Evan's POV
'I saw this cool guy at starbucks today, he looked really cool' I rolled over on my bed and reached my phone on the counter to text Jonathan.
E: hey wazzup m8.
J: hey dude your Evan right?
E: yup, hey do you have GTA V?
J: yeah for x-box
E: GREAT dude friend me im Vanoss
J:Alright dude im h2Odelrirous
J:boom friended
E: hmmm there is a guy named h2Odelirious its weird maybe i should not!
E: ok ,ok fine friended now lets play.
'We played GTA V for a while, it was really fun. His laugh was so cute, wait did i just say cute. Nevermind that.' I ran over to delirious and placed a bomb on his car before he drove off. " YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME HAHAHAHA" Delrirous said. I exploded the bomb before he got too far and he died ,it was so funny. "EVAN GET DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!!" My dad screeched. I quickly texted Jon.
E: gtg
I then went over to the x-box and turned it off, making my way downstairs. "Yes dad?"WHO WERE YOU TALKING TO?" "N-no one dad j-just to myself, just pre-pretending i was talking to some o-" My dad interrupts me by slapping me in the face. Tears threaten to come out of my eyes as my dad yells at me again. "IF I CATCH YOU LYING OR TALKING TO ANYONE ELSE EVER AGAIN I WILL KILL YOU JUST LIKE YOUR MOTHER!" He slaps me again, this time harder. I run up to my room tears threatening to come out of my eyes. I make it to my room and slam the door.
I walk over too my bathroom and look at myself at the mirror. 'Im such a fucking disgrace, dad always says im the reason he is so mad, the reason be killed my mom. Im so dumb and annoying.' I bring my hand to the red parts of my face and start rubbing my bruises slowly.
You know there is only one way to make the pain and guilt go away.
My eyes flash wide open. 'Who was that.' Im vanoss, i know how to make every thing right.
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