memories of excitement and laughter. The pure joy you had when you opened your presents, and the smell of breakfast swirling all in your mind. A buzz from your pocket brought you back, pulling out your phone to find a text from your Mom, your heart sinking as you read it.
I'm sorry sweetie. The flights had been canceled due to snow. A new flight won't be open until four days after Christmas. We'll be there for New Years though.
You look at your tree again, it hitting you hard that your going to be alone this Christmas, but you tried to cheer up. It's not for another two days. Something is sure to happen by then... right?
The cafe you worked in was pretty busy this morning, people wanting something to warm them up after trudging through the snow to get to places. Snow plows were having a hard time trying to control the snow that continued to cover the roads with fresh, soft, cold layers. You were working with only one other person, both of you keeping to your respected stations, your practice smile greeting the next customer. Writing their order on your arm, more out of habit now, and your coworker has all of the order slips, you glance over it, hoping to find some sort of new writing, out of pure habit than anything.
Your uniform was a short sleeved, white shirt, with black pants and a warm, autumn red apron, so your arms were always exposed, only encouraging you to write on your skin.Getting their order, you glanced over at the couple at the counter as you made their drinks, the girl drawing something on her palm and the guy laughed when looking at it. Looking away, you focused on their drinks, getting them ready and brought them up, the two thanking you before walking to a corner of the room to sit and talk. You watched them with envy, looking at your arms again, wanting something that wasn't there before, something that told you that you had a soulmate and weren't going crazy.
The bell rung and made you look up, your heart skipping a beat when one of your regulars came in, wearing a black beanie and black turtle neck underneath a heavy, orange jacket and scarf, his boots clomping on the floor as he walked up to the counter. He had a strong build that showed through, his thick, heavy clothes, but it was always a mystery what were under his sleeves since he always wore long sleeves. Snow fell off of his bright, blonde hair, his crimson eyes looking straight at you blankly, not needing to scan the menu.
"May I take your order?" You ask, having to fight from shaking or stammering, already knowing his order, but had to ask due to policy.
"Double shot cappuccino with an all for one muffin." He ordered, his voice deep and calm.
The all for one muffin was a strawberry and chocolate muffin that had lemon shreds on the top, the ultimate, sweet and sour muffin that you can only find at this cafe. You don't bother writing it down, since it was ingrained into your memory, already having the coffee ready about five minutes before he entered. He only seemed to want you to serve him, since he would wait in the line you were serving, even if the other line was completely empty. You also found out that he would wait until you would come out of the break room if you took a break, coming up to the counter as soon as you come out. You also heard from your coworkers that he would wait about thirty minutes before leaving if it was your day off, and wouldn't even show up when you were off after he figured it out.
It was kind of weird, but he hasn't said anything besides his order, and hasn't actually followed you, just waited. You wanted him to be your soulmate, but when you had tested to see, he didn't seem fazed the slightest as you used a marker that was cold on your skin. He would sit near the wall and either be reading or going through his phone, not seeming interested in anything else. The only time you heard about something bad was when some green haired guy came into the cafe and ran into him. The blonde had exploded instantly by seeing who it was and the green guy instantly ran out, not ever showing up unless the blonde was gone.
"Here you go." You smile, giving him his order and smiled, this one genuine and not forced. "Have a nice day."
He didn't respond, only took his food and drink and went to sit down, your eyes wandering to his covered arms, wondering why he never wore a short sleeved shirt. Shaking your head to step away from the mystery, you focused on the other customers that had just walked through the door, offering them another one of your practiced smiles. Yep, today was going to be a long day.
It's now Christmas Eve, and you sat in front of your tree, curled up and tried to lift your heavy heart. A sorry excuse of a Christmas dinner sat on your table, only half eaten, cold take out from a 24/7 Chinese restaurant. This was your first Christmas alone and it hurt, a time for family, love and sharing only to be alone after a sucky year. The only highlight you had was whenever you saw the blonde, but it wasn't enough to help you. Your friends have their own lives and had basically forgotten you, your parents stuck in a different state and all of your other relatives couldn't bother to even call and tell you Merry Christmas. Looking down at your arms, you felt tears well in your eyes, wanting someone, anyone, who would actually hold you with care and you can talk to.
