Awkward Moments
Brie POV
I sprinted across the corridor as I escaped a livid Lauren. Basically I caught her and Matt kissing so yeah. Then I bumped into someone.
"OMG I'M SO SORRY...oh it's just you Eric."I said with a laugh.
"Why are you on the run then Brie?"he asked quite pleasantly.
"Oh I caught Lauren kissing her crush...hehe." I giggled.
"Well I'll um see you around."he said awkwardly.
I cleared my throat and said "Yeah. Sure...sure...see ya around."
I don't know why it was so awkward. Eric was just a friend, right?. But deep down could feel butterflies in my stomach.
Katrina POV
I was minding my own business in the pit when Molly walked over to me and said "Oh my God you're that girl who doesn't know her parents aren't you. The famous Evans girl. It's so sad isn't it Petie that when our family visits us on visiting day she'll be all by herself."
"Molly keep your big nose out of my business you're just an egotistical brat." I snapped.
I left quickly before I broke down in front of the three. It hurt. It hurt to feel abandoned.
"You okay stiff?"a very familiar annoying voice asked.
"Go away Peter. I'm not in the mood."I said my voice shook slightly. I lied down on my bed and hid myself under the sheets. I heard shoes being kicked off, the bed creaking and a warm arm snaking around my waist pulling me closer to a pleasantly warm body.
"What a-are you doing?"I asked him.
"Cuddling with my human radiator."he mumbled into my hair.
"Hey!"I laughed turning to face him, his arm was still around me and held me close to him.
"You okay stiff?"He asked again.
"Oh come on, can you stop calling me that!"I said.
"Ok kitten."he said
My face went bright pink at the nickname "W-Why?"I asked.
"You curl up for warmth and protection like a kitten. In this case emotional breaking down."he said tapping my nose. I wrinkled it.
"What really happened to them?"he asked.
"No one knows Peter."I said sadly.
I looked at his chest for no apparent reason and started tracing nonexistent pattern on the black shirt on his chest.
"I felt abandoned and it hurt when Molly said it like that."I said trying not to break down.
I failed
"Hey ssh. Ignore Molly. She's jealous."he said pulling my head into his chest and stroking my dark (messy) thick hair.
"Jealous?"I asked looking at him confused.
"I told her about when you helped me get over my nightmares and she's the one who usually does that. Sooooo...yeah. She thinks she's my girlfriend and brags to everyone about it."he said.
"Oh."I said looking away from his eyes.
"Oh..."he said
"I thought she was your girlfriend."I said.
"It's complicated."he said
He cleared his throat awkwardly and moved his arm away.
"I s-s-should g-g-go."he said and sprinted out of the room. I wiped the remaining tears away. That was weird he was nice? Peter Hayes the big badboy was nice?
Rosie POV
"Kat! I was looking for you EVERYWHERE!"I said dramatically "Come on you'll be late for band auditions."
She looked at me and her eyes looked puffy and red "Hey what's wrong, Chris said that Molly said something to you and you disappeared what's wrong Kat?"I asked sitting on her bed.
"She said I was abandoned basically."Kat said.
"Let's go and kick her out of band."I exclaimed "But let's wash your face first."
She nodded.
She washed her face and put a little bit of make up on. Lynn and Marlene thought we were sisters but I was just like no way. I mean we didn't even know each other before Dauntless.
As we walked Brie, Ariana, Lynn and Marlene were there. So were Shauna, Zeke and a kid who looked like him but younger that must be Uriah.
Brie, Shauna and Ari are already in the band. Brie being the youngest. Lynn, Mar, Kat and I were auditoning. If it wasn't for Molly and her friend Carol we wouldn't have to audition.
Molly walked in with a self satisfied smirk and Carol followed by her side trying to imitate her.
"Hey look! Molly's found herself a little chick."Mar said "Look how she's imitating her."
Molly glared at her.
"Hey Molly nice to see you here."I said pleasantly.
"At least someone knows how to be polite."she said with a grin. I turned away from her and rolled my eyes gesturing discretely at Molly, at Mar and Lynn who had appalled expressions on their face to my reaction
"Well you've your 5 voters here right now but there are a few more coming." Brie said gesturing to herself, Shauna, Ari, Zeke and Uriah.
Then Peter walked in and Ari's eyes lit up. Shauna and Brie rolled their eyes and Brie said in a monotone "Our fourth voter. "
Then Wesley and Phil came in. Shauna was the one to get excited this time. For God's sake they're voting. But Phil hates me!
