Heart Break
Urvi is pacing to and fro in her room thinking about how to propose Karna ....,.. Suddenly she has got an amazing idea ......so that karna can never deny her.....
On the other side karna is tensed that today urvi will be gone but he knows he has to let him go so now he is determined to be strong enough to say her last good bye......
In duryodhan room....he is packing his stuff at that time karna came....
"Oh Mitra Why are you doing all this.... you just need to order any servant he will do it....or let me give the honour to serve you"... said karna keeping his hand on dury shoulder with his charming smile....
"It's ok Mitra...I m almost done...by the way how you have got the time for your Mitra when there is urvi" mock dury with his mischievous ...
"Huh Mitra I have already told you it's nothing like that so can we dropped this topic" said karna getting irritating ...
"But you can't dropped this topic always..... you have to make a choice Karna" said equally irritated duryodhana....
"I thought we will have our time but I think today it's not possible because all the time you have to bring this topic" said karna "So fine I m leaving and will send urvi" saying this karna leave...... duryodhan is running after Karna in corridor... saying his name but he doesn't listen..
"Mitra Mitra" chase duryodhan stopping Karna and taking a deep breath......"Fine I will not talk about it today and please don't get upset I don't want my Mitra to be mad at me at least not today" said dury but Karna just look other side..
"Fine I m sorry" said dury making his puppy dog face and holding his ears..
Seeing this Karna brings his hand down and says "I forgive you" and hugs him...
"Ok now let's go....I have a surprise for you" said karna with his charming smile..
"Surprise, I love surprises so please tell me now" said duryodhan getting impatient....
"Patience Mitra" said karna walking towards his room..
"Here we go" said karna entering room and smile seeing his Mitra reaction..
"Karna this is amazing..... thanks buddy" said dury looking at his and Karna painting with surprised look...
"This is our first vacation so I thought it should be memorable.... at least future samrat will get time to remember his poor Mitra through this
Painting" mock karna with fake sadness....
With this duryodhan just shook his head and gave a smack on his head....
Both friends are just enjoying, teasing and eating....at that time servant came in and told karna that Rajkumari Urvi is asking him to come in jungle area....
Karna felt strange and looked at duryodhan who is just giving him look "like I have already told you"....
"Mitra go ....I also have some work" said duryodhan giving some mischievous look to Karna and left.... After that karna made his mind that what he should do..
Karna reached the place where Urvi has told her and is getting very nervous and tense for Urvi because it's in some isolated place....and suddenly he saw River and some lighting on small ship made of wood..
And with thanks he saw urvi standing in her amazing attire looking like angel ....
For some moments he has lost in her but he remembers what he should do next...
"Rajkumari why are you here at this moment ....you know na it is not safe place and remember you are Mitra duryodhan and mine responsibility" said karna composing himself and trying to sound rude...
Urvi is looking at him in shock and some irritation because of him she has done so much and also for the first time she has made herself look like angel only for him but what he is doing scolding her for something that doesn't make sense...
"Angraj I m not a kid ...I can take care of myself and by the way I have already told you that I m trained in warfare so nobody can harm me....so you should not get worried" said urvi getting furious...
"Ok so let's come to the point,, why you have called me" said karna with straight face... knowingly Urvi is here to propose him he has to reject her...
"So you what do you think, looking at this scenario why I have called you" said Urvi with her smile.... which just melt karna heart for some moment but he composed..
"To show your creative skills" said karna ..
"No Mr" said Urvi getting more irritated with karna not getting hint...
"So for what .. please tell me now....I have lots of work to do so please"...said karna giving her boring looks..
Seeing his not so interested look she just closed her eyes and said in one go..."Karna I LOVE YOU" .... for sometime there is a pin drop silence and when she opened her eyes she saw karna eyes is red ...
"WHAT" said karna in low but dangerous tone...
Urvi get into her knees and says ...
"Yaa you heard it right, I love you...I have fallen love with you....I love your smile, your honesty, your everything and most of all I love you for who you are so please accept me Karna , I want to give you my all love and happiness that you deserve and take your all sorrows, grief and pain , please accept me as your soul mate Karna" said Urvi looking at karna with utmost love...
