Chapter 22
I'm going to be bouncing around from different places and events, so bare with me.
This was not good. Not good at all.
Three students trapped in about seven, separate arenas made by Cementoss, each small enough to hold just three and for them to fight. At least two people were keeping the students busy in their battlegrounds, while about twenty, paid villains kept the teachers busy, which was only Aizawa and Cementoss. A bomb that was planted and detonated in the school gate and entrance ensured that everyone else was to busy to go looking for the missing class. They hired a guy with a tunneling quirk and another that can scramble signals, to ensure they wouldn't be caught. The tunnels spread out into each little arena to make sure that no one knew what the real plan was.
This was thought out almost perfectly, and all because your past tormentors prefer you to be fighting dogs instead of living a life away from them. It was all because they wanted you back.
"How did they get in here?!" Denki yelled over another one of Bakugou's explosions.
The thug seemed to only swallow his explosions while the other threw glue that came from his hands. Tokoyami was already stuck against a cement wall, Dark Shadow trying to pull away the glue, only to have it reapplied. Kaminari was trying to get close enough to electrocute them both, but he couldn't get past the glue, and neither of them stayed still, so he couldn't shoot them with his electricity. Bakugou was getting irritated, the guy that swallowed his explosions was smiling like crazy and became cocky.
"So your the kid that took our little wolf out of the arena." He chuckled, Bakugou freezing, things clicking in his mind as the thug continued to taunt him. "To bad your efforts were pointless. She's going back to being a meal ticket. We made an agreement to trade her around for a few months, so that we can get our share. Anything she might have learned here will just ensure that we get a big bonus in income when she goes back to fighting."
Bakugou was angry, past angry even, his breathing becoming ragged and his body shaking with rage as explosions came from his hands. His hair was covering his eyes, the second thug to focused on Kaminari and keeping Tokoyami down to do anything about Bakugou, even though he was clearly unable to move in his rage.
"Aw. Do you feelings for the little mutt?" The thug said in a mocking baby voice, laughing at the thought of it. "You can still see her. But only in the ring. I mean, unless you pay extra, so you can see her in her cage. Maybe. I might even -"
Bakugou didn't let him finish, somehow landing an explosion in the mans face, his eyes full of rage and hate. He sent an explosion for the second thug, and he went flying into the wall, his head hitting it hard and made him lose consciousness. The blonde's attention was focused on the man in front of him, who was looking at him with shock and fear, blood trickling from his mouth from the explosion.
"Don't ever touch (Y/n, you bastard!" He shouted as he charged at him, the man unable to swallow the explosion in time when it meet his stomach.
The man flew back and hit a wall hard, blacking out instantly, Bakugou wanting to kill him, but the thought of you in danger made him push his want to kill aside. He used his explosions and propelled himself into the air, leaving Kaminari to help Tokoyami, one thought in his mind.
Were you okay?
You yelp when another lash from Muchi meet your side, tears pricking your eyes from the pain and memories that it resurfaced, but you didn't cave. Kirishima was blocking the bone knives and trying to advance on the black haired man while Koda was in a battle of wills over the snakes. Sure they came from the man's spine, but they were still animals, and Koda was fighting with his voice to convince them to do as he says instead. Dodging, yet another, whip lash, you jump at the pink and purple haired woman, claws out and mouth open, getting a hold of her wrist. She screamed and whacked your muzzle as she dropped her whips, both of them turning into wisp of hair once out of her hands.
"Let go!" She yelled, slamming you against a concrete wall, making you whine out in pain, but you didn't let go. "I said, let go! You damn mutt!"
The second slam to the wall made you fall to the ground, whining in pain, your body acting fast and you got away from her. The taste of blood on your tongue made you want to vomit at memories that flooded your mind, but you fought them off. About to attack her again, you felt a sudden, sharp kick into your side, making you yell out in pain as you hit the wall and land on the ground. Struggling to get up, you see that Koda was wrapped tightly in a snakes coils, his mouth covered, Kirishima on the ground with knives made of bone in his arms, one in his side.
