Free Day
Peter POV
As everyone in the initiates room left the initiates room I got dressed and then shook the kit-stiff awake.
"Five more minutes."she whined pulling the covers over her, I pulled them off and she got up and glared at me. Her hair was a mess and all over the place and it was cute.
"It's breakfast time." I said.
She rolled her eyes and dragged herself out of bed sluggishly.
I got dressed in some black leggings and a black short sleeved top.
I still looked a bit like crap, even after I quickly brushed and put my dark hair in a pony tail. I reluctantly put make up one, just some eyeliner and foundation to hide the worst of bruises.
I walked out to see Peter sitting on the bed and he muttered "What took you so long stiff?"
"The bruises you gave me don't disappear in seconds idiot."I snapped waspishly
"Jesus calm down I'm sorry."he said
"I'm sorry I'm peevish I'm just really tired."I said. Sitting on his bed next to him and resting my head on his shoulder. He put an arm around my waist, I didn't really mind.
As we came to breakfast Peter left to sit with Molly and Drew I sighed wishing he was still there to keep me warm and went to sit with my friends. I noticed Wesley watching Rosie and rose my eyebrows at him he blushed.
I sat down and nudged her pointing Wesley out she shrugged and said "No big deal probably cause I'm one of the weakest here."
I rolled my eyes. She really was oblivious to love. But maybe she was right.
Peter POV
I sat with Molly and Drew then heard her snap contemptuously "I saw you all curled up and cosy to that stiff."
"Okay."I sad carefully.
"Don't you let me see that horrible sight again and the way you walked in with that stiff. What you in love with her now?"Molly asked.
"No me in love with her no."I said. Her gaze softened and she said "Of course you know we're made for each other."
I rolled my eyes and ignored Molly's babbling about how we'll get married and stuff.
As I got sick of it, I left Molly and she screeched "Petie where are you going!"
A few people around looked at me and I said "Shut up! Don't. call. me. that." grabbing her collar.
"Do you know what we are sick of you just go and sit with the disgusting stiff."Drew snapped. I rolled my eyes and left.
"'Scuse me."I said shoving Will out of the way to sit next to Kat.
"Excuse you."Chris screeched "That is my boyfriend."
"Oops didn't see him there."I said.
Rosie POV
I helped Will up and Al moved out of the way so Will could sit next to Chris. Then I slammed my violin into Peter's head, he coughed choking lightly on his food. "Oops didn't see your thick head there."
He glared at me.
I sat next to Kat and Al began "What does Petri-"
I cut across him "NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS!" Giving him a meaningful look. Al frowned.
"Oookkk." Peter said
"Why don't you sit with Molly and Drew!"Will snapped.
Chris' leg moved and Will flinched.
"Don't be rude Will." I said glaring at him, he was ruining a perfect moment.
"Anyway..."Tris began trying to start a conversation.
"...Why don't you get private lessons from Four?"Chris finished.
"W-what! No he wouldn't do that anyway. Big-scary-instructor-robot."Tris said looking at him.
"Don't worry. He just looks like that he's very kind-hearted in the inside." I said.
She looked reluctant. I got up and dragged her put of her seat "Go on everything is gonna be fine."
Then I pushed her into Four who was casually walking past. He caught her surprised at my sudden human missile aimed at him. I sweetly smiled and left him flustered.
"I'm so sorry."Tris said as Four helped her up.
"It's okay."he said and was about to walk past when I said "Tris wants you to give her private fighting lessons because she thinks you're really good and please, please, do it for our sake!"
I gave him a heart melting look that he could never ignore when we were younger.
"OK sure. We'll start now, come on Tris." He said
I sat down dusting my hands and Chris gave me a high five.
"What was that about?"Peter asked.
"I was just putting to souls that were made for each other together." I said.
"What the hell!"he exclaimed.
Kat rolled her eyes "I'm not bothered to explain and even if I did you wouldn't understand moron."she said. Peter glared at her.
Chris and Will left as a couple. Al said something about seeing Sophie and I left Kat and Peter saying that I had to do the violin practice and would rather be alone.
When I went into the room Wesley was there. He smiled at me and I frowned confused "Why are you here? This is the band room right?"
"Yeah, just someone has to supervise, and just wondering if you set Four and Tris up on purpose."he said.
"Are you in on operation FRIS?"I asked.
"Hell yeah."he exclaimed.
"Good."I said "Now I'm just going to practice you see..."
"OK cool, anyway do you wanna go some place around the pit we could work on some tips. If you want to of course."he said.
I thought about it and said "I might be busy, but can we not train."
"Sure." He said shrugging
As everyone left me alone with Peter I said "What can we do?"
"Um let's go get a tattoo."he said.
"I've already got one."I said.
"Can I see?"he asked
"N-no."I said with a blush.
"Let's get some more."he said.
"Sure." I said laughing.
We went and I tried to reach one too high for me. Peter reached over and grabbed it and passed it to me smiling.
"Here you go kitten."he said.
"Thanks."I mumbled shyly.
He gets one on his arm and I go to the private room to get the kitten one done because it's on my back. It was so cute. I put it inside the box of thorns
After getting tattoos, I still had time before having to go to rehearsals. So Peter dragged me over to the arcade. He bit his lower lip, and I watched as he started the game, resting my head on his shoulder.
"Your hair tickles." He muttered trying to push my head off.
"No, leave my head alone." I said.
He chuckled.
He started to show me how to the play the game and ended up winning, he beamed down at me and I put a hand on his bicep smiling.
"You try."he said.
"Uh, no."I said laughing nervously. But no. Peter forced me to do it anyway. Surprisingly I won and got to slap him on the back of his head.
