Chapter 4 - Unprecedented Attack
Foxpaw POV
"Keep low, Foxpaw." Flypounce flicked her tail, sat on a nearby rock.
Foxpaw nodded, crouching lower to the ground as she smelled the air. There is it... A mouse!
Foxpaw tried to resist the urge to dart forward like the last three times as she knew she was still too far away. Just a few more steps and... Go!
Foxpaw broke out into a sprint and the mouse began to flee. She grabbed the mouse by the tail but tripped and fell over.
"Foxpaw, are you alright?" Flypounce questioned, padding over to her.
"I did it!" Foxpaw revealed the mouse, stuck in her paws.
Flypounce cleared her throat and Foxpaw looked down at the mouse,"O-oh, sorry-"
"It's alright, Foxpaw. I can smell it in your paws." Flypounce chuckled.
"Was I good?" Foxpaw asked.
"You are getting better, Foxpaw. You just need to work on not scaring away your prey." Flypounce licked her ear.
Foxpaw purred, rubbing against her mentor before pausing. She could smell something strange getting close to them.
"Shh!" Foxpaw hushed her, hiding Foxpaw beneath her in her long fur,"Rogues."
Flypounce slowly stalked back towards their camp. Foxpaw knew that Ashpaw was training nearby with Elkfur. Maybe if they could just-
Foxpaw froze as the rogues jumped out of the bushes.
"Go!" Flypounce ordered as she lunged at the Rogues.
Foxpaw hurried forward, she could hear the fighting behind her and pawsteps gaining on her. No! No! Stay away!
"Help please!" Foxpaw pleaded as she kept running,"Rogues! They're attacking! Please!"
Foxpaw's heart was racing as she stumbled into camp, exhausted as cats ran over.
"R-rogues... Flypounce- The rogues!" Foxpaw forced out.
Mistberry bent down beside Foxpaw and gave her a reassuring lick before hurrying after the other cats who dashed out of camp and towards the rogues.
Foxpaw was trembling as she got to her paws, turning to the camp entrance.
"Foxpaw, please, you need to rest." Sunnystar, her mother, sat beside her.
"Mama!" Foxpaw cried,"What's gonna happen to Flypounce?"
"Flypounce is a fierce warrior, she won't be defeated that easily." Sunnystar assured her,"Though if she's injured, you may not be able to train until she is healed."
Foxpaw looked down as she leaned against her mother. She rested her head against Sunnystar's legs but... Something was different.
Her mother was so... Tense. She must've been really worried about Flypounce and her other clanmates. Foxpaw looked up and was reassured by her mother's warm, yellow eyes.
Sunnystar sent her to the Apprentice Den to rest and she eagerly awaited the return of her clanmates, worry forming a pit in her stomach.
"Please StarClan, don't let Flypounce die." Foxpaw murmured into her paws as warm tears stung her eyes, threatening to fall.
Her prayers were seemingly answered as the Warriors proudly returned to camp, heading for the Medicine Den to be treated.
Foxpaw cautiously treaded over after them, patiently waiting outside. Foxpaw's eyes wandered, watching Mistberry as she used all these cool looking herbs to heal her clanmates!
Goosefeather and Littlestorm had always warned her about Mistberry, how she couldn't be trusted but... It seemed like she did like being a Medicine Cat.
Foxpaw turned her head sharply and caught sight of a pale, brown and purple tinted she-cat. Foxpaw blinked her eyes and she was gone... Was she seeing things?
"Foxpaw." Mistberry spoke,"Do you need something?"
"Oh, I-I came to see Flypounce! Is she... Is she okay?" Foxpaw asked her.
"She's recovering." Mistberry told her,"I-"
"Let her in." Flypounce ordered.
Foxpaw darted inside, right past Mistberry and to Flypounce's side. Flypounce had cobwebs wrapped around her back leg and near her neck.
"I'm so happy that you're okay." Foxpaw purred.
"Of course I'm okay, Foxpaw." Flypounce smiled as Foxpaw sat close by her,"Mistberry says we won't be able to train together for a while.."
"I'm sorry, Foxpaw-"
"No, you need to get better." Foxpaw shook her head,"I'll go, so you can rest and get better faster!"
And with that, Foxpaw hurried out of the Medicine Den and straight to the Apprentice Den were she collapsed in her nest, curling up with her tail over her nose.
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