I Miss You
Jonathan's POV
We were having such a fun time playing games, just me and Evan. I watch him quickly leave the game. 'What, why would he do that?' It's because he hates you and hanging out with you is boring. 'Shut up delrirous!' My phone quickly buzzes. I walk over to see that Evan had left me a message.
E: gtg
'What just like that not a good-bye or anything?' He didn't have the time to give you a bad-bye, get over it. 'Just go away...' I quickly text Evan back
J: Why?
No answer. I wait about 5 minutes before texting him again.
J: Dude whats wrong... 😞
Nothing... I just throw my phone to the side and take another sip of my white mocha realising its empty. 'I might as well visit mom and dad.' I grab my car keys and start walking to my car. I put the key in the ignition and start to reverse. I start to drive to the super market.
🕛Time skip to super market🕧
I walk inside and feel the slight gust of cold air flow through my mask and body. I walk over to the toy section and grab a teddy bear just for me. I then walk over to the gardening section to buy some flowers. 'Flowers for them.' Who else would they be for? I ignored delirious (A.N: just realised its spelled delirious and not delrirous y u no stop me wattpadoole?) hurtful comment
I look at some nice purple flowers with a pinch of yellow on the top of it. 'Their beautiful.' Unlike you. I grabbed them and brought them to the counter to pay for them.
I park my car in the parking lot. I look to my left and right to see the grass filled with graves. I see a fimmiluar grave stone with 2 very reconisible names to me.
Richard & Molly Dennis
I fell down on both of my knees and put the flowers in a little hole next to the grave stone. I see the note that i put there when they were first put here, surprisingly still readable. I pick up the rock on the paper and take the paper out of the clear folder. I start to read it in my head.
'Mom and dad
I love you with all of my hear and i miss you so much.
I still remember the days you would bring me to the park when i was very little.
I will never forget you, you will always be at the top of my heart.
Remember that time when i was 8 and me and you guys laughed so hard milk came out of our noses. Remember the time we went to the woods and went camping for 5 days.
I will always miss you mom and dad
Love Johnny'
Tears came out of my eyes as i traced the letter with my hands gently before putting it back in the clear folder and putting it back under the rock.
"I miss you"
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