Katrina POV
I woke up gasping. I still remembered what Molly said to me and it was giving me more nightmares than ever. I noticed that Tris and Rosie had also woken up early and went to the training room. I followed. Tris started punching vigorously and I joined her. Rosie was practicing knife throwing.
I noticed Four walk along and give Tris a smile, slowly the other initiates came in one by one. We all did combat training.
"You okay?"Wes asked walking over "You looked like you had a nightmare."
"I'm fine Wes."I lied.
He looked unsure but left walking towards Rosie.
Tris POV
My knuckles had split but I continued. When Four came over, I ignored him and then said "You're weak, you've no muscle."
I ignored him. Thanks for stating the obvious.
"You're never gonna win not like that." He said
"That's good to know." I said.
He said I was going to have to use my whole body and then he suddenly grabbed my waist saying I had to keep tension there.
"K." I said.
"Going on offense your fast, so you could win if you attack first." He said."You get inside, you jab to the throat."
"Keep working" He said and left.
Rose POV
I saw Four advice Tris and smiled to myself as I continued working. I got a free iPod from Brie because of band. I plugged it in and it helped me focus. I know in a real fight I probably won't have one but I won't need it then.
I saw Wesley watching me and rolled my eyes continuing my training. He pulled the earphones out and took the iPod out of my pocket.
"What?" I snapped.
"I want to talk to you." He said. "Come to the side."
I followed him suspiciously and he took out a first aid kit.
"Your knuckles are split very bad. Figured I would help. They split for me the first time too." He said.
"So you're not Dauntless born?" I asked.
"No, I transfered last year." He said.
"From where?" I asked.
"That's not the point." He said "You're weak."
"Na really?" I said.
He looked at me and then chuckled.
He took my hand gently and started treating it. I winced.
"Like I said."He said "You're weak. I told you yesterday you're practically bone, no muscle but you can use that."
"How?" I asked curiously.
"Tips. First, tense your abdomen muscles, Then if someone attacks you there it doesn't hurt too much. Plus you don't get knocked out. Second your elbows and knuckles; they're hard because it's basically bone. So attack your opponents jaw, stomach, throat and nose with it." He said.
"Ok so I tense my stomach as if I'm swimming backstroke. Anything else?" I asked
"Third, you're fast and look for tactics and weaknesses, if you fought Tris for example she's also fast but she's better at shooting, sometimes she leaves her stomach unprotected. When you see a chance to attack your opponents weak point don't lose it. If your opponents weak don't waste time pitying them, just attack to knock them out." He said.
"That's a little harsh." I said.
"Well that's life here." He said smiling "You've to live harsh in Dauntless."
"I think her knuckles are treated enough Wesley." Phil said glaring at Wesley.
"I know Phil." Wesley said letting go off my hand.
"Back to work initiate." Phil said.
I went back and took Wesley's advice. To be honest I thought he was a jerk but he isn't too bad, I guess. I felt someone put the earphones back in my ears from behind and the iPod in my back pocket. I smiled thinking it was Al or Will messing with me but it was Peter.
"Idiot." I hissed batting his hand away from my arse.
He laughed and left.
Molly was beating Chris. Poor Chris.
We thought Eric was being sympathetic but he tried to drop her and she hung on for dear life. I wanted to go forward to help but Wesley grabbed my arm and shook his head.
My first fight went terrible but I never had to hand on to the bloody bridge.
She almost fell when Eric let us pull her up. Chris sobbed into Tris's shoulder.
We went to the initiates quarter later and band. Kat was already there but ran out of the room suddenly crying. Molly and Drew were smirking and I saw my violin broken into two.
"What the hell!"I shouted.
"Your friend did it."Molly said "We saw her."
"Kat would never do that to an instrument."I said.
"We need proof, until then Kat and you are both out of band because one person couldn't have broken these instruments in such a short space of time."Shauna said sadly gesturing to the rest of the wrecked room
"That's not fair!"Lynn shouted.
"They're our best shot!"Mar said.