"Performers:Molly Atwood, Carol Humphrey, Rosianna Eaton and Katrina Evans Judges: Myself, Gabriella Delacour, Ariana Renolds, Zeke, Uriah, Wesley, Peter Hayes, Phil Hayes." Shauna said.
She was still eyeing Phil.
I rolled my eyes.
"Ok you've all come in your pairs and little groups. Any musicians in here?"Brie asked.
"My vocal chords are my instruments."Molly said
"Apart from voice."Shauna added.
"Violin."I said.
"Violin?"Brie asked her eyes lighting "A violinist in Dauntless?"
"It's kinda rare that's why her reaction's like that."Lynn explained.
"Drum kits."Kat said.
"A stiff playing drums? I would like to see that!"Peter laughed.
"Anyone can play any instrument if they put the effort."I said pointedly.
Kat found the drum kits in the room "And I'll prove it."she said.
Peter and Molly gaped as Katrina finished blowing her hair out of her face.
"You free tonight?"Uriah flirted.
Kat blushed and said "Uh no."
"He's joking."Marlene said giving Uriah a pointed look.
"Ok Molly and Carol please take it away with your duet of Give it up!" Brie said.
To be honest they weren't bad...but they were nothing compared to me and Katrina. They clearly hadn't rehearsed they went of time and Molly kept glaring at Carol.
"Some demo violin please."Brie said excitedly passing me a violin.
"We need more!"Molly demanded.
"Excuse me Molly..."Brie began.
"We do to be honest."Ari said.
"Fine by me."I said shrugging.
"That sounded easy!"Peter sneered.
"Okay."I said. I forced his hands open and passed him the violin and bow "You play it if it is so easy."
He tried and failed miserably.
"It takes weeks of practice. Even months or years sometimes."I said.
Brie took the violin away glaring at him.
"Don't Call Me Angel."I said as she gave me a questioning look about our song.
"Hats of."Lynn and Marlene said.
"We need another song."Shauna said.
"That's a hard song. Come on Shau you need to let them now."Mar said.
"Hey we haven't done our second." Carol piped up.
"Ugh fine if you must!"Brie said.
Molly went out of tune.
Carol tried to help but it failed because Molly wouldn't let her.
"Sorry you two do not have our vote." Shauna said gesturing to herself, Brie, Ari, Zeke and Uriah.
"Sorry Carol but my votes for the other two."Wesley said "Just wasn't your day today."
"You mean me and Rose right?"Molly asked batting her eyelashes, ugh!
"No I meant Katrina and Rose."he said, he shot a quick wink at me. So quick I almost didn't notice.
"Well I am not an idiot like Wesley and vote for you two, the others are clearly siding with those two because they have other talents."Phil said.
"Their voices are much richer and more pleasant to listen to Phil."Brie snapped at him.
"I vote for Molly and Katrina."Peter said.
"Ok, we'll have a look."Ari said with a flirtacious smile at him. Oh dear lord help that woman.
"We're taking, Katrina, Molly and Rosianna. Rosianna has the highest votes so she's in. Also she'll be an amazing and unique addition compared to the other band. Ugh I hate Selena." Shauna said
"No not the famous one. The other bands leader."Brie said "She beats somehow. Probably by flirting with all the guys."
She gave Zeke, Wesley, Phil and Uriah a meaningful look.
"What about me!"Carol wailed "Oh screw you Molly I should've gone to the other band on my own. Bye you pig-snouted idiot!"
She screamed the last part and left.
"Jeez someone has a temper tantrum."I said
We continued discussing the plans for a performance and they showed me that they wanted to do something like this.
or this (I could never play like this)
"No." was my first answer.
Then I actually kinda liked the idea.
"Something heavy in drums or something soft and sultry."I said.
"That's actually a cool idea and you can merge your singing and violin."Lynn said.
"Sometimes violin could be live and sometimes recorded and us performing."Mar said "I can picture it right now."
"We need to last in Dauntless for that."Kat said dejectedly.
"That's true."I nodded in agreement.
"You guys are not going to get kicked out!"Brie excliamed "I'll tell you a secret, I was at the bottom in the first part of my test. The weakest Dauntless born."
"Try learn the notes for this:" Ari said to me giving me a brand new (amazing) high quality violin.
