Chapter Five
"Hey Winter!" The one and only Shawn Peters calls to me at school Monday.
I force a smile. "Oh hey Shawn."
"I was thinking, do you wanna come over after school. You know have a little fun." He smirks.
"Shawn,I would love to but I can't today." I lie.
"Maybe another time." He kisses my cheek.
"Yeah." I reply feeling terrible.
He winks at me before going off to see his friends.
I smooth out my uniform, trying to make the feeling of guilt disappear from my body. I really wish I could tell him. I really do.
"Why the hell is this happening to me?" I mutter under my breath.
I pull my book bag across my chest and head to English Literature.
"Good morning Miss Jane." I say to my teacher as I enter the class.
"Good morning Miss Malone." She reply's from her desk.
I sit in the back by myself and pull out my books.
"Alright class lets get started!" Miss Jane stands up from her desk and goes over to the chalk bored.
I begin writing notes as she speaks but halfway through class I feel like I'm gonna puke.
I take deep breaths but the feeling won't leave my system.
"Miss Malone, are you feel alright?" Miss Jane asks in a worried tone.
I feel so sick, I can't talk. All I feel the urge to do is run.
So that's what I do.
I run out of the classroom to the nearest possible bathroom. I burst into a stall and collapse on my knees. I start throwing up and I feel like I can't stop. My body feels so empty but I just can't stop.
When I finally do I collapse on the floor, feeling drained. Like I have no power left in me.
"Winter?" A voice calls.
I'm to tired to answer so I wait for the voice to appear.
"Oh my god! Winter are you ok?" It's Acacia Morway, a girl from my class.
I make a weak noise and Acacia rushes to my side. I barely make out her chocolate brown skin and her straight black hair.
"I'm getting the nurse. Winter you look terrible." She panics.
The last thing I see is Acacia rushing out of the bathroom before everything goes black.
I wake up and I see a blurry version of Mom standing beside my me.
"It's ok Winter. You're home now." She places her hand on my forehead.
"What happened?" I ask confused.
"You have a touch of the flu, it seems darling." Mom sits down beside me.
"Oh. The last thing I remember is being on the bathroom floor." I sink deeper into my bed.
"Well everything's alright now darling." Mom kisses my forehead then leaves my room.
I pull out my phone and see a million texts from my friends, asking me if I'm ok or saying they heard what happened.
I don't feel in the mood for answering so I just change to Instagram. I scroll through random pictures and videos of people I know or just celebrities.
"Aww." I say quietly at a picture of Khloé Kardashian's new baby girl, True.
Maybe keeping my secret is worth it. If it means I end up with a cute, sweet baby.
I sigh and click off my phone. I snuggle into my pillows and drift into a deep sleep.
"Winter! It's time to wake up!"
I roll over and rub my eyes, seeing Charlotte standing by my door.
"Coming." I mumble.
"Ok,dinners on the table." She turns and heads back downstairs.
I pull off my covers and step my feet onto my rug. I look down at my clothes, seeing my school uniform.
"Bleh, I feel gross." I say to myself.
I shuffle over to my drawer and pull out some leggings and a sweater. I peel off my skirt and white button up, leaving just my knee high socks. I throw on my other clothes then gather my mane of curls in a messy bun before heading down to dinner.
"How are you feeling Winnie." asks Dad as I slide into my seat.
"Much better." I reply.
"I'm glad." Dad smiles.
Charlotte serves Mom and Dad, chicken and rice then serves me a bowl of soup.
"Thanks Char." I nod.
I sit in silence through dinner as mom and dad talk about their group of friends and dad's work.
I finally finish and I excuse myself from the table.
I sit down at my desk upstairs and open my laptop. I click onto Word and start a fresh page. I let out a breath and start writing a letter.
A letter to my parents.
New chapter! I hope u enjoy! There should be a new one soon.
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