Chapter 7
Autumn POV:
As night falls, I tried to go to sleep, I really did, but what happened earlier in the kitchen is what is keeping me awake.
It seems as though my feelings for Damian are so mixed up that I don't know what to feel right now, either it's happy, worried, confused or something else.
As I try to read a book to help me fall asleep, my phone rings, I go to answer it, but before I can hit the green button, I see it's Damian. To this, I hesitate, he was so distant when he left, I thought he was mad at me for pushing away his affection.
I push my feelings down and answer his call, over on the other line, I can hear crashing and a loud bang, almost like someone hitting the floor, hard. To this, the little sleep in me has disappeared immediately.
"Damian?" I ask gently.
Responding to my worried call "I am a helpless soul" He slurped "I am now-"
"Damian, what are you talking about?" I said as I was getting up from my bed, "Are you okay?"
"I may or may not take a few drinks, probably what? Four, five" He laughed over the phone "Holy shit, this is pathetic" He mumbled.
"Where are you?" I asked.
"I closed today, so I'm hosting a party in the restaurant.... by myself"
"Stay put, I'm coming to get you" I said, grabbing my keys.
"Yayy, wonder woman coming to the rescue" He expressed loudly over the phone.
I hang up and head out the door to my car, I don't care that I'm in my pajamas. I make my way over to the restaurant he works at, I just hope once I get there, he can still be able to function properly enough to sober up.
Once I reach the restaurant, I get out of my car and I notice through the windows that all the lights are off, Damian still must be inside.
I go to push open the door and luckily it's unlocked, not the safest thing to do when you are closing up a restaurant, I just hope Damian hasn't done anything bad to get himself hurt or fired.
Like why would you get drunk at the restaurant you work at and worse, be in charge of closing the place up?
As soon as I take a few steps inside, I immediately spot Damian, he's sitting on the ground, with a bottle in his hand, his eyes are closed, indicating that he's about to pass out and sleep. I walk over to him and crouch to his level so that I can get a better look at him and the state he's in.
As I'm looking at him, he slowly opens his eyes, and when he notice that's it's me, his eye widen, I stand up, wanting to give him space so that he can stand up as well, but he instead wraps his arms around my legs, leaving the bottle and cling to me like a child
"You're hereee" He mumbles, burying his face against my knees.
I lean forward to rub his back in a comforting way, "Yes Damian, I'm here"
He loosens one of his arms and reaches for the bottle he once had, he takes another drink from it, I try to reach for the bottle as well, not wanting him to get even more drunk than he already is, but he snatches it away.
"Damian, give me the bottle, you had enough for one night" I firmly state.
He then stands up, still having the bottle in his hand, he looks down at me with dazed eyes, he takes another swing right in front of me, wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
"You know, I was just living my regular life, going to work and shit, but then boom, you popped out of nowhere, now every single goddamn day, I get excited to see you" He paused as he takes a step forward "You actually make my life more vibrant"
I inhale sharply as I take this all in. But he goes on.
"My life wasn't like this before you, how dare you make me feel this way" He says as he points his finger towards me.
"Damian" I breathlessly said. "I'm sorry that you feels that way, but drinking it away won't help, you are just running away from your problems" I said as I rested my hand on his cheek.
"I'm just like your ex-fiancé, huh?"
I pull my hand away from him, and crossing my arms "I never say that Damian, and no you are not like Mattew" I inhaled sharply as I prepare what I'm about to say next "If you feel like this, then maybe we should stop being friends and stop seeing each other"
A moment of silence passed, I looked up at Damian, and his eyes were blinking repeatedly, his grip on the bottle loosen more and more.
As the silence continues, I don't know what to do, I can't just leave him here.
But I did just suggest that maybe our friendship is not working out after all, if he agrees that it's for the best then it's done. But he made me feel so many things, that I grew to like him as a person.
I am going to miss him if we cut the connection.
Remembering what situation I'm in, I go to help Damian to my car for as he can't drive in this state. As much as I'm pulling on his arm, he isn't budging, no matter how hard I try.
"Damian come on, we need to get you sober–"
"You can't just say that" He briefly says.
"What?" I question him, tilting my head at him.
"How can you say that, even suggest that we stop seeing each other"
I drop his arm, and sigh quietly "Well Damian, if you're going drunk and upset about how I made you feel, then maybe it's for the best"
"Well, what if I don't want that?"
I sigh, frustrated, all he's doing right now is giving me mixed signals. "Well what do you want then?" I firmly said to him.
"I want you, I want to wake up to you sleeping besides me in my bed, I want to cook you breakfast, I want to see you off to work, I want everything with you" He paused, catching his breath "I know we only known each other for a few months at most but I couldn't stop thinking about you, ever"
I gasped silently, not sure how to take all this in. He just confessed that he wants to be with me, I scratch that thought out of my mind. He must have been drinking too much before I got here, and now he is just saying nonsense.
But secretly at the back of my mind, I hope he meant all of that, but that chance is very slim.
"Damian, it's late we need–"
He suddenly dropped the bottle and quickly went towards me. His hands captured my face and he leaned his face toward mine, by the time I could react, it was too late. His lips were touching mine as if he was desperate to be this close to another human being.
I was in a state of shock as I register what's happening right now.
But I accepted it and kissed back, as I taste the alcohol, he groans against mine, parting my lips–our tongues brushed against each other, hesitating at first but then he grew more bolder, almost in an exploring way. My fingers reached for his dark hair and ranked through it, the soft, fluffy hair against my hands.
We both pulled back, Damian's lips were a tint red and his hair was all over the place, he had a dazed look in his eyes.
Then he pulled completely out of my reach, he wobbled over to a nearby table and pulled out a chair– he sat down in it and cautiously laid his head on the table, he closed his eyes as a smile formed on his face then suddenly the smile disappeared within seconds.
I went over to check on him, lightly breathing was coming from him, he seemed to be sleeping–passed out.
Oh my god, what have I done?
I basically kissed Damian while he was drunk, I took advantage of him. What am I going to say when he wakes up and asks what happened?
This is so bad.
First of all, what am I supposed to do now? He's passed out and he can't drive home, I don't know where he lives.
I resorted to my last option, I made him balance onto me as we made our way to my car, I sit him in the passenger seat and made sure he got everything he needs for when I drive him back to his car in the morning.
Once that's done, I pull out of the parking lot and drive us back to my apartment.
Yay kissing scene!
What do you think about Damian confessing his feeling for Autumn?
What do you Autumn is going to do when they reach her apartment?
-Summer Roe
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