Emily's pov
After what seems like the longest 10 minutes of my life, he finally pulls into the school parking lot.
I feel weird and dizzy, even though I had my eyes closed for most of the ride, blurry trees and buildings are still replaying in my head.
I can't believe my first time ever getting on a motorcycle is with my rude British neighbor...
What has my life come to? I used to stay inside and read romance novels till my eyes refused to read anymore, and the Emily from a month ago would never miss her bus.
"Soo, when are you planning on letting me go?" Axel asks awkwardly.
My eyes widen. "I'm so sorry!" I say and quickly retract my arms from his waist.
"I don't blame you, I wouldn't let go of myself either if I were you." he smirks and gets off the motorcycle.
"I didn't mean to, I wasn't paying attention..." I grumble and attempt to get off the bike.
Key word: attempt
The lace of my converse got caught up on the rear-set while I was bringing my foot to the other side.
"Woah." Axel said and quickly grabbed my waist to steady me.
"Watch out there, I know I'm hot, but didn't know I was worth dying over just to catch a last glimpse of me." he says.
What?! Does he think I tripped because I was ogling him?
You can't blame him Emily, you got caught staring at him creepily this morning. Says my subconscious and I hate that she's right.
"You are so cocky! I wasn't looking at you, my shoelace just got caught up in your rear-set and I tripped. Get over yourself Axel." I huffed, untangled my shoelace and got off.
"Okay woah I was kidding." he raises his hands up in defense.
I removed my helmet and handed it to him.
I looked up at his green eyes that never seemed to lose their sparkle.
"Thanks for the ride, that was nice of you." I smile softly and head to class, not even waiting for his response.
"Anytime neighbor!" He yells and I shake my head and smile goofily, he truly is something.
I go to the school secretary and ask for a late permission slip.
The middle aged lady behind the desk scowls at me, and searches her desk for the slip.
Her working slowly is only making me even later than I am. Hurry up woman!
She finally hands it to me after 5 minutes. I quickly thank her and rush to class..
By the time luch rolls around I am about this close to losing my mind. I had two math periods back to back with Mr. White and I am drained.
I enter the cafeteria and quickly get in line, today's special is mac n cheese, my favorite.
As soon as I pay for my lunch, I turn around and scan the crowd for my best friend.
I spot Brooke's curly hair sitting at a table next to a guy with chestnut colored hair which I can only assume is Danny.
I walk up to them and my assumption is confirmed.
"Hey guys!" I say, interrupting their minor disagreement on which ninja turtle is better.
I love witnessing their little arguments, even while they are talking about cartoons you can see the admiration in Danny's eyes as he listens intently on what she's saying.
"Hey Em!" Brooke greets me and Danny nods as an acknowledgement to my presence.
"Emily tell her Leo is better than Donatello." Danny says and Brooke swats his arm.
"I'm staying out of this" I raise my shoulders and laugh.
I tune out the rest of their conversation and focus on my delicious plate.
When I look up, I see Axel enter the cafeteria with Catherine Jones.
The school's leetch. She isn't the most popular girl around, but she will do her best to steal anyone's man just to make her feel good about herself.
A spark of jealousy ignited within me, seeing Axel laughing with Catherine is
a sight I don't want to see.
But why am I feeling this way? He means nothing to me. He's rude, arrogant, entitled, sweet and hot...
Wait woah where did that come from? Emily snap out of it! You've never been boy crazy, keep it that way. I tell myself as I tear my eyes away from Catherine and Axel's now seated figures.
I look back at Brooke and Danny to find them laughing too.
When will I have someone to laugh with? someone who isn't just a friend, who looks at me like I'm their whole world...
"Yeah can you believe that she didn't tell me she spoke to Axel King?" Brook tells Danny.
"Whatt? How could she not?" Danny says in a high pitched and shocked voice.
"Guys it's not a big deal." I laugh.
"Besides," I smirk... "He's my neighbor." I continue.
I wish I had started recording Brooke before I told her. The look on her face is priceless! She looks at me, mouth agape with incredulity.
Danny seems shocked too, guess they didn't expect the popular Axel King to be my neighbor.
Once Brooke recovered and gathered her composure, she looked at me with a smirk on her face and said "You two will make beautiful babies."
I choke on my water and stare at her wide eyed. "What makes you say that?!" I exclaim, my ears turning bright red.
"With you two being that close in proximity most of the time, I don't think you'll be able to resist each other." She says.
"I agree." Danny winks. "It's about time you get a boyfriend Emily, put yourself out there." He advises.
Danny is like a second brother to me. He looks out for me when he notices guys are making disgusting remarks about my body, and gives me advice from a guy's perspective every now and then.
He's the nicest guy I know, and Brooke is lucky to have him.
"Guys calm down, who said I even have a chance with him? That is if I am interested in him in the first place." I tell them.
"Well I don't know about you, but staring at someone every few minutes tells me that they might have an interest in them, just a little." Danny smirks and tilts his head to the table on my right.
I look and see Axel looking at me... It takes him a second to realize he got caught.
He stares a second longer, and looks at Catherine who was nudging him with annoyance clear on her face.
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