Training and Tattoos
Rosie POV
We were warned about being cut, Tris and Christina looked worried "Come on guys we'll all stick together, right Kat?"I said.
"Yeah."Kat said with a smile.
On the first day Four taught us how to fight.
As we lamely punched at the bags I saw Eric and another guy with light brown/dark blonde hair and sharp blue green eyes with a pointed chin and arrogant face come in. Phil. Will mouthed to me.
"First jumper in the ring with last jumper." Eric said.
Tris and Molly stepped in the ring. She was weak whereas Molly looked menacing. Eric said they had to fight till one basically faints, but Four cut in or concedes. Eric claimed they were the 'old rules' but Four said "Lucky those weren't the rules when we fought."
Ouch! I looked at Four with a grin and he winked at me. So he did recognise me.
Tris basically got punched in the jaw.
Four was fuming at the fact that Tris got beaten up I could see it in his eyes.
"Second jumper in the ring with Peter."Phil barked I rolled my eyes and got into the ring.
"Fight till one of you knocks the other out."he said bluntly.
"Or one of you can't continue."Wesley cut in.
"Those aren't the rules Wesley." Phil said with a smirk playing across his face "The new rules say what I said."
"Well you didn't like it when I knocked you out our first time did you?" Wesley said casually shrugging.
Phil's eyes burned with hate.
"Fight!"he shouted at us. We got into a stance.
The git had already gotten a tattoo. I rolled my eyes.
I had to think about band, I had to think about band. I told myself.
"What's up? Never been out of your throne princess?"Peter taunted.
He shot a punch at me I ducked and swung my leg up to kick him in the jaw. It worked. He quickly recovered though grabbed my leg and dragged me down. And as he loomed over to punch me I kicked up and he groaned getting off.
I kicked that idiotic face of his but he quickly recovered punching me right in the face.
He picked me up and slammed me down.
"Ow."I groaned, getting up but he punched me down again.
"Peter wins next, Drew and Katrina in the ring." As I got up limping Wesley looked a touch nervous.
"Let's get you patched up."Chris said helping me. Will and Chris allowed me to lean on them.
"Thanks."I muttered as the last of my bruises were treated.
We got up to see Kat fighting furiously against a red haired guy in the ring: Drew one of Peter's lackeys.
Katrina POV
Wes looked a touch nervous and I gave him a small reassuring smile. I got in the ring to face the towering boy in front of me and he said "Aww if it isn't the stiff that we met earlier Peter. What happened to your boyfriend, huh?"
"That's none of your business you airhead."I replied and shot a punch at his jaw.
He gasped but then attacked me soon after. I kicked up a few times and made his nose bleed but he managed to pick me up and throw me down in the hard floor of the ring.
I got up again and Drew punched me in the face. I felt the blood trickle down my face but continued fighting as tears threatened to spill due to the pain. I tried to kick him but was dragged across the floor and thrown when everything blacked out.
Rosie POV
"Katrina!"I exclaimed eyes widening in horror, "Drew wins."Phil said with a self satisfied smirk. I slapped Drew who was bragging in the face and to my surprise Wesley picked Kat up and took her to the infirmary.
Kat joined us to see the scoreboard.
Tris, Kat and I were below the line. Well I was just below it, 22.
Tris and Kat were worse though.
"I'm never going to make it."Tris said.
"Of course you will."Chris said.
"I'm the weakest one here."she replied.
"Then you'll be most improved."Chris said with a smile.
"At least if we get kicked out we'll be kicked out together Tris."Kat said jokingly.
Tris groaned clearly not getting the joke.
"I'm joking."Kat said.
"You know what we should do..."Al asked. We looked at him.
"...get tattoos."he said. I laughed at the crazy, impromptu idea but we all went anyway.
Tattoo parlour
I saw Tori in the tattoo parlour giving Tris a tattoo of birds. I looked around and found at tattoo with a fox and a tattoo of a dog. I'm getting both on my collarbone.
Then I found one of thorns and Katrina and I grabbed it at the same time. I let Kat have it seeing as I didn't want to be...tattooified
I saw Tori was finished with Tris. I gave her the tattoos and she said in an amused tone "Just like your cousin."
"Not that much to be honest it's pretty simple." I said "I mean I'm not tattooing my back..."
Tori warned me against telling even Four, because I never knew...he could've changed now that he's Dauntless. Not only physically but emotionally too. "I'm Dauntless now Tori, I just want to forget"I said.
"I hope you'll be alright for your sake." She said
I had the fox one on my collar bone, decided against the dog one.
I left the room and saw Katrina getting the thorns tattooon her collar with a small wolf inside it.
Katrina POV
"Hey um..."I said to the woman with strawberry blonde coloured hair who tested me.
"Rihanna" she said "Let's get those tattoos done. Just like Wesley aren't ya."she said with a chuckle.
"Um, Rihanna...about me being..."I began.
"Listen Katrina you're a great girl. I've seen when you've trained what's that idiot's name. The red head?"she asked.
"Drew, and he's right there."I said pointing outside the curtains.
"He's the people who are really dangerous. Because they're the ones who'll join those who're threat to you."she said.
"But who Rihanna?"I wailed.
"I don't know specifically. Keep in touch your tattoo's done."she said. I then noticed a woman with brown/bronze ombre hair eyeing...Peter?
"He's an idiotic, egotistical jerk."I said to her.
"A hot one." She muttered to herself.
"How old are you?"I asked her.
"The name's Ariana, 19 and?"she said questioning raising her eyebrow "You jealous?"
"No! Ew!" I exclaimed, Peter's gaze shifted and landed on us. Was I really that loud?
I felt my cheeks heat up under the intense stare and left.
Later in initiates room
Rosie POV
"What happened in between you and Caleb?" Kat asked excitedly.
"Nothing." I said feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.
"They dated when they were 15." Tris squealed.
"He told me why yesterday..." I muttered furiously.
"Why?" Chris asked
"Because he had already planned everything and knew he was going to choose Erudite. He planned every thing so he can act 'properly' in front if Jeanine!" I exclaimed furiously.
"Seriously!" Kat asked "What a jerk!"
"Moving on, what about you and Chris, Will?" I asked a smirking Will. The pair disappeared in a flash and Tris, Kat, Lynn, Marlene and I laughed our heads off when Phil, Eric, Wesley and Four entered. The latter two were tolerant whereas the former looked furious.
"What!" Phil asked.
"Nothing are we not allowed to laugh, can you just not but into our conversation?" I asked
Wesley raised his eyebrow at my words. Four smiled, slightly.
"We're your instructors and we can do anything." Eric threatened.
"Oh let the kids play Eric, they've worked hard."A short auburn-brown haired woman said walking in.
I noticed Eric stiffen visibly and the four left.
"Hi, I'm Brie."she said.
"Like the cheese?"Chris asked walking back in.
"Lovebirds quit arguing and no my name is Gabriella, Brie, Brielle, Ella, Gaby for short. I prefer being called Brie."Brie said.
"Were you Dauntless born or a transfer?"I asked.
"Oh I'm Dauntless born and bred, but I like the other factions too, never interested to move though. Lauren's my older sister."she said.
"By how many?"Kat asked.
"1."she said.
"Hey look if it isn't my favourite baby sister!"Lauren said walking in.
"You only have one."Brie muttered.
"Come on Brie, Zeke and Ari are waiting for you ."she said.
Brie rolled her eyes then left with Lauren.
We left to dinner after the interesting day.
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