Chapter Three
Winters House
When I get home, the house is empty so I head right up stairs. When I get in my room, I take off my coat and stand sideways to my tall mirror. I don't see a difference. I peel off my shirt so I'm just in my bra. I look again and I see the tiniest little bump. I sigh and put my shirt back on. I flop on my bed and stare at the ceiling. Suddenly it hits me! I don't know how far along I am. I didn't get that kind of test. I mentally slap myself. I need to find out. I jump up from my bed and pull on a hoodie. I race downstairs and jump in my car and head to a different store. I quickly find the test I need. I head up to the register to pay. Luckily it's a teen girl. Before I get to the register I grab some popcorn and a bag of mixed candy so if they give me any wierd looks I'll say it's for my cousin who's visiting and couldn't make it to the store I offered to get it for her when I got my food.
I get to the register and put down my items.
"Is this all?" Asks the girl giving the look.
"Yup. I wanted some food and my cousin asked me to pick up a test for her. So that's all." I say biting my cheek.
"Sounds good." Says the girl putting the stuff in a bag.
I hand her some cash and grab my stuff to leave.
Finally I'm home. I go into my bathroom that's luckily an ensuite so it's extra private. I do what the directions say to do and finally after 10 minutes I check the test. I'm a week and a half along.
"Congrats." I wisper to myself.
I have to hide the test so I grab a pad from under the counter and rip a little hole in it. I slide the test in then throw the pad in the garbage. Finally I grab a lot of Toilet paper and stuff it on top. I stand up from the floor and leave the bathroom. I flop on my bed and stare at my ceiling.
Later at dinner.......
"So Dad how was work?" I ask while twirling pasta on my fork.
"Good. We closed many a deals today." He says,siping his wine.
"That's excellent Joe!" Says my mother, spooning some sauce on her pasta.
"I think so too, Ella. Winter, how was your day?" Asks my Dad.
"Just fine, I had lunch with Annie at Maria's." I answer saying a little white lie.
"Very well." Says my father eating some salad.
"So Mom how was your lunch with the girls at the club." I ask sipping my soda.
"Good. The food there just gets better and better. We have to go out soon!" Says Mom sipping her wine.
"Cool." I reply.
I stand up to clear my plate.
"Thanks for the good dinner Mom." I say before heading through the kitchen door.
I put my plate in the sink and head back to my room to call Annie. I go into my closet that has a trap door for the ceiling. Before I go up I stuff a old binder under the door so that it makes the door stuck. I head back in my closet and pull down the rope. A set of stairs appear and I go up. The staircase leads to my own private studio apartment thingy. I discovered the door when I was 11. When I went up I found the couch that we put up here a few weeks before covered with a sheet. So I secretly started adding more and more stuff still I had what it is now.
Winters attic layout except the windows and the ceiling are different.
I added throw pillows and a fuzzy blanket to the couch. I found an old desk about a year ago up here so I painted it white and added black nobs to the drawers. I found a old coffee table and added some books to the table. I decorated one of the walls with a turquoise mandala tapestry. I added fairy lights around it. I took my old full length mirror and put in the corner. I brought my old MacBook up here and added our old protector pointing to a blank wall. The windows already had blinds so now I watch movies up here when I'm home alone.
I head over to the couch and flop on it. Annie texted me.
Annie: Hey Win. How are you.
Winter: Idk. I just feel so lost.
Annie: That sucks! I hope u figure out how 2 tell the parents.......and the father.
Winter: Look I do not wanna talk bout that rn. This is already sm to push on fricking SIXTEEN YR OLD.
Annie: Ok! I understand! Just pls try and calm down. I hate it when u work urself up like this.
Winter. Ik anyways gtg. Gn ❤️
Annie: bye❤️
I throw my phone on the coffee table and I let out groan in frustration. I stand up and sit down at my desk. I might as well do some homework.
I do all my homework and when I check my clock on my desk it's already 9:30. I quickly head back downstairs temporarily so I can say goodnight to my parents so I don't have to worry about them coming in my room anymore. I head downstairs to the game room where my parents are watching tv.
"Night Mom and Dad!" I say, in a fake happy voice.
I give them both a kiss on the cheek.
"Goodnight darling!" Says Mom with a smile.
"Goodnight Winnie!" Says Dad giving me another kiss on the cheek.
Before I head back upstair I go in the kitchen and grab my snacks I bought earlier along with a Pepsi. I head back upstairs and put the binder back in place before heading up to my "apartment".
Somewhere around 1:00 am.......
I sit up with a jolt. I feel like I'm gonna puke. I quickly rush to the bathroom and start throwing up in the toilet. With my foot I shut the door and with my left hand I turn on the switch for the fan in the bathroom to block out most of sound. I throw up more for what seems like a million years but is actually like 5 minutes before I stop. I wipe my mouth with some toilet paper then flush the toilet. I stand up and rinse out my mouth for what seems like ages then I brush my teeth. I take some gravel to calm my stomach. I turn off the light and leave the bathroom. I realize I'm still in my jeans so I change into a sports bra and sweats with a cardigan to wear cause it can get chilly sometimes in the attic but it can also be warm. I make my way back upstairs and settle back in my cozy hanging chair thing from when I was 8 that I use as a bed sometimes if I don't feel like the couch. I fall back asleep like nothing ever happened.
So here's what has been long awaited. I hope you enjoy this chapter. As I wrote it I came up with many ideas for the book so stay tuned!
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