Chapter 4: Brie and the Band
Ameera POV
We were back in the initiates room and were huddled around as we discussed our past lives.
"What happened in between you and Caleb?" I asked Kat excitedly.
"Nothing." She said her head falling into her arms.
"They dated when they were 15." Tris said calmly.
"He told me that he wanted to be with me again and transferred to Erudite." Kat muttered.
"That makes absolutely no sense. Why would he do that?" I asked. She shrugged.
"Moving on, what about you and Chris, Will?" I asked a smirking Will. The pair disappeared in a flash. Kat, and I began laughing when Phil, Eric, Chase and Four entered. The latter two were tolerant whereas the former looked furious.
"What!" Phil asked.
"Nothing are we not allowed to laugh? can you just not but into our conversation?" I asked
Chase raised his eyebrow at my words. Four smiled, slightly.
"We're your instructors and we can do anything." Phil threatened.
"Oh let the kids play, they've worked hard." A short, blonde haired girl not much older than us, said walking in.
"Back off Evie." Eric sneered she rolled her eyes and replied.
"And you wonder why Erin left you?" Another woman with Auburn hair said.
Eric muttered something and Phil laughed. Chase fist bumped the smaller woman before leaving and I heard Christina snicker.
"Hi, I'm Evie." she said. "This is Brie."
"Like the cheese?" Chris asked seating herself between me and Tris.
"SEE YOU HAVE NO FILTER!" Will shouted
"Lovebirds quit arguing and no my name is Gabriella, Brie, Ella, Gaby for short. I prefer being called Brie." Brie said.
"Were you Dauntless born or a transfer?"I asked.
"Oh I'm Dauntless born and bred, but I like the other factions too, never interested to move though. Lauren's my older sister."she said.
"By how many?"Kat asked.
"1."she said.
"What about you Evie?" I asked
"Oh, I transferred from Amity last year. It's great here...amity was nice but it got a little dull." She replied. "You?"
"Erudite...being an egocentric nerd gets boring too." I replied dryly. She nodded.
Katrina POV
I was minding my own business in the initiates rooms when Molly walked over to me and said "Oh my God you're that girl who doesn't know her parents aren't you. The famous Evans girl. It's so sad isn't it Petie that when our family visits us on visiting day she'll be all by herself."
"Molly keep your big nose out of my business you're just an egotistical brat." I snapped as I arranged my bedding neatly.
"Well at least I wasn't abandoned." Molly said. "At least my parents love me."
"Well at least I'm not a tart!" I snapped in response and left the initiates room and decided to go and shoot a target.
I grabbed a pair of ear defenders after aligning a target blocking my ears to prevent my ear drums from getting damaged, putting on the ear defenders over them and some protective goggles.
I assembled a gun slipping it together with some ease. I had initially been quite clumsy but after a while I'd managed to learn it and even apply some style to the way I assembled it.
I emptied the magazine into the target and I blew some hair from my face and took the ear defenders off.
"Nice shot." A voice drawled as I brought the target sheet forward. 2 had gone through the centre and the rest had scattered over the target. "For a stiff."
"Go away Peter. I'm not in the mood to deal with your shitty comments." I said. I replaced the ear defenders and moved to aim at a fresh target. I jumped when I felt an arm around me moving it.
"What the actual fuck do you think you are doing? Do you want me to set of an accidental misfire or something?" I asked exasperatedly.
"I'm helping you improve your technique. Hold it like this and just relax...think it's an extension of your arm and shoot." He said. "Trust me."
"From what I've heard you're a pathological liar." I said coolly.
"Why don't you just try it and see stiff?" He asked. I rolled my eyes but tried it, emptying another magazine into the lifeless outline. I brought it to me and noticed that my shooting had caused a hole in the heart of the outline as 4 had landed there.
"See." He said.
"Thanks." I said. He shrugged placing ear defenders over his own ears and picked up an assembled gun and shot 6 bullets at the target. One went right through the head while the rest hit several areas that would encompass a vital organ in our body. "Not bad."
"What really happened to them?" he asked pressing a button to get a fresh target.
"Who?" I asked.
"Your parents." He said. I pursed my lips. "I'm just curious you know..."
"No one knows. So instead of investigating they decided to make up rumours." I replied. I shot into the target again.
"I felt abandoned and it hurt when Molly said it like that." I continued. "But by now it makes me angry rather than sad. If they loved me why would they leave me?"
