Emily's pov
I get closer to my driveway and spot Catherine talking to Axel on his porch.
They seem to be in a heated conversation and Catherine is screaming with her hands in the air.
Why do I always end up in situations like this? Can't I just enjoy my new car in peace?
I pull into my driveway but look in my rearview mirror, not being able to stop myself.
Axel is looking at Catherine with brows furrowed and lips in a straight line, not saying anything.
A couple of seconds later, Catherine sighs and mutters something, before turning around and getting in a black SUV.
I get out of the car and the chilly weather hits me hard, despite having a jacket on.
Ugh I hate winter.
I look behind me and Axel doesn't even see me, he looks distressed, and like he hasn't had a good night's sleep in a while.
He runs a hand through his hair and goes inside, gently closing the door behind him.
Guilt washes over me, thinking that I might be the reason of his inability to sleep, but I quickly get rid of that thought.
Axel wouldn't lose sleep over me.
I rush inside and find mom on the couch.
I immediately get excited and want to show her my car.
"Mom, look what I got!" I say.
"What do you have honey?" She turns to me and smiles.
I show her my car keys and smirk.
She jumps up from the couch and runs to me.
"Where is it?" She says excitedly.
"In the driveway mom, where else?" I laugh and we both head outside.
"Oh, it's a beauty." She says as spots it.
"I know." I reply, proud of my choice.
"Can we go for a spin?" She smirks and dangles the keys in front of my face.
I laugh, take the keys and we both get in the car.
We drive around for about an hour then get home and watch movies with Max.
I open my eyes and it's Saturday.
The days are passing by, and I am becoming more detached from my surroundings.
Christmas is coming up, and so is my birthday right after.
This time of year I'm usually very excited and full of the festive spirit.
But as I get out of bed and approach my mirror, I see the aftermath of the hurt Axel caused me hasn't washed away.
No matter how hard I try to, I can't ignore the pain in my chest, and my shortness of breath whenever I see him in the halls, or when I catch him staring at me in History or at lunch.
I know he still wants to talk to me and explain his side of the story, but I can't muster up the strength to talk to him.
I'm afraid I will be easily fooled again, and tricked into thinking he's genuine.
I don't want to put myself through that.
Although standing here and looking at my tired face and dull eyes, I can't help but wonder if I'm doing myself a favor, or making my situation worse.
I head into the bathroom and take my bluetooth speaker with me, wanting to listen to music and drown out my thoughts.
I contemplate putting happy and cheerful songs to uplift my mood, but after a few seconds I just settle on my usual playlist which consist of mostly sad songs, or songs that remind me of my pain.
I press shuffle on my playlist, quickly get undressed and enter the shower, my muscles immediately relaxing under the hot water.
Memories by Maroon 5 comes on and I hum along to it, wanting to avoid being affected by the lyrics.
But eventually, the tears betray me and slide down my cheeks, disappearing into the millions of water droplets at my feet.
I wash my face and ignore the other songs that come after, quickly finishing and getting out of the shower, turning my speaker off as fast as I can manage.
"Listening to songs in the shower was a bad idea." I think and enter my room.
After getting dressed, I decide to read a book.
I head over to my bookshelf and scan my eyes over the books.
Nothing catches my eyes, I have read every single one of them, and nothing stuck out to me this time.
Not wanting to reread anything, I put my shoes on, grab my keys and head downstairs, deciding to go to the library.
I get downstairs and the house is empty, mom is at work and Max is probably out with his friends.
I grab my warm coat that is hung next to the door and go outside, heading straight for my car.
I glace up at Mrs. Andrews' house and see a shadow backing away from the window.
Was it Axel? I think. Could he be interested in me after what he did to me?
Emily stop it, don't be a fool. He chose to hurt you, you should stop thinking about him. My subconscious advises me.
I drive with the radio softly playing in the background, and reach the library after ten minutes.
I park near the entrance, step inside the library, and immediately head to the shelves of books in the corner.
No matter how many times I've been here before, the excitement of scanning the books on the shelves, and quickly skimming through the pages of books never leaves me.
I look at the books for about fifteen minutes and nothing catches my eye.
I walk through the different isles and still don't find anything interesting.
I reach the last isle and scan the books.
The Bucket List To Mend A Broken Heart by Anna Bell sparks my interest.
I grab it and start reading the first page.
"That's a good read." Someone says.
I snap my head to the right and find Sebastian leaning against the shelf, smiling at me.
"You scared me." I laugh and close the book.
"Didn't mean to." He smiles.
"What are you doing here on a Saturday?" I ask, wondering how a guy would willingly be in a library instead of out with his friends.
"I was just bored, thought I'd come here and find something good to read and pass the time." He says and stops leaning against the shelf.
"Oh, same. I didn't find anything I wanted to read at home." I smile.
"Want to sit with me and read your book while I read mine?" He asks and holds up a book in his hand that I hadn't noticed before.
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.
"Sure, why not." I smile and walk over to the tables at the opposite corner of the library.
That is how I spend my Saturday afternoon, reading and laughing at Sebastian's stupid jokes.
"My dad loves the movies, I do too, but reading is just different, you don't get the same details when watching the movies." Sebastian says, talking about The Hunger Games.
"I agree with you on that." I quietly say.
The mention of his dad makes me think of mine.
I miss him so much, we used to watch cartoons together every Saturday evening when he came home from work.
"Excuse me Sebastian, I have to go." I smile softly at him and quickly sart gathering my stuff.
"Did I say something wrong?" He asks confused.
"No you didn't, don't worry." I say, bid him goodbye, and rush to my car.
I start driving, memories of my dad and I flood my mind.
I finally reach where I'm going and park my car.
I'm sad to admit, but it's been a long time since I've come here.
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