Chapter 7
Tom's Diner
Goro Takemura, one of the closest people I know. And I don't know that many. I wonder why would Takemura meet a mercenary. Perhaps he needs someone killed or something else.
"Here we are..." V trails off looking at the lit up diner. He turns to me with seriousness.
"No funny business," He unties my hands. I soothe my wrists from the harsh rope marks it left. V nods at me and climbs out the car, I follow.
We enter the rundown diner, this is still a shock to me. It's confusing how a man like Takemura would meet at a place like this. However, I just want to speak to my mother, hopefully I have a chance.
The delicious smell of food fill the place. Surprising. My eyes follow a waitress serving someone a hamburger. Noticing the customer's side profile, it hits me. Takemura. Although V seems to have noticed him first as he is already greeting him. That was quick. V gives me a look and I walk towards the table.
Once I get a clear view I notice how Takemura looks rough. My grandfather's death must have affected him in someway. He doesn't look the same as he did. The man who always knew what to do and how it should be done, is gone. He is replaced by someone who I can't recognise.
"Takemura..." I say softly. His eyes shoot up and almost instantly he stands and bows slightly.
"Y/n-san, I apologise for my manners. Forgive me," Takemura says respectfully. A small smile makes its way on my lips.
"There is no need to be formal Takemura, please enjoy your meal," I slide in the booth with V who has his eyebrows furrowed.
"What are you doing with a mercenary?" I ask him curiously. He takes a sip of his drink.
"The relic in his head is what I need, your grandfather made me promise to keep his relic safe, Hanako-san included," I nod trying to take in what he said.
"My mother where is she?" He looks down as though he is trying to escape the question.
"I haven't heard from her since the death of your grandfather, all communications to Arasaka has been disabled," I sigh at this. Of course the communications are down.
"Is there at least a way for me to contact her....get pass the Arasaka firewall, I'm sure you know about me being hunted--"
"--do not worry, I'm assuming you don't know then," Takemura cuts me off. I glance at him and he once again bows his head.
"My apologies again Arasaka-san, I did not mean to cut in like that but what I'm about to tell you might shock you..." His gruff voice is soft yet serious.
"Yorinobu-sama murdered your grandfather--" I stand up abruptly.
"Woah woah there, where are you going," I turn to V, he narrows his eyes. His hands are on my forearm with the intention to stop me from leaving the booth. V is taken aback once I stare at him. However he doesn't let go of my arm.
I clench my jaw and begrudgingly sit back down. Takemura sighs.
"Even if you wanted to prove that he murdered your grandfather, it would be impossible because everyone already knows he killed Saburo-sama. They are just to afraid to do anything about it," He continues. I have no words. Perhaps I knew that something was off from the moment I was framed. Although I never knew my own uncle is capable of such a heinous act. I look out to the city.
"Anyway now that the family reunion is done, what is it that you needed to speak with me so badly Goro," V begins talking. I sigh but don't say anything, keeping my eyes on the outside of the city.
It's amazing isn't it, how you believe that those you would never expect have the ability to betray you in the end.
My own uncle wants me dead for goodness sake!
It feels as though it was just yesterday that he gave me advice about how Night City truly is. I understand it now, my grandfather told me how he was going to give my mother the family business, he must've mentioned it to uncle Yorinobu and took his last breath. I turn to Takemura who speaks intently with V. He must be beating himself up for failing to protect my grandfather.
A finger snap in front of my face forces me out of my thoughts. It's V, raising his eyebrows at me.
"You lost or something..." I shake my head.
"Y/n do you have a place to stay? I will find the best suitable anonymous accommodation for you--"
"--Takemura that's not a good idea, she will be crashing at my place," V folds his arms.
"No I don't trust you, how would I know she is safe in your hands," Takemura stares down at V.
"I broke into Konpeki Plaza and escaped and got out of the grave half dead," Takemura raises and eyebrow at this.
"You got out of the grav--"
"--with your help...-" V quickly corrects himself.
"Either way I'm capable of keeping someone from harm," Takemura stands up and stops beside V.
"If you do anything to her or in anyway cause the last remaining Heir of Arasaka, I will personally deal with you and I'll make sure Johnny Silverhand's construct takes over your body," Takemura says darkly. My eyes widen slightly. I haven't seen this side of Takemura before.
"Woah Goro, your dark side is pretty creepy," V raises his hands in surrender.
"But yes, I'll make sure she's safe if she doesn't do anything drastic," V nods stiffly. We climb out the booth and Takemura whispers softly enough for only me to hear.
"I promise I'll do whatever it takes to find your mother and you will be the first to know Y/n-sama," He bows. I give him a soft smile and follow V to his car.
I climb in the passenger seat and look out the window.
"So we'll get to my place, we can get some rest and discuss the job from Rogue..." He trails off. A feel a stare on my form, but I ignore it.
"No smart comment?" I stay silent. He sighs and starts the car.
Megabuilding H10
Little China
"Here we de V," The underground parking looked really unsafe. From living in Westbrook to Watson isn't a great transition. I should've taken up Takemura's offer.
"Just stay close to me," V states. I hum in acknowledgment. He climbs out the car but I don't make a move. The passenger door opens and a hand is gently placed on my shoulder.
"I know you don't want to be here right now, but the sooner we do this the better," I furrow my eyebrows and sigh.
Once I climb out the car we head up the elevator. The television screens had the news channel on. I'm not really interested in news but what she spoke about interested me.
'Yorinobu Arasaka, recently took over the Arasaka is insane how so much can happen in such a few days. What's even more upsetting is the murder of Saburo Arasaka....'
'....yet what's most upsetting is the fact that his own granddaughter Y/n Arasaka was involved in the murde--'
"--This is our stop," The sound of the elevator door opening cuts me off from the news.
Once we enter the apartment, I'm mildly surprised. It's actually not that bad.
"So you're sleeping on the couch," I tell him.
"Woah woah hold on, this isn't 2021, where the guys would let the girl take the bed--"
"Last time I checked I didn't volunteer to stay here," He purses his lips and takes a breath.
"Fine just take my bed then," I don't respond this time and head to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I notice my eye is slightly red. Must've been that punch Judy greeted me with hours ago.
After freshening up a knock on the bathroom door grabs my attention.
"It's my turn now, your highness" V calls out. I roll my eyes and exit the bathroom. V enters and the door slides closed. I hear the shower turn on.
On the bed is a set of female clothing. I won't ask why he has this, but I'm grateful he does. I take of my shirt, luckily I have my sports bra on.
"I'll get it!" I call out. Quick steps hurriedly exit the bathroom.
"No wait!" V yells, but he is too late the front door slides open and there is Judy stating with with wide eyes and shock. I look behind me and V is there with nothing on except a towel around his waist. This makes me roll my eyes.
He could've just stayed in the bathroom.
"Wh-what is going on?"
I close the sliding door in her face and turn to V with a shrug.
"Just Judy,"
A/n I'm extremely sorry for such a late update hope you all can forgive me.
Your support however is highly appreciated. Thank you so much :)
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