For some moments karna also want to love her and engulfed her in a bone crashing hug but composed himself and is ready to do unforgiving sin of his life....
Karna looking at her and laughing like mad " Are you serious urvi I mean you are Rajkumari and me just mere sut putra...I know you are that arrogant princess who told me at hastinapur that I m good for nothing... said karna laughing making Urvi shocked...
"But karna I m changed and I really do love you" said Urvi genuinely..
"Love really, what do you think I m not understanding your conspiracies against me and Mitra " said karna.... making Urvi shocked..
"What are you talking karna....what conspiracies" said Urvi in the verge of crying..
"Conspiracy that you have planned for me and my Mitra by trapping me in your so call love" shout karna holding Urvi shoulder and looking at her dangerously...
"What, you think I m trapping you"said Urvi with tears in her eyes and looking at karna..
"I know Urvi Why you are here in anga.... what do you think I don't understand anything... you have made duryodhan stay here for weeks because it will be easier for yudhister to convince everyone there that he should be yuvraj ...and Arjun I m sure he has told you to do this to me right or m I right" said karna with his accusing look.....
"No karna, you are misunderstanding, I love you, please karna let me explain" begged Urvi with teary eyed to make him understand...
Karna knows that he is hurting her but he has to do it for her ..... but seeing her condition it is very difficult for him....He is fighting within himself for her.... Seeing her tears are piercing his heart thousands times.... But he has to do it..... Next what he will do ......will break her beyond repair that he is also unaware..
"Oh really love , it is just a word for you people, you know what I have thought that you are not like them but you are worse than them" "at least now admit it, have some shame" scream karna scaring Urvi..
"No karna, please try to understand....I genuinely love you and can do anything to be with you" begged Urvi again trying to put some sense on him..
"Oh really you can do anything" said karna challenging Urvi.
"Yaa anything" said Urvi with teary eyed and determined look...
"Ok than KISS ME right now" said karna moving forward making Urvi shocked to the core...
"You can do anything na so can you spent your night with me" laughed karna making Urvi numb.....
After few seconds a tight punch land in Karna cheeks.... now Urvi conditions is miserable due to crying..
"You know what you are a monster, yaa you heard it right.... what you did today na I will make sure you will not forget lifetime and will regret one day... you will also face the same humiliation and rejection one day just remember..... Vasudev says everyone has to bear a fruits of there karma.... you will also bear ....I have loved you alott that I have prepared myself to fight for you against the whole world but today you have shown me love doesn't exist in this cruel world where people like you survive.... Thank you so much for making me understand this eternal truth" said Urvi between her sobs......
"So now listen, I have loved you alott but from today there is only one emotions remained in my heart for you.. that is only hatred...pure hatred, Yes I hate you with all my might.....I hate you...so never show me your face again in my life" says Urvi with her red yet angry eyes directly looking in his eyes...
She is about to go but turned once more to face Karna and comes more close to him and gave him one tight punch and screams in top of her voice "I HATE YOU BLOODY MONSTER" ..
Saying this she runs from there while crying.......
Here Karna fell on his knees and started crying....
Karna Shouts Urvi's name and says
"I m sorry but I don't have any options..I have to do this for you... for us....I have to make you cry today so that you can remain happy always...I know that from today you will hate me but that is better than my love....I will ready to bear any harsh punishment for hurting you Urvi....I promise you to Love you till My last breath and eternity......I m so sorry my love" says karna totally broken.....
"Love" another voice came which makes karna shocked...
Precap: Guess it people
So this is for today's.....I m really sorry for updating late .... some people have personally messages me for this story so I m grateful for all your love and support....
But somewhere I have started feeling that this story is lacking audience interest so for next chapter I want maximum 20 votes and 5 comments.... only after that I will update....
Sorry for inconvenience....
Enjoy reading....
Stay safe and indoor...
Love you all.....
Atlast Happy Dussehra.......
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