Chapter 2: The Choice
Ameera POV
A positive hum filled the hall as 16 year olds and their parents came in and sat with their factions. All were excited, some are certain of what they are going to choose, while others had some uncertainties.
I am terrified.
I have 3 factions to choose from: Erudite, Amity and Dauntless...Dauntless of all places. If I went back to Erudite then I'd probably end up with some mundane career that used very little of any of my studies as my father loved to keep my out of the main picture.
He is an extremely egotistical control freak and manipulated you by stabbing at you with non existent accusations, but I'd spent so long with him that by now I'm numb to it instead of reacting I chose to be apathetic. It stopped him from trying. We hardly ever talked and stayed as far away from each other as possibly.
Amity was appealing but they'd find me to impatient and angry...the only other choices were going somewhere I didn't get on the test...maybe Candor would be good, it would help me seek out the truth and they are the closest to Erudite I could ever get if I wanted something similar. Or choose Dauntleses - abysmally fail the tests and end up Factionless. I sighed heavily, 16 is much to early to make such a choice.
As my father and I went into the hall Jeanine the Erudite leader came over to me and asked "Ready to choose then Ameera?"
"Um...the test it's supposed to tell us right?" I asked.
"Oh come on you know better than that the test is something that gives you guidance you have free will to choose." she said with a well rehearsed smile.
"But we're supposed to trust the test right?" She nodded and sat down.
Everyone were silent when Beatrice Prior stood there, her hand was over Abnegaton's pebbles but quickly moved and infintesmally slowly the blood from her hand dropped onto the embers.
Cheers erupted in the Dauntless crowd as they welcomed the strange newcomer.
Katrina POV
"I'll never see you again." Caleb whispered kissing my cheek gently and left before I could ask him why.
I frowned slightly and then pursed my lips tightly, clenching my fists as he held his hand over Erudite. Of course he's changing...the Candor was right I guess.
Ameera POV
Caleb surprisingly chose Erudite - he was always intrigued by us for some reason. I'm not saying he's a complete idiot but Abnegations get looked down upon by Erudite. What makes him different?
"Ameera Eaton." Marcus called. Ernie and Marcus both gave me a you better not change look.
As I made my way towards the moment of truth, I heard my heart pound - drowning any noises that were there. I looked between the five options I exhaled heavily, cut myself and let the blood drop over...
Dauntless. I did not know why then but it felt right - Dauntless were so adventurous
Marcus hid his anger and Ernie openly glared at me stone faced. As we left I gave him a sweet smile and waved.
Liberty...sweet liberty.
"Look who it is it's the legendary Ameera!"my best friend exclaimed.
"Will you ruffian you're here too!"I exclaimed laughing and reaching over to ruffle his hair affectionately (with the hand without the cut).
"Yeah, here have a plaster."he said I put it on as we made our way out.
I was one of the last people on the train and I was pulled in by an Abnegation girl who had dark brown hair and dark brown eyes with a bronze complexions. Her hair was in a bun which was unwinding and falling over her shoulders.
"Thank you." I said.
"I'm Katrina." she said smiling.
"Ameera." I said, her smile fell and she frowned "I thought you and Caleb liked each other. That's why he moved right?"
"What?! The idiot! No!. He just walked straight into the devil's den!" I said. "I don't know what people have told you but Caleb Prior and I are just friends...barely at that nowadays."
She laughed.
"Christina." A Candor girl with dark skin said.
"And you both know me already. I can't believe Caleb had a crush on both of you!" Beatrice laughed.
"What!" we both exclaimed.
"Yeah he told me! He couldn't choose. I bet he changed to Erudite to spend more time with you but now you're here." Beatrice said.
We were told to get ready and we're jumping again. Katrina and I jumped together on three I landed on hard ground where as she landed on that Candor jerk I met a few days ago.
"Get off stiff I know I'm hot but seriously." he exclaimed pompously.
"Yeah dream on boy." Katrina said jumping up and dusting herself, before I could help.
"His name's Peter." Christina said. Tris chose to be the first jumper at the same time as me. We both went over and Peter (aka Dickson) taunted us.
"Hey if you're so cocky why don't you try going first?" I asked.
"Yeah so shut up!" a Dauntless girl shouted.
I exhaled heavily as I looked uneasily at the chasm below me. There were two choices. Step back and admit I was afraid and become instantly Factionless or step forward and go down into this gaping hole - the unknown.
This is why I chose Dauntless right? I thought to myself and stepped forward with my eyes shut tightly.
I felt wind rush through my ears and then landed on something...bouncy?
"Two, God what has the world come to today!" A voice said. A tall guy pulled the net down on Beatrice's side.
He asked her name and she changed it to Tris. I smiled.
I jolted in surprise as the net was pulled on my side and someone put hands on my hips. I kicked instinctively and the person flinched a little but their grip did not loosen.
A guy who was also quite tall with dark brown eyes and dark hair pulled me out. "I'm just trying to help no need to kick."