A snake was slithering away from his body, showing that he was poisoned and that was what knocked him out. You look up to see all three of your attackers over you, the two men smiling, chilling smiles while Muchi was holding her bleeding arm, glaring at you.
"I think our mutt has been a bad girl. Don't you think?" The man with the bone quirk asked, receiving a wider, eviler grin from the large, snake man.
"Yes she has." He chuckled darker, a snake sliding up his shoulder to show it's familiar head. "Such a disappointment that she forgot all the rules. It's time for a little punishment."
Muchi smiled at the mention of punishment, not bothering to pick a strand of hair, and grabbed about half of her hair, pulling it out to form a long whip, with bits of spikes poking out of it. It was raised over her head as the men backed up, watching with sick smiles as it was brought down on you. Unable to move at all, you yelped loudly as the spikes went through your fur to puncture your skin, your body almost collapsing as you fought to keep standing and try to run. You felt something slide around your neck, eyes shooting open to see the black and red snake had coiled around your neck, slowly starting to tighten.
You pawed and clawed at it, noticing you couldn't open your mouth to bite it, seeing another snake was coiled around your snout. A muffled howl of pain erupted from your throat when the whip was brought down on you again. Your eyes closed and body slumped over, the snake lessening your oxygen more by tightening it's hold around your neck. Two more snakes were coiling around your back and front paws, making you immobile. A snake was hissing in your ear, your eyes opening a little to see the whip about to hit you again, your vision blurred, ears pinning back, ready for the painful strike.
A loud explosion brought you back, a loud, angry snarl making you prick up your ears, you tail lightly thumping in hope. Fighting the want to pass out, you look past Muchi when she turned around with the two men to see a seething Bakugou. He was angry. Beyond angry. Your eyes slid close from the pain and the lack of oxygen, unable to see anything, but you could hear it just fine before you slipped into a dreamless sleep.
"Get away from her, you damn bastards!"
Tune in next week to see the outcome.
Almost got you.
Your eyes opened slowly, your head pounding and body aching, white surrounding you and confused you greatly. This wasn't Bakugou's room. Turning your head, you saw Bakugou, sitting in a chair, his head slumped on his shoulder as he slept. He seemed find, except for a bandage that was on his arm and cheek, indicating injuries from his fight. You winced a little at the pain that went through your body as you shifted, finding that you were still in your hero uniform. Memories of past events came back to you like a tidal wave, looking down to see that your entire torso was wrapped tightly with a white bandage, that did no use in your human form.
You look back at Bakugou, ignoring the pain in your chest as you gently touched his hand, not able to believe that he had saved you, again. How did he save you? How long was he sitting here? Was he watching you sleep? All these thoughts raced through your head, but you calmed them down by taking a deep breath, studying his peaceful face.
"He's been here all day." A familiar voice said, making you turn your head to see Recovery Girl standing in the doorway. "He refused to go to class until you woke up. Clearly, he was worried for you. He hasn't eaten all day or slept until now."
"How long was I out?" You ask, your voice hoarse, you gaze going to the short woman briefly before returning to the blonde.
"For about two days." She smiled kindly, pulling out bandages. "Your wounds were really bad. I could only fix the broken bones and the worst of the lashes. Your going to be sore for a few days, but you should be fine. Just need to change your bandages every now and then. I'm sorry I couldn't do more for you dear."
"It's okay." You mumble, not looking away from Bakugou. "What about Katsuki?"
"Katsuki?" Recovery Girl asked, confused, making you tilt your head a little and look at her.
"Yeah." You confirm, looking back at the blonde.
"He's okay. Just a few cuts and bruises." She said while getting some pain medication. "Kirishima is also alright. It was thankfully just a curable snake bite and we got there in time to give him the cure. Now, let's change you into something more comfortable and put the bandages on properly."
You nod your head, sliding off the bed to follow her, glancing back at Bakugou before disappearing behind a door.
Sorry if this chapter is crap. But thank you guys so much! I'm over 30k reads and 1K votes! I didn't know my story was that good. Thank you for sticking to it.
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