"They might have died." He said. I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Unrecovered intelligence teams just uncle...was one of them. We never found out what happened."
"You think my parents were intelligence?" I asked sceptically.
"Maybe." He said leaning on an empty table. "Anyway, ignore Molly she's just jealous.
"Jealous?" I asked looking at him in confusion.
"I told her about when you helped me get over my nightmares and she's the one who usually does that...she talks to me and reassures me it will be fine. So...yeah. She thinks she's my girlfriend and brags to everyone about it." he said.
"Oh." I said looking away from him.
"Oh..." he said
"I thought she was your girlfriend."I said.
"It's complicated."he said
He cleared his throat awkwardly.
"I should go." he said and sprinted out of the room. I frowned. What's up with him?
Ameera POV
"Kat! I was looking for you EVERYWHERE!" I said dramatically "Come on you'll be late for band auditions."
She looked at me and seemed distracted. "Hey what's wrong, Chris said that Molly said something to you and you disappeared what's wrong Kat?" I asked leaning against the railing.
"She said I was abandoned basically."Kat said.
"Let's go and kick her out of band." I exclaimed
She nodded.
She washed her face and put a little bit of make up on. We made our way to the music room which was quite a bit further than expected.
As we arrived Brie, Ariana, Lynn and Marlene were there. So were Shauna, Zeke and a kid who looked like him but younger...that must be Uriah.
Brie, Shauna and Ari are already in the band. Brie being the youngest. Lynn and Mar were honorary members.
Kat and I are auditioning. If it wasn't for Molly and her friend Carol we wouldn't have to audition.
Molly walked in with a self satisfied smirk and Carol followed by her side trying to imitate her.
"Hey look! Molly's found herself a little chick." Mar said. "Look how she's imitating her."
Molly glared at her.
"Hey Molly nice to see you here." I said pleasantly.
"At least someone knows how to be polite." she said with a smile. I turned away from her and rolled my eyes gesturing discretely at Molly, as Mar and Lynn gave me appalled expressions to my reaction.
"Well you have your 5 voters here right now but there are a few more coming." Brie said gesturing to herself, Shauna, Ari, Zeke and Uriah.
Then Peter walked in and Ari's eyes lit up. Shauna and Brie rolled their eyes and Brie said in a monotone "Our sixth voter."
Then Chase and Phil came in. Shauna was the one to get excited this time. For God's sake they're voting. But Phil hates me!
"Performers: Molly Atwood, Carol Humphrey, Ameera Eaton and Katrina Evans. Judges: Myself, Gabriella Derilos, Ariana Renolds, Zeke, Uriah, Chase, Peter Hayes, Phil." Shauna said.
"Ok you've all come in your pairs and little groups. Any musicians in here?"Brie asked.
"My vocal chords are my instruments." Molly said.
"Didn't think we needed to point out the obvious...but other than voice." Shauna said dryly.
"Violin." I said.
"Violin?" Brie asked her eyes lighting "A violinist in Dauntless?"
"It's kinda rare that's why her reaction's like that." Lynn explained
"I figured." I said dryly.
"Drum kits."Kat said.
"A stiff playing drums? I would like to see that!" Peter laughed.
"Anyone can play any instrument if they put the effort." I said pointedly.
Kat found the drum kits in the room "And I'll prove it." she said.
She began with a basic beat and then layered each drum over the base beat made with her foot eventually it peaked up to a climax and then ended with a bang and soft yet effective tap of the cymbal.
There were claps from most of the crowd even Phil managed to begrudgingly drag his hands together.
Molly glared at Kat and said icily. "I'd like to perform now."
"What song?" Brie asked as she seated herself behind the desk that was the judges panel.
"My Heart Will Go On, dedicated to a special somebody." Molly said pointedly looking at Peter. Others ignored this and Carol sat in the background with a flute. They were sound testing and getting themselves ready as we seated ourselves around the judges.
"This movie hits me so hard because even though the storyline is kinda shoddy...I mean it's a little cheesy and unrealistic...but it empowers you in a way to believe in yourself as a woman and go forward and not give up and depresses you because you have to let go of the person that gave you that I don't like the fact that young Leonardo DiCaprio ends up dying in it." Brie whispered.
