Rosie POV
I was punching the punching bag when Ariana walked in and whispered something to Phil he smirked and said "Peter and Katrina in the ring."
She looked up frowning and went to the ring. What was he worried about?
He started to attack and she ducked and punched at his throat. She continued and almost got him down but he managed to throw her off. Peter looked at Phil for a minute and then knocked Kat out. I went over to Kat but Wesley and Four got her.
Peter POV
I got in the ring apprehensivly. I really didn't want to fight Kat. She almost got me pinning me down but Phil gave me a look and I pushed her off and looked at Phil he said "Go ahead."
I knocked the stiff out and left the ring. Why did I regret it so much?
Rosie POV
I stormed over to Peter full of rage and then I saw Molly giving Ariana a high five. They giggled like 4 year olds and that's when I saw Peter on the verge of tears. I looked for Four but realised he was in the infirmary so went to Wesley, I walked over to him and said "Could you do me a favour."
"Of course, what is it?"He asked.
"Um Get me in the ring with Molly."I said.
"You're not ready." he said looking worried?
"I'll be fine. Please!"I begged.
"Well..."he began.
"Please, Wesley." I said.
"Ok. Second fight Molly and Rose in the ring."he called. Molly smirked and as I got into the ring and we got in our stance.
She punched me in the face but I kicked her in the stomach bringing her down and used my knuckle to get her throat. She attacked me but I managed to get her pinned down again and beat her up. So much that someone began dragging me out of the ringing. I was so angry. All she did was make our life hell.
I was taken out of the room and realised that it was Wesley.
"Calm the hell down okay."he said finally letting go off me.
"No. She and Ariana planned this. I am not going to let her get away with it."I shouted.
"Ssh. Jesus. Calm down. I know they planned it, of course they did, Brie told me she has a huge crush on Peter. But you can't just murder Molly."he said chuckling.
"I can."I grumbled glaring at him.
"No you can't. Okay if you could Phil and Ariana would be dead by now."he said "Brie and I hate them to their guts. They're as bad as each other."
I growled in frustration.
"Listen why don't you go and see if Katrina's alright and take care of her."I said.
"Eric wouldn't let me."I muttered.
Wesley outright laughed "He will. Trust me."
I waked out of the training room and noticed Drew and Peter arguing. Peter followed me as I left the room.
"If you're here to lecture me about beating Molly up I'll kill you."I said
"Oh no that's fine it's just...I really um...want to talk to Kat alone."he said.
I rose my eyebrows at him and he said "I just want to get to know her. I mean I like talking to her, Molly and Drew are just annoying..."
"Okay. I'll sort it out when I can."I said.
3 hours later.
Kat wouldn't wake up and Wesley visited frequently.
I was getting sick of him showing up every 5 mins and so I said "It's fine if you stay."
"O-ok."he said. And took the seat next to mine.
"When she going to wake up?"he asked.
"Tomorrow probably."I said nibbling at my nails.
"Molly?"I asked.
"She survived. Suffered a beating you didn't knock her out though."he said.
"So why do you... keep visiting Kat?"I asked.
He looked at me for a minute and then said "She's my cousin, but more like a sister, of you get what I mean..."he said.
"Yeah. Of course."I said thinking about Four.
"'s Dauntless now?"he asked.
"It'll only be great when I know I'm safe from being cut." I said.
"You're 10th."he said.
"Really?"I asked my head shooting up.
"Yep good job."he said patting back.
"Thanks."I said, we just sat there for a few minutes.
"So, it's a day off tomorrow and then there's visiting day. After that we're going on war games. After the war games will be your final rankings."Wesley said.
"I'm so going to get cut, I'll be terrible."I said.
"No you'll be fine." He said putting an arm around my shoulder.
Four POV
I was looking for Wes and then walked in on Wes putting an arm around Rosie.
"Hey Wes, I was looking for you everywhere come on!"I said and winked and Rosie wiggling my eyebrows. She shook her head vigorously blushing and mouthed "You fancy Tris."I glared at her then Tris walked in and my heart melted at the sight of her.
"You have the hots for Tris don't you."Wes said smirking.
"He does."Zeke said walking over to us "Like you do for Rose."
"NO I DON'T!"Four and I shouted. Rosie and Tris looked at us startled. We blushed and I fled.
Four followed soon and Zeke followed laughing as we glared at him.
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