Chapter 21
All of you are so awesome!!!! I can't believe that I have so man reads and votes! You all are so amazing!
Weeks have passed since you first joined UA as a student, and after getting over your shyness and worry, you fell into a nice pattern. You would attend class and spend any free time with the Baku-squad, sticking next to Bakugou until after school until he had to leave for his extra class. You would spend this time with Kirishima, Mina, Kaminari and Sero to study, but that would always go into them goofing off and sometimes roping you in. Bakugou would sometimes come back to you being lectured by Iida, or laughing with the squad while someone was yelling or freaking out in the background.
At night, you would always eat with Bakugou in his room, then go to sleep with him, usually exhausted by the long day, especially after hero training. Everyone else in the school didn't pay attention to you anymore, only acknowledging you if Bakugou yelled at someone and you were with him. You were now able to handle the crowds, knowing no one expecting you to do anything and that Bakugou was there.
Today, was a normal day, well, for most of UA. Class 1-A was spending the whole day hero training, paired up with people to hone their skills in combat. The aim of the game was to win in a two v one battle, and the other people or person had to be tied up in white tape or unable to move. You were fighting Koda and Kirishima. While Koda stayed farther away, he tried to talk to you and tried to convince you to give up while Kirishima fought you head on. It was difficult, with you being in your wolf form and Koda trying to pull you into surrendering, while fighting Kirishima and dodging his strikes.
You knew, in order to beat them, you needed to take out Koda, but Kirishima didn't seem to leave any openings. Dodging another blow, you saw how he would pause briefly between attacks, his hands usually hardened as a kind of knife. A plan formed and you got in really close, Kirishima aiming to hit you, but you were able to dodge his hand, causing it to be stuck in the ground from his force. Taking the chance, you latched your teeth into his arm, knowing you weren't going to hurt him, and was able to unbalance him.
Using his stumbling force, you quickly made him stumble toward Koda, successfully knocking them both down. The nagging and tugging at your brain ceased and you could think better and quicker, allowing you to grab the tape in your mouth. Quickly, you tied them both up, going so fast, that they couldn't really see you, disorienting them and gaining you more time. Done with tying them up, you shifted and smiled down at them, wearing the new hero suit that the school made for you.
You wore a skin tight, black jumpsuit, that had streaks of (f/c) going down the front like a scratch from an animal. A (f/c) belt with rope, knife and other small objects that you considered useful. A set of black wolf ears were on your head, so you could accesses your wolf hearing while in human form, soft (f/c) light coming from it as it picked up sounds, twitching to readjust. The shoes you wore made no sound on the floor, paw prints in the souls so that you would be mistaken as a dog if tracked. Gloves were also on your hands, paws in them as well, artificial claws to attack and defend in your human form.
Also, to make you seem less threatening to people you are trying to save, you have a robotic tail that reads your emotions and acts like it would if it was your real one. It was detachable in case you had to go stealth, and helped your balance a little in your human form when you shift. Both your ears and tail were programed to read your emotions and act like they would if you were in your wolf form. It wasn't really much, but it went with your quirk nicely.
"I see that our dog has learned a few new tricks." A chilling and familiar voice said, making you tense, your ears still readjusting, but heard it clearly. "That's good to know. Means more money for us."
Looking over your shoulder, you saw your previous owner, his black eyes staring at you as he smiled, bandages on his arm. That wasn't good. Nothing good happened when he smiled. How did he get into TDL? You heard fighting, that you originally thought was the others training, but now that you readjusted your hearing, you heard that it was more than just the students with you. Growling, you shift into your wolf form, Kirishima breaking the tape with ease, Koda standing up, a little shaken as he stepped back from the man.
"I would like it if you returned what's rightfully mine." The man grinned, knives made of bone coming from his skin, tilting his head like a mad man. "Or I can just take it by force."
Based on what you were hearing, students and teachers were fighting other people, and now that your senses heightened, you recognized the smells. All that were attacking were former owners when you were forced through dog fighting, all except one. Actually relieved that he wasn't there, you noticed that there was someone behind you, turning around to see one of your older owners. Her hair was dyed hot pink, mixed with purple, her light pink shirt and tight jeans making it easy for you to think she was twenty or so.
"Look whose been a naughty puppy." She chided, pulling a strand of hair out, creating a hot pink and purple whip. "Been a while sweetheart. To bad we couldn't see each other with you wearing that little muzzle of yours I gave you. So sad."
She cracked the air with her whip, making your tail tuck in and ears go back, but you continued to growl. She tsked and pulled out another strand of her hair, another whip in her left hand now, making painful memories flood your mind.
"Let's get our mutt back Muchi." A third, deep voice said, your heart pausing as you turned your head to one of the most brutal owners you had.
A deep scar went across half his face, stringy, brown hair going to his shoulders, slightly hiding his blind eye. His good eye was a dark yellow and looked like a snake, his chin clearly needing shaving, his body hulking under a long, brown coat. You knew what laid underneath before he opened his coat up, hissing snakes of every kind coming from his side and slithered to his feet, some wrapping around his hulking body as they all came from his back. A familiar snake curled around his neck, reminding you of how many times that had happened to you when you were younger and would accidentally shift while fighting, and how many times you were close to death under his 'care'.
This was not good. Not good at all.
Sorry. Almost forgot to update. You guys are the best though!
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