Hope dwindling, you picked up a pen, tears slowly trekking down your cheeks as you looked at your arm. Sighing, you promised that you would stop this foolish dream if you didn't get any kind of response, pressing your pen into your skin for one, final attempt, one final plea.
If your really there, then please, answer me. I'm tired of being alone and having a foolish dream that you will actually respond. So please... do something.
Writing your address underneath, you sigh, capping your pen and watched your arms, waiting, just staring at your skin. After about ten minutes, you sigh, your heart heavy, rolling down your sleeve and went to your kitchen table to finish your dinner. Suddenly, it felt like something was moving across your skin, making you pause, looking at your covered arm. Hoping it wasn't something you imagined, you pulled your sleeve up, your heart skipping a beat.
Double cappuccino and an all for one muffin.
Underneath was the flower, the one you saw when you were younger, your heart hammering as your mind spun, trying to remember why that was familiar. Your eyes widened and your face went hot when you realized that it was the blonde you served at the cafe, your heart racing and tears pricking your eyes. You watched, for the first time in forever, as your soulmate wrote below the flower, his words making your heart jump for joy.
You really shouldn't give your address to strangers, dumb ass. Don't do anything stupid, I'll be there in a minute.
You were so happy. You were crying as you stared at the writing, almost jumping for joy. You had so many questions, so many things you wanted to tell him, how he was cruel for not answering you, but it all went away when you heard a knock at the door. Hesitant, you opened the door to find the crimson eyes of the blonde, who was holding a very annoyed look on his face.
"What the hell do you mean your alone?" He growled, but you didn't say anything, the blondes look of annoyance melting into concern slowly. "Are you-"
You jump up and wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face into his shoulder, tears sliding down your face in rivers as you sobbed. It caught him completely off guard, his arms hovering over your body, not to sure of what to do, before he wrapped them around you tightly, burying his face into your hair, letting you cry.
"Why?" You sobbed between breathes.
"Why what?" He asked, pulling you back gently, like he was going to break you.
"W-why didn't y-you ever answer me?" You force out, your heart feeling heavy as you looked up at your soulmate. "I-I thought they were right. T-that I d-didn't have a soul-soulmate."
"I was... afraid." He mumbled, looking down in shame. "I thought that you wouldn't like me. As a kid, I didn't like the thought of a soulmate, so I stopped writing. It wasn't until you stopped asking questions and I only got notes and reminders that I realized that I made a mistake. I didn't know if you would like a bastard like me as your soulmate, but I couldn't help but look for you. Luckily, you wrote down the name of the cafe you work at, and sure enough, you were there. After seeing you, I really started doubting myself, thinking that you really would hate me."
"I-I don't hate you." You stated, starting to calm down, a wide smile spreading across your face. "I'm just so happy that its you and that I'm not alone."
"Well, your not going to be alone anymore. I promise you that (y/n)." He grinned, setting you on the floor and rolled up his sleeves, revealing the identical words.
"How do you know my name?" You ask, looking up at the basic stranger.
"I remember everything that you write." He explained, looking away with a slight blush dusting his cheeks. "I never forget any of it. If it helps you any, I'm Bakugou Katsuki."
"It does." You smile, pulling him inside and closed your apartment door.
You two spent the entire night talking, Bakugou cooking you a proper dinner with stuff he had brought with him. It was amazing, both of you talking and laughing, while eating the delicious food he made, dozing off on the couch together. Your Christmas wish finally came true that very night, with a very special, Christmas miracle.
You weren't alone anymore.
Merry Christmas!
Sorry that this was late and so long. I couldn't stop writing and the story continued to build as I wrote. Thank you for your patience.
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