I walked out quietly. I was only in for a day and like she said Molly kicked me out.
"Rosie ignore them, ok girl you're really cool."Uriah said putting an arm around my shoulder.
"You better not flirt with me, Mar's right there."I said jokingly.
He gave me a friendly smile but quickly left looking at a glaring Marlene. She was glaring at him not me.
Katrina POV
"Hey what's wrong?"Peter asked as I bumped into him. I got up and hugged him sobbing into his chest. It was one of my all time dreams to be in a band with friends and show off my talents. Molly claimed I broke the instruments because I had a tantrum about not having parents.
Peter slowly dragged me to the initiates room while I still hugged him. Only Edward was there and he took the message to leave.
Peter sat me on my bed and I just sank my head into my pillow.
Peter POV
A dark headed figure bumped into me, it was the stiff.
"Hey what's wrong?"I asked. She got up and hugged me sobbing into my chest. I tried to persuade her to let go but she wouldn't, so I dragged her to the initiates room. She wasn't too heavy, not light but she wasn't like Molly. She seemed so fragile right now. I made sure Edward left. I sat her on her bed and she laid down hiding he face in the pillow.
I've never see her so broken.
"What's wrong stiff?"I asked. She didn't hear.
"Seriously Peter even now you call her stiff?"a voice asked. Rose.
I gestured her to piss off "Whatever, but if you hurt her, I'll kill you."she said.
"Kitten?"I said looking at the sobbing girl.
"Molly."she choked. I clenched my jaw.
"Molly what?"
"Molly and Drew broke the instruments and are now blaming it on me and Rosie claiming that I had a tantrum and broke it. And I had a tantrum parents..."she sobbed
"She got us kicked out off band!"she wailed looking at me.
I froze as soon as she said instruments. I thought they were joking and said yeah sure why don't you do it. I didn't think they would really do it.
"I am such and idiot!"I shouted slamming my fist on the mattress.
The kitten winced and moved away.
"I'm sorry, they were talking about it I didn't know they were seriously going to do it. So I joked yeah sure why not. I'm so sorry!"I said frustredly.
"It wasn't your fault like you said you didn't know."she said wiping the tears away "There goes my band dream."
"Hey I'll get you back in somehow. I promise."I said taking her hand in mine.
"Pinky swear?"she joked in a childish voice.
I crossed our pinkies and she looked shocked "I didn't think you would do it."
"I promise I'll get you and Rosie back in."I said.
Why am I doing this?
I ignored that thought. I actually feel human around her.
I scooted closer to her on the bed and she rested her head on my shoulder.
Rosie POV
I bumped into Peter on the way to dorm and then heard Molly's voice laugh in the Dauntless changing room.
"I can't believe they actually fell for it!" Drew exclaimed.
"Well of course they did I'm a genius." Said voice not Molly's but Ariana's. I looked at Peter wide eyed and smirked. I pulled my iPod out and turned the recording device on.
"We hid all the real instruments and broke the crappy spares, Brie and Shauna didn't even realise!"Carol snickered.
"Of course they didn't!"Ariana said "I loved watching that stiff break down. The first time I saw her in the tattoo room I learnt she was a little rat."
"Of course she is a rat Ariana! She's trying to steal my Peter away from me! I'm the one who's going to become Molly Hayes. Katrina Hayes? Sounds disgusting!" Molly said.
'We're just friends' Peter mouthed to me 'The stiff and I are just friends.'
I slapped his arm 'Don't call her stiff!' I mouthed.
They continued talking and I turned the recording off, hid my iPod and walked in.
"I heard everything you said dumb dogs." I said
"Get her!"Ariana shouted
I walked back this was the very weird rehearsal room.
I got the trapeze silk rope and climbed on it. Then I swung on a pole kicked Molly in the face and ran out of the room.
"Had to do that. Get Kat." I said to Peter. He went in and a loud ringing slap followed. Hehehehehehe.
Peter POV
I slapped Molly and punched Drew in the face leaving them shocked.
To be continued
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