"Oh my goodness! Rajkumari Pragti! You look even more pretty than the last time I saw you!" Sushen praised.
"And you look as handsome as you were the last time I met you rajkumar Sushen!" Pragti replied while trying to surpass a smirk and giggle over their acting skills.
"Does that mean that I haven't gotten better than last time?" Sushen faked a scoff and continued the flirty conversation. Pragti chuckled and replied back. Both of them were seemingly lost in their own world, unaware that someone was keeping a close eye on them. Arjun gritted his teeth when he saw Pragti getting close to him and poking him by her elbow.
He looked at Draupadi and got her attention. Then he gestured her to look at the two. Draupadi sighed and gestured him that this was not the time to talk about this, and they were just friends. It angered Arjun, and he fixed his eyes on the so called "bestfriends".
Why does no one see it? Or do they pretend not too? There is no doubt that something is going on between them and I do not like it. My poor little innocent child is unaware about the cruel world. The Angraj or the boy either of them must be having plan to trap my child. I will not let that happen. Draupadi will not believe me unless I find a good proof.
Kumar Sushen, your dirty tricks will come too an end soon.
Arjun mentally promised when he saw Pragti run towards Suthanu while Sushen lovingly saw her leave. A faint smile occurred on his face when she waved at him. Arjun scoffed and left, just then Sushen felt a weird feeling. Was he being stared? He turned, saw no one and thought.
I must have imagined that.
They are so happy in their own world. Why did I even come here? Too see him enjoying his life, after moving on from me? No no no! It was so stupid of me too think that he still loves me. I should have simply agreed to the latest proposal.
It seemed as if her entire world was crashing, and she was able to do nothing. Just then she bumped into Pragti who was smiling widely.
Suthanu-" What is it Pragti?"
Venom filled every word she spoke. It suprised Pragti for a moment although it was understandable and like a good sister she took things slowly.
Pragti-"Didi I understand what you are going through. But please hear me out. Kumar Shatrunjay wants to meet you. Just once. I am sure whatever he will tell,it will definitely make you happy."
Suthanu was enraged," Pragti Pragti. I cannot believe this. Whose side are you on? His or mine? Even after whatever happened you still want me to meet him?"
Pragti-"Didi, I understand. But after hearing it I felt happy! I am pretty sure so will you."
Suthanu-" Then tell me? What is it?"
Pragti-"No didi! This is something which you should hear from his mouth! Not mine! Please, the engagement ceremony will start in sometime! Please go and meet him!"
Suthanu looked at the young girl's hopeful eyes. She sighed and gave in. Maybe, this was the time when she could settle matters with Shatrunjay and tell him and she isn't waiting for him anymore. Infact, she will be moving on and getting married. Pragti slipped her a chit,the place where they had to meet was written on it.
Suthanu, you have to calm down. He is not yours anymore, yet your heart beats like this for him. This should not happen again. Okay,here goes nothing.
Suthanu made up her mind. She couldn't help but feel somersaults in her stomach and her heart still beated quickly for Shatrunjay. The room where they decided to meet, had no door but only curtains attached at the doorframe. The room was out of use since a longtime, Shatrunjay was confident that no one would find them.
She went in and as the sun went down, Shatrunjay looked magnificent with the sun rays falling on him. His eyes widened and turned moist upon seeing her. Once she came in, Shatrunjay was overwhelmed. He stepped ahead for a closer approach but she stopped him.
Suthanu-" Kumar Shatrunjay. We do not need to be close to each other in order to talk. Please be quick, I do not want to miss my dear sister's engagement."
Coldness filled her voice although her heart reflected something else. Her words pierced Shatrunjay. He had never imagined that Suthanu would talk in such a tone with him. Nevertheless, he felt that he deserved it after getting married and not speaking up for their relationship.
Shatrunjay-" Suthanu... I know that I have broken your heart- but please try to understand my situation-"
Suthanu-" If you are here to give me an explanation about your happy marriage then I shall leave!"
She was done with it. All the marriage events had hurted her to a great extent and she did not want to hear them again. She turned around and before she could even take a step, Shatrunjay gently grabbed her arm. It angered and she faced him to jerk him off. Although tears clouded her tears.
Suthanu-" Please just let me GO! You still do not understand anything. I waited so long for you! I argued with my parents, turned down several princes who were definitely better than you! And this is all you give me? Pain?"
It was almost a whisper towards the end and tears flowed down her cheeks. It hurted her because she still loved him. Shatrunjay wiped her tears and cupped her face.
Shatrunjay-" Priye... Please do not cry. This does not suit your pretty face. I know I have hurted you but please hear me out. I am still yours, entirety yours."
Suthanu-" How can you say that after getting married!"
Shatrunjay took a deep breath, "It's because I have no physical contact with Raakhi."
Sushen and Pragti were stealing glances while Raakhi seemed worried. Shatrunjay was nowhere to be found, and the engagement ceremony would be starting soon. He could not miss this! Sushen gestured Pragti to meet him and slowly disappeared from the crowd. Lakshman was looking around, specifically for Sushen. How could his friend miss one of the best moments of his life!
Yudhisthir looked around,"Where is Suthanu?" He asked Draupadi. "I cannot see her arya Yudhisthir! Where could she be?" Yudhisthir immediately ordered the Upapandavas but luck did not favor them and they immediately came back in order to not miss the engagement ceremony. Once the couples were engaged, Yudhisthir was enraged. How could Suthanu miss such a moment? Especially when Duryodhana himself wrote them a letter by keeping all the grudges aside.
Just then someone tapped his back.
Lakshmana-"Kakashree! Where is Suthanu! I wish too see her!"
Yudhisthir was at a loss of words. What can he tell the young girl?
Yudhisthir-"I will bring her too you! Give me a moment!"
He immediately left, and told the boys to continue looking for their sister. Just then Rukmini called for Nitya, Charumati and Pragti. The two girls ran while Pragti didn't reply to the call. Arjun looked around.
Pragti is not here and so is the Anga prince... Could they be together?! No!
He got up and went to find Pragti. He could not lose his daughter to a suta.
Suthanu-" Wh-what do you mean?"
Suthanu was startled, she wondered if this was a dream or Shatrunjay was just an illusion. Shatrunjay took a deep breath before repeating himself.
Shatrunjay-" Yes Suthanu, my love. You heard it correct. In all those months, of my marriage life, I did not have a single physical contact with Raakhi. Infact I warned her to stay away from me. I still love you and you will be the only one to rule my heart. Just like you, even though I am married my mind and body is still dedicated to you!"
Suthanu was speechless... Was this A ray of hope for her? Questions clouded her mind,why did Raakhi tell her that Shatrunjay treated her the best? Was she lying?
Suthanu-" B-but Raakhi and I had a talk earlier and she said that everyone treats her very nicely and lovingly! Even you!"
Shatrunjay-" No dear no! Believe me we do not even talk!"
So she has started to lie as well?
Shatrunjay thought. He did not expect Raakhi to do something like that. In his eyes,she was now a liar as well. Suthanu slightly teared up,she couldn't believe it. And she was relieved that he still loved her. He cupped her cheeks.
Shatrunjay-" Priye,let me kiss you on your cheek. Just once,as an assurance that you are only mine, and I am entirely yours."
Suthanu nodded,she had yeared for him since such a longtime. Shatrunjay did not waste a moment,and soon Suthanu felt his lips on her cheek. The time paused for them. The moment seemed to have lasted forever.
Just then someone pushed open the curtains.
A/N- Who was the one who opened the curtains? Could things go downhill from now? I hope you like this chapter! Stay tuned for the next one, as it is the last one! Book 1 will be ending soon.
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