Fears and Fights
Peter POV
I entered the fear simulations dreading it once again. This time I saw an image of my dad attacking my mum for what seemed to be no reason and the word powerless repeated again and again and again.
As I managed to escape it and walked Kat walked in. Great I can't seek comfort from her.
Not like I wanted to anyway. Can't believe she won't tell me her trick though! She was my friend.
Peter had never looked so shaken after the fear simulations, maybe I should go and talk to him later. If he would actually respond. Wool headed fool. How many ever times I told I had no trick he won't believe me! Have I ever lied to him!
And I don't think being Divergent's a trick he'd fancy.
This time it was Molly and all my friends shouting orphan at me. How I was truly alone in the world. Having no sense of belonging or connection to anyone.
Rosie POV
As I entered the simulations once more Four was there this time. He reassured me that he would pull me out if he sees my heart rate spike up.
And it did. My mother who I remember little off chose someone else and leaves me to suffer. Then my mother disappear in ashes. Multiple realities with her. Involving her. Never finding out what happened to her. The truth. Not the lie that she 'died'. I knew Ernie had lied she was alive somewhere. I knew that. And she had a secret. Maybe she was Divergent too.
Molly POV
I screwed the lid shut of the bottle of poison. If Peter wouldn't accept me this was the last resort.
Peter POV
Molly kept chasing me and swearing undying love and I refused her attempts. Something stopped me from accepting her love. I mean I loved her but something stopped me still.
My little kitten.
Why did I think that?
She wasn't exactly mine.
Was she?
No...she couldn't be.
Well it was time to get on with the plan.
Tris POV
As I went back to Dauntless I was grabbed by three masked guys I fought and unmasked one to be...
Then Four was there. He threw each one of them around and punched them. I suspected one was Peter as I saw dark green eyes, one of them kept fighting.
Four took me back to his room and gave me his sweater. It was nice and soft. He also treated my knuckles to which I winced.
"To- Oh. Hey Tris." Rosie said awkwardly as she walked in.
"What's up?" Four asked.
"It's just...never mind." Rosie said and fled.
"Ok." He said frowning.
"I can't believe Al..." I faltered.
"He was dropping in ranks and fear took him over. That's the difference between you two fear doesn't shut you down it wakes you up." He said.
"You should get some rest." He said after a minute.
"Yeah." I said.
"I'll take the floor." He said. And then I realised. There was only one bed.
"What?" Peter asked shrugging "She was beating me."
I dragged him over to the chasm and sat over the edge my legs dangling dangerously and looked at him "Get away." He demanded.
I began to push myself over more "I'm beating you why don't you push me over?"
He gaped "Kat that's..."
"I'm ready Peter, if ranks is all that matters to you then I'm ready. No one gives a damn about me. I'm an orphan. I have no sense of belonging anywhere. I mean Tris and you and the others you guys will care for a few days I guess then move on. You with Molly, Tris and Four etc. Come on push me over I don't mind." I said.
"Kat this isn't funny stop it." He said laughing nervously.
"I'm not joking." I said seriously. My legs dangling over more dangerously than ever. "Push me over then Peter."
"Kat..." he began.
"I guess it's goodbye then." I said and completely pushed myself over. To end my sucky life. Maybe this will make him listen to me, or anyone.
Only to be grabbed from behind and have strong hands wrap around my waist.
"What the hell is wrong with you kitten!" He exclaimed "Don't you ever do that to me again!"
I turned around and saw actual tears in his eyes as he hugged me and pulled me away from the chasm cradling me protectivley.
"I trusted you Peter." I said "I knew you'd pull me up."
"But..." he began.
"Why am I different? Why is it so easy for you to try and kill one of my best friends yet hard to kill me?" I demanded.
"Well you're my friend." He said defensivley.
"Tris is mine. How can you kill my friend so easily Peter? You see I told you to talk to me if you were upset or angry but what do you do you pout and ignore me because I don't tell you about a non existent trick. That just makes you as much as a monster as you claim your father to be." I exclaimed.
He slapped me.
It took a moment to register but...
I realised.
Peter slapped me .
Peter slapped me.
"I hate you, you're a little PIG!" He shouted suddenly "HOW DARE YOU SAY I'M LIKE MY FATHER!"
"Well you are." I said trying to stop the tears falling.
"Weak skinny brat." He said and pushed me on the floor in a rage "I guess I should've let you die in that hole!"
And then he stormed off. Leaving me as a sobbing mess.
The one person I thought wouldn't hurt me.
The one person I thought who would understand me.
The one person who I thought wouldn't leave me broken.
I loved him.
More than I could say.
And I lost it.
I don't know when or how but everything blacked out.
Rosie POV
I ran into Wesley's room and said "Kat's collapsed help me!"
He ran past me immediately and said "Where!"
"Follow me!" I said and took him over we both took Kat over to the room and she woke up, soon after, looked like she only passed out. She made Wesley leave and said to me
"I think I'm in love with Peter Hayes." She said.
"Finally. PETRINA is working." I said.
"But I messed up. I told he was like his dad and upset him and I hate it I can't tell him that I'm..." she trailed off.
"Divergent?" I asked quietly.
She looked wide eyed and I said "Me too."
"Listen Kat. Go upto him kiss him, tell him you love him then apologise then tell him then get him to apologise for his mistakes." I said "It's the best way to do it."
"Ok." She said sniffling.
"Cheer up it'll be alright." I said laughing, she smiled a little uncertainly. It was a start. Now everything was going to be all right again. Right.
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