Chapter 18
Autumn POV:
There is no way this is happening to me right now.
Why can't I have a night where I can forget about all my problems and responsibilities, and just have fun.
How is the universe against me and I'm a spiritual person–like I literally manifest everyday and shit like that.
I might be too drunk for this but let me get this straight–This woman married Matthew, but she can't have children, so Matthew proposed that I can have their baby, and weirdly so, his parents and her agreed to it.
Then Matthew lied to his wife stating that I was okay with being a surrogate for them, which is a complete lie and now this woman and probably his parents have the impression that they are going to have a baby.
Okay, it would sound like the most ridiculous thing if I were to explain it to someone.
But as I look back at her in the stall, the two of us are alone and she is sharing this very private situation. There is no way that I can avoid hiding the truth from her.
Even if it means hurting her. This whole situation is hurting me as well.
After she gets done composing herself, she avoids my eyes as if she is embarrassed about this or about crying in front of a stranger.
I have to ask her or maybe not–maybe this has nothing to do with me, maybe this is an entire situation that I am not a part of. Different people. Same storyline.
Even though Matthew told me a similar story and it ended with him wanting a baby from me for him and his wife as well.
Just ask, my slightly drunk brain told me.
And so I do, "Do you happen to be Matthew Knight's wife?"
She looks up at me, surprised.
Please don't be her. Please don't be her. Please don't be her.
"Yeah, how do you know?" She questioned, "Do you know him? Wait, that might be perfect, you probably know his ex-fiance then"
Oh shit. How am I supposed to tell her this, I know I'm going to see her later in life so I might as well get it over with.
Now since she is Matthew's wife.
"Actually, I'm Matthew's ex-fiance, Autumn" I said as I cringed, not knowing what her reaction is going to be.
As soon as that sentence left my mouth, I immediately regretted it. I should just leave this stall and won't come back and if I see her in the streets or at any store, I will run out of there.
That is my plan.
But before I can move out of the stall and never return, she blocks my path.
She reveals a smile on her face, as her back rests on the stall door, indicating that I cannot leave until I hear what she has to say.
"This is perfect" She gasped, the tears no longer running down her face, instead they were replaced with a bundle of joy plastering on her face, "I can't believe my luck, now we get to finally talk"
"Listen" trying to ease my way into this, "I don't think this is a good time to talk and this whole situation is messed up as it already is.."
She didn't listen to me but instead, she cut me off, "I know you said no the first time and maybe because you were shy, but that's okay, we can get to know each other first, then all three of us can set up the arrangement for this baby"
"Wait–" I tried to say but she cut me off again.
"Let's just get our names down first, obviously, you're Autumn Richardson and sure, I might have tracked you down and found out where you work, but that's our nature right?"
I was left speechless, not only was she not listening to a word I'm saying or trying to say, but she completely ignored the fact that I said no the first time when I was asked this.
I guess she took my silence to keep talking.
"And I'm Elizabeth Knight" She says as she holds her hand out for me to shake.
As she finishes off her introduction, I can't help but feel starstruck by the change of her attitude and tone. One minute, she is crying about how much this had hurt and affected her to being happy thinking that I'm okay with being their surrogate.
She still is holding her hand out as I look at it with confusion, and nausea.
I guess she got the message that I'm not going to shake her hand any time soon, so she puts it down, but she hasn't gotten the hint when she continues talking.
"Maybe us three can set up a meeting soon? Talk about where this is going to happen and how much support you need"
I held my hand up so that I could let her know that I have something to say.
At first I thought she would let me talk, but before a sound came out, she yet again interrupted me.
"Okay so, maybe we can have the meeting at our house and maybe about a month with confirmation, you and Matthew can do it in a hotel nearby" She said as she taps on her chin, thinking, "This is going to be so perfect"
I feel my eyes go wide with shock, first of all, how is she okay with this, letting her husband fuck someone else just for baby, plus me and her don't even know each other that well, and at this point, I don't want to get to know her.
Why not just adopt a baby in the foster care system? There are hundreds of them, that is probably the much safer option than this.
Why am I even asking, this is all happening because Matthew is willing to please his parents any way possible and his parents wanted grandchildren, a child that is related to them.
They will never accept something outside of that.
And now they are pulling Elizabeth into the mix. They already tried it with me and that ended with me being thrown out.