"A little warning would have been appreciated." I muttered.
The guy rolled his eyes. "Name?"
"Um Meera."I said.
"Second Jumper Meera!" he shouted
"Had to put you as second because there aren't two spaces for first." he explained.
I rolled my eyes, how dumb does he think I am?
I turned away and stopped as I saw Tobias he was no longer the scrawny young Abnegation I knew. His face remained neutral, no acknowledgement. Wow...that's just cold.
I regarded his presence with an equally dismissive nature...two can play at this game.
After every had jumped we had been assembled into a group by Tobias and the other instructor.
"Most of the time I work in Intelligence, Chase works as assistance wherever needed, but during your training, We'll be your instructors. My name's Four."
"Four like the number?" Christina asked
"Exactly like the number." He replied.
"What happened, one through three were taken?" She asked amusedly.
"What's your name?" He asked
"Well, Christina. The first lesson you learn from me if you wanna survive here, is keep your mouth shut. Do you understand me?" he asked, Jesus he's really changed.
"Follow me. Chase take the rear." He said.
"This is The Pit. The center of life here at Dauntless. You're gonna be sleeping here for the next 10 weeks.
"Girls or boys?" someone asked.
"Both." He replied coldly and left It was open. Even the toilets were.
"Get changed." Tobias no Four said and the pair left.
Katrina POV
"Nice legs, Stiff." Peter commented to Tris.
Ameera grabbed the bed close to Tris so now I was stuck between her and Peter.
"Do you want me to kill you in your sleep?" I asked as I took my long dress off and pulling a button up shirt on, almost simultaneously.
We left to he hall and I sat with Ameera, a boy named Will and another named Al, they were from Erudite and Candor respectively.
Ameera and Will seemed to know each other and seemed quite fond of each other.
I laughed as Christina said "Which textbook did you swallow?"
Ameera POV
"All of them." I said.
"You have no filter." Will said, there was a debate about the truth when Four said "I don't want to hear about your old factions. You're Dauntless now."
"Were you a transfer too or a Dauntless born?" Tris asked him.
"Are you kidding?" He asked,
"No." She said.
"What makes you think you can talk to me?" He asked rudely.
"It must be because you're so...approachable." She said adding the last part a little timidly but also sarcastically.
"Careful." He said and went back to eating.
I held back a laugh.
"You have a death wish my friend." Christina said.
Will passed me my hamburger free meal. Basically fries and nuggets.
"Why?" Christina asked.
"Because she's practically allergic to Hamburgers and fish." Will said.
"Wow, you know her pretty well." Tris said.
"He's been like my only friend for 2 years in Erudite..." I began.
"You heard Four. You're Dauntless now." Chase said.
"What are you his echo?" I asked dryly. His grip around his fork tightened and he stabbed a potato quite violently. "What did that potato ever do to you?"
He exhaled before eating said potato and chewing quite vigourously. "You see I was wondering because I think some sections of your brain are quite vacant...or their simply not developed yet...perhaps it's because you are a very unique who deevolves through are a neandrothal now. In a few years time you'd have successfully progressed back to an ape." I said solemnly.
Four choked on his drink and slightly smiled, before suppressing it. "I think she's recognised you for who you are Chase. But like I said, I don't want to hear about your old factions. You're not an exception." He said.
I smiled sweetly in response irratating Chase further.
We crowd surfed and I held onto Will's and Katrina's hand as we were passed along. Will let go and held on to Tris and Christina and I joked "Trying to get at all the ladies Will?"
"Maybe." he laughed.
That night was amazing I fell asleep on my bunk with a happy thought.
Katrina POV
That night when I went to bed and fell in a restless sleep, I woke up tears in my eyes as the scene of Chase's mother flashed pass in my dreams. I wiped the tears away and noticed Peter sitting on his bed curled up and holding his knees close to himself.
"You okay?" he asked stretching his legs in front of him.
"Yeah, you?" I asked frowning.
"Yeah." he said looking down.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Yes I am." he snapped suddenly.
"Jesus Christ! Calm down."I said "Didn't know you were so cranky, your highneth"
I lied down facing the opposite direction when I heard a muttered "No." I turned around and leaned on my elbow resting my head on my hand.
"What's wrong? I thought nothing was wrong with the 'Big Bad Peter's' life." I asked.
"Don't worry about it." he said.
"What's wrong Dick?"I asked.
"My name's Peter." he said.
"But your nickname from Christina is Dick."I said.
He rolled his eyes "Well I had..." he looked...embarrassed?
"...a nightmare?"I asked.
He averted his gaze and nodded.
"Oh come on everyone has nightmares you just have to live with it." I said comfortingly putting an arm on his shoulder. "Even I do."
"Yeah, yeah stiff alright now mind your own business and go to bed." He said pushing my arm off. I rolled my eyes. His mean streak's come back.
I lay down in bed and fell asleep.
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