Out of the corner of my eye I saw Wes and Rosie laughing together. They didn't seem to notice us.
"Where to next?"he asked.
"You have to get me cake remember."I said.
"No I do not."he said.
"You pwomised." I said making a baby sad face, and poked him continuosly like a toddler "Pwease."
"No." he said.
"Meanie." I said babyishly and left him standing there, I heard him chuckle, and glared at him. I turned around and began to leave when he grabbed me from behind. I slapped at his arms around my waist, laughing. But to no avail. I was trapped.
"I'll get you some cake don't worry kitten. I was just messing with ya."he said, resting his chin on my shoulder.
"Good."I said, elbowing, he winced and put me down.
Peter POV
"Meanie." she said in a toddler-like manner, it was so cute. I chuckled as she left and she glared at me. She began to leave but I picked her up from behind, she slapped my arms around her waist laughing, but then gave up realising she was caught and there was no escape.
"I'll get you some cake don't worry kitten. I was just messing with ya." I said resting my chin on her shoulder.
"Good."she said then elbowed me in the stomach. I winced and put her down.
"Who's the meanie now?" I asked glaring at her. She laughed and I soon joined in as we left to get her some cake.
Molly POV
Drew and I watched as my Peter left with that stiff. Ugh. The way he picked her up. That's supposed to be ME!
"We have to do something."I snarled.
"I've got an idea." Ariana said looking at me, as she told me the plan I smirked.
Rosie POV
Wesley and I watched as Peter and Kat had fun. I learnt that he really liked drawing and sketching. He also loved photography. He snapped some photos discretely of the pair and I smiled. Kat thought I didn't see her but I did see them.
Wesley POV
As Rosie watched Kat and Peter, I secretly snapped a few pictures of her. I was going to draw them later. I know I sound creepy, but I really do think I like this girl.
Four POV
I was teaching Tris how to fight. Although she failed multiple times she caught on fairly quickly.
"You know for a 16 year old girl you look like a 12 year old." I said.
"Thanks."she said sarcastically. Oops.
Brie POV
"Where can we hang out alone without being discovered?" Eric asked.
"The music rehearsal room. As far as I know there are no rehearsals today." I said "And I schedule all of them."
Eric grinned. We left to the music room and chatted for a bit. Then he slowly inched towards me and I did the same until our lips crashed against each others and started kissing passionatley, his hand went to and cupped my cheek.
Rosie POV
"Well I should get going it's nearly time for the band rehearsals." I said.
"I'll come with you, before you go let me show you something. Come over to my room." He said.
"What!"I exclaimed.
"I'm not gonna do any harm." He said.
I followed him a little suspiciously and he showed me his sketchbook, many of the drawings in there were beautiful. I saw one of a woman and pointed to it "Who's that?"
He cleared his throat and looked at that sadly "The first person I had to shoot. Phil laughed his head off because apparently I was a wimp."
"That's heartless."I said "I should get going now."
He nodded and followed "Just giving company."
"I should go to band now." I said to Peter who was ungracefully stuffing a burger into his mouth.
"Caicmewiu?"he asked while he was chewing.
"What?"I asked.
He swallowed and burped.
"You're such a pig." I said.
"Can I come with you?"he asked.
"Sure." I said
Rosie POV
As we walked over to band, I saw Kat, I joined her and started talking to her animatedly.
Then as we entered, Lynn and Mar had looks off shock. Shauna and Zeke were fighting to get Eric of Brie when they finally did Brie shouted "Calm down we're dating!"
"What!"We all exclaimed except Wesley he looked smug "I knew it!"
Brie blushed.
"Let's just get on with the rehearsals."she said and we began kicking all the boys out.
Rehearsal was very fun because we kept teasing Brie and then Lynn said out of the blue when Tris and Chris came over followed by Molly "Let's play Wed, Bed, Dead."
"Oh God."Brie said
"Kat, I give you Peter, Four Will." I said.
"Um..."she began.
"Four dead."she said "Will bed and Peter wed."
Molly scowled.
"Rosie. Wesley, Eric, Peter." Kat said.
"Ew." I said scrunching up my nose at the last options.
"Eric dead." I said, Brie glared at me "Sorry Brie."
"Wesley Wed cause he's the most reasonable one to wed. And Peter bed"
"Marlene, Phil, Uriah, Zeke." I said.
"Phil dead. Zeke bed, Uriah wed." She said confidently.
Shauna grimaced "You bed your husbands brother. Ew."
She glared at Shauna.
"Molly, Peter, Drew, Phil." Mar said,
"Wed Peter of course, Drew dead. He's so annoying and Phil bed. He's kinda hot." Molly mused.
I rolled my eyes as she daydreamed
"Tris, Four, Phil, Peter."I said.
"Wed, Four. Dead Phil and Peter cause I'm not bedding any of them." She said. Molly glared at her.
"Chris, Will, Al, Uriah." Tris said.
"Wed Will... Dead Uriah...Bed Al."she said hesitantly.
There was a crash behind the door.
Kat and I got up and opened it to see the boys :Peter, Drew, Uriah, Zeke, Eric, Will, Al, even Wesley and Four
"Piss. Off." Shauna said and slammed the door shut in their face "And if I find you again you'll regret it!"
The game continued and there were very funny results.
In the rooms.
I went to bed happily and saw Peter facing me with a smile. I smiled back and felt my eyes droop. I yawned stretching my hands and fell asleep.
Peter POV
She even sounded like a kitten when she yawned stretching her paws and then fell asleep. I smiled and fell asleep myself.
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