As I realized she was still talking, I decided that she needed to come back to reality.
"Probably condom with holes would be best, I don't want you to get an infection–"
"I'm not going to be your surrogate" I bluntly said, "And I never will be"
To that, her smile falls. She looks around the bathroom stall in distress, rubbing the back of her neck in a frantic way, almost trying to calm her down but it's not working.
It's like she zone me out, like she forgot that I was even there.
She turned around and faced the stall door, and took several deep breaths. As I have no choice but to watch her (since she is in the way of the only exit), her hands twitched and finally, she turned back around to face me, her smile that had once fallen is back on her face again.
"Like I said, it's okay if you are shy, we can walk through this process with you" She forcefully said, reaching out to hold my hands tightly.
"No" I said, removing my hands from her grasp, "I don't want to do this, this whole situation is fucked up"
She crossed her arm over her stomach, tears almost filling her eyes, "But I can't have children"
"I'm sorry about that, but there are lots of children that are already born and in need of a new home, maybe talk to Matthew about that"
"No! I don't want that, I want a baby and you are going to help me with that!" She yelled.
I frowned, "The answer is no" I said firmly, "Now move out of my way"
I tried to move past her to get to the door, but she briefly pushed me back, fully blocking the door with her entire figure, she is breathing heavily, almost like she is willing to fight me to the death for me to agree to their fucked up idea.
Thank god we are in the big stall for this, so I can actually move around.
"You can't do this to me! To us!" She screamed. "Think about the family we will have, me and Matthew will be great parents, and if you want to, you can be involved in the child's life"
How much more messed up can this get, having a baby for some other couple, especially for a person that has wronged me.
This is getting too much for me.
I hope someone is in this restroom hearing this, because right now, I feel like I'm losing it and I'm going absolutely crazy in the head.
Maybe she didn't say all those things and I'm just making it up as I go.
"How could you not take this opportunity!" She yelled, flaring her arms out. "You get to be close with Matthew again! And you get to have sex with him, that's a bonus!"
Nope, this is real, and she just said that for real.
"I want nothing to do with him and especially not having sex with him or having a baby made by him growing inside of me!" I yelled back.
"Oh please, Matthew told me what you did after the wedding was called off, you blowed his phone up so much, begging for him to talk to you, so this is your opportunity to have him in your life again"
"That's because he ghosted me after he called off the wedding, he didn't say why he did what he did, he just completely ignored me" I retorted.
"It doesn't matter why you blew his phone up, the important thing is that you want to have him in your life, and now you get the chance and you refused" She stated.
I was about to say something but then I heard the bathroom door close, indicating that someone was in here, probably listening closely to our conversation.
Remembering that we are in a very public place, this conversation doesn't need to happen inside a club bathroom.
Elizabeth must have noticed too, because she grabbed my arm, while trying to tug me out of the stall.
"Come on, the only reason I'm even in here is for the bathroom, because it was the closest place open around this time" She said in a now soft voice. "We can continue this conversation in my car"
She unlocked the stall door to leave but I stood still, planting my feet to the ground.
I forced my arm out of her grip. How many times do I need to tell someone, no is my answer and I'm not thinking about changing it for someone, especially these two.
She turns around and stares at me from outside the open stall, putting her lips together as she plants a certain look on her face.
Like she knows I'm not going down without a fight.
"I'm not going to discuss this any further, take my answer, which is no. Don't bother me again" I finally said after a moment of silence.
She tried to say something, but I didn't allow her to, instead I pushed through her and into the hallway that led to the bathrooms.
She went after me, screaming at me for not giving her the chance to be a mother and how it's not fair to her.
Other people around looked at me and at Elizabeth, wondering what all the screaming was about, but soon that screaming was drained out by the loud music and cheering of others.
At one point, she grabbed my arm to pull me back, but luckily, people were moving around so much that she was forced to let go. As I saw her get lost in the crowd, I took the opportunity to try and find Damian and the two others.
As of right now, it had been thirty minutes since I left to go to the restroom, and a lot of things have happened since then.
When I reached them, they were just the same as I left them, Noah and Damian arguing about something new, and James superiving them like children while sipping on some water.
Damian was the first to spot me, he made his way over to me as he left Noah to his own devices. He must have noticed the frantic look on my face.
"Are you okay?" He asked, putting his arm around me, his words almost not making it clear to understand. He must have