Chapter 8
If you could read what's in bold at the end of the last chapter and comment on one of the story ideas, I would greatly appreciate it. Just leave a comment on what you want. I'll leave you guys alone now.
Kirishima stared at you in shock, his eyes wide and his mouth hanging open, making you feel uncomfortable and rub your arm, looking away shyly. Bakugou slapped the back of Kirishima's head, making him come out of it and he finally broke into a wide grin.
"That's so manly." Kirishima, brought his fist up and you could have sworn you saw a tear. "Saving her and letting her stay here."
"Yeah." Bakugou mumbled, looking at you with a scowl, only for his eyes to soften and a smile slightly replace his frown.
"So..." Kirishima now turned his attention to you, making you tense up a bit. "Why exactly do you need to stay away from crowds?"
Another slap in the head told him that was a stupid question, Bakugou glaring at him.
"Think dumb ass. Dog fights usually have crowds, and she was expected to kill while fighting, so..." Bakugou waited for it to click in Kirishima's head.
"Oh..." He rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at you, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry if that was a stupid and insensitive question. I was just trying to understand."
"It's alright." You say in a soft voice, your eyes now training on the floor out of habit while speaking.
"Okay, if I can't ask that.... do you remember anything before being forced to do that stuff? And shouldn't you be a little traumatized?"
"I've grown up in that, so I'm over the trauma... I think." You say, slightly getting louder and more confident, each word reassuring you that you were safe. "I remember my Mom and Dad a little, but not their faces. Just that they always took me out for ice cream on Friday's and stayed at the park. I would play in the park while I wait for them to get the ice cream, using my quirk to chase people when we played tag."
"Is that really all you remember?" Kirishima asked, Bakugou glaring slightly at him, before returning a soft gaze toward you.
"I remember my parents quirks." You answered, thinking hard to bring up the memory. "My Mom could shift into any animal and my dad had the attributes of a wolf. I remember when I got my quirk. Mom showed me how to control it and shift in between my two forms. Dad taught me how to control some of my instincts. I also remember the day I was...."
You trailed off, tears brimming in your eyes as you relived that day in your head, both boys looking at you with worry. The first tear rolled down your cheek and Bakugou was instantly by your side, wiping it away and pulled you into a hug. Out of all that you went through, the man that kidnapped and trained you scared you the most. All of your 'owners' combined didn't match up to the cruelty that man had and how scary he was. You began to shake, remembering your first kill, the sound of his yells and your own screams filling your head.
"Hey." Bakugou said in a soft voice, surprising Kirishima and he would have commented on it if he wasn't concerned about you. "It's okay. That bastard is no where near here. He's a long way away. Now one is going to hurt you. Just calm down, okay?"
You start hyperventilating, your heart beat speeding up, the image of his bloody fist crash into your face making you freak out more. Bakugou rubbed your back and said soothing words, having practice from the night before.
"Just breathe, okay?" Bakugou told you, making you face him. "Deep breath in, then out."
You do as told, calming down and you looked up at Bakugou with red eyes, your heart slowing as you watch him. A soft, well... soft for Bakugou... smile graced his lips and you calmed fully, wrapping your arms around him and hugged him tightly. Bakugou rubbed your back before glaring at Kirishima.
"How about we leave your past alone until you can handle it, okay?" The question was aimed at Kirishima more than you, but you still nodded, hugging him tighter.
The room was silent, Kirishima watching the scene in front of him in silence, wondering how he will be able to keep this a secret. A growl suddenly echoed through the room, your stomach rumbling and begging to be feed.
"I guess your hungry." Bakugou chuckled, starting to play with your soft hair.
"You think?" You ask, instantly pulling away from Bakugou and covering your mouth.
He was surprised, the sass in your voice evident and unexpected. After a moment, that to you felt like an eternity, he smiled and chuckled a little, standing up and walked to the door.
"I'm just going to get you something to eat." Bakugou smiled slightly at you, his gaze soft, only for it to turn hard and annoyed as he shifted his attention to Kirishima. "Come on shit hair."
"But I wanted to stay with (Y/n)." He whined, standing up and pouting a little.
"Well now you better want to leave my room before I kick your ass." Bakugou smirked, Kirishima jumping into a fighting stance.
"That a challenge, bro?" He asked, before walking out of the room, both boys looking at you before the door closed.
"Dude!" Kirishima whisper screamed to Bakugou as they walked to the elevator. "Were you just nice? Do you have a thing for (Y/n)?"
"Shut up, weird hair." Bakugou mumbled, his face now a little pink.
Sorry if this chapter is a little boring. I just don't want to rush the story. Please comment and vote, it motivates me to keep writing and working on this story.
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