"Agreed." I said to her. "I got a blocked nose after Titanic...the music ghosting past in the is almost foreshadowing that Jack will die...called by the sea...or a siren you know. The music is what hits me the hardest because it gives me the feels. The Titanic can be seen as an experience...just like the actual voyage was...I put off watching it for a while because I didn't want to watch things that'll make me cry but I wanted to feel how My Heart Will Go On felt after watching the movie."
"I think the song choice is what made the movie so perfect other than the cast. They interacted really well and gave us a very good film." Kat added.
Molly cleared her throat over the microphone.
Carol began playing and I smiled she was quite good. Her hands initially shook probably with the nerves but steadied. Molly began singing and Brie cringed a little. No offense but Celine Dion's voice was made for this one can surpass that (my opinion) but Molly's voice was just too strong. She wasn't gentle enough with the lyrics...that gentleness gave them their airy, light and magical feel and without that the song lost some of its magic.
Peter sat with his head resting on his elbow as he dully watched Molly singing. She was making repetitive hand gestures towards him which obviously suggested that she thought they had something special...I mean she was singing My Heart Will Go On at him.
We all sat expectantly waiting for the 'near...far...wherever you are...' but were surprised when Molly began singing. "Peeeee...tieee..."
Peter's faced blanched as he watched Molly in horror.
"...pieieieieeee...I believe that my heart will go on...."
Peter's head was now rested in his hands as he refused to watch Molly. He shook his head, muttering if he was trying to turn back time or cease to exist.
"Once...more...Petie opens the door...I believe that the heart will go on and onnnnn...oh...oh...oh...ohhhh..."
Uriah and Zeke were laughing unashamedly while Chase looked at them with mild disapproval. Phil had left the room.
Brie looked livid. Her hand was clenched over the pencil that she soon ended up snapping into two.
"Alright....the votes are in." Shauna announced. "Molly Atwood gains: 1 point from Ariana."
"What!" Molly exclaimed. "Peter! Why didn't you vote for me?"
He looked up at her in exasperation. "Are you kidding me?" He asked, he looked traumatised and I couldn't blame him.
Molly looked at him in absolute astonishment and confusion. She stormed out and I noticed Carol's dejected expression.
"She was good Brie...let her stay." I suggested.
She discussed with the others and they unanimously announced that Carol, Kat and I would join the band.
Well...everyone other than Ariana did.
Ariana left after putting on a hissy fit. Kat followed Peter and when Uriah went to follow I shook my head at him. "Leave them be...I saw them at the shooting practice area...commiserating."
Uriah nodded and exited with Chase and Zeke through the other exit. Brie, Shauna, Lynn, Mar and I discussed a plan for the next show.
The pit.
Peter was punching a bag vigourously as I entered and I walked to lean on the wall opposite him.
"'re still going to say that Molly isn't your girlfriend?" I asked him. Peter looked at me and nodded. "Well you and Molly have very different perspectives on what your relationship is."
"No shit Sherlock." He said dryly as he continued punching the bag.
"So why don't you just tell her that you're not interested? It's not nice to lead a girl on like that you know. And Molly's smart enough to leave you alone if you told her you weren't interested." I said.
"Why are you so interested stiff?" he asked.
"Because as horrible as Molly is no one deserves to get led on." I shrugged. "I know the feeling. And if she wants to pass Dauntless and not be cut she has to be at her A-game, you are a distraction...a major one, if you keep giving her mixed signals."
"I'm not giving her any signals. My parents and her parents are tight knit and want us to stay close...they've practically already tied the knot for us. One of the reasons I left Candor was to escape that." he said.
"And because you are a pathalogical liar?" I asked. He looked at me and the shook his head chuckling. "What? It's true"
"I's not that...I...I just don't know why I'm telling you all this." he said. "I...Have we ever met before Dauntless by any chance?"
I shrugged. "Maybe you passed Abnegation when you were younger and I was there. I don't remember seeing you let alone speaking to you."
"I saw you with that other stiff. Were you two close?" he asked.
"No...we were friends, and I thought he was kinda cute but na. We weren't together or anything." I replied
A silence settled and we glanced at each other then the surroundings. It was initially comforting but became awkward as neither of us were able to find anything else to say.
"So..." Peter began.
"I'm gonna go...back to the dinner hall, as it is time for lunch. Have a good day." I said and left. I glanced back and saw him staring at me, but he looked away when he saw me and resumed punching again.
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