"Katrina could do the first bit. Then you can do the first bit of the verse, I don't wanna waste no time yeah to this bit..."Brie continued
Later on after the discussion.
I was walking back to the hall alone because I had to do the violin practice alone tweaking some parts so it was playable.
I bumped into someone due to my exhaustion and hunger as I hurriedly apologised Wesley's voice said.
"It's okay it was accident, you look tired."he said looking at me."Yeah violin can get exhausting if you are performing."I said with a nervous laugh.
"Well I'm going to the hall...wanna walk with me?"he asked.
"Um...why not?"I said and we walked to the hall together. I didn't see the point we weren't talking.
"So how is Dauntless?"he asked
"Not as bad as I expected..."I said carefully he gave me a seriously look "Ok fine it's exhausting and terrible but it has its good parts."
"What me?"he asked looking down at directly.
"W-what?"I stuttered.
"I was joking."he said scratching the back of his neck "You should go to your friends."
I quickly joined Chris, Will, Al, Tris and Kat.
"...And Molly bragged about how her singing was so angelic and she told everyone she sang Don't call Me Angel. I was so pissed."Kat finished.
"Oh who cares! I need food!"I said stealing a piece of red velvet cake from Tris' plate.
"Hey naughty child, it isn't proper to have dessert before dinner."Chris scolded snatching the cake back.
"Nooooo..."I whined "Chris pweas I'm stawing!" I said acting like a toddler for a piece of cake. Then realisation hit me, steal another slice. I took another slice from Tris' plate and shoved in ungracefully in my mouth so Chris couldn't take it away. I struggled to swallow but I'm alive so all's good. I put thumbs and grinned at her triumphantly.
"You're such a pig sometimes."Al said.
"...and you guys are so selfish sometimes. I mean Tris' didn't even care I stole her cake. I'm starving . You try playing violin for 2 hours in a row."I excalimed.
"And dinner is served."Katrina said as I finished my speech. She passed me my plate of chicken burger, lettuce, cucumber, ketchup, hot sauce, 2 hash browns (small ones) and red velvet cake. 2 slices. I gave one to Tris cause I kinda stole hers.
We laughed as we made silly plots to prank/piss off Peter and his gang. We used his code name (superdouche) to discuss about him. Some actually sounded like they would work and we were eager to try it.
That night when I went to bed I fell asleep immediatley due to exhaustion.
Four POV
I noticed Wes eyeing my cousin shoving a whole piece of cake into her mouth. I smiled. She's always had that playful spirit.
I nudged him as he gaped "You're catching flies."
"She's such a pig!"he exclaimed shaking his head.
"Like you?"Brie asked sitting down opposite us.
"I am not a pig!"he exclaimed "You're the pig having a crush on..."
"You spill I kill."Brie said glaring at him.
"What're you hiding baby sis?"Lauren asked joining us.
"Nothing."Brie said "Wesley's trying to hide his crush on that initiate that auditoned today, the violinist."
"What?"Wes spluttered choking on his drink "I do not have a crush on her!"
"You so do have the hots for her man!"Zeke said "It's hard to admit but you do."
Wes scoffed "You guys sound like idiots right now. Having the hots for an initiate, ew! Don't get me started on that thought."
"So you've been thinking about her?"I asked.
"No! Will everyone please stop interrogating me!"he said and stormed off.
"Jesus!"Lauren said shaking he head "Someone's madly in love."
"AM NOT!"Wes shouted
Peter POV
"Why did you vote for the stiff?"Molly asked.
"She has a good voice."I said eating my food and shrugging "There's nothing more to it than that."
"Really Peter, you expect me and Molly to fall for that?"Drew asked;
"Well that's the truth so if you don't believe me that's your problem!"I snapped.
"Ok, we believe you."Drew said but Molly didn't look convinced.
"One day we'll be together Peter, I can tell."she said putting her hand over mine. I pulled my hand away.
"Molly face the reality, we probably won't end up marrying each other." I said.
"Why?"she wailed getting the attention of some around us.
"Molly be quiet."I said.
"But why Peter?"she asked in a dramatic voice.
"Don't be such a drama queen!"I exclaimed and left. As I walked I couldn't help glance at the two stiffs' table.
They were all laughing and having fun and talking about the know it all being a pig.
I rolled my eyes and left but couldn't help but take another sneaky glance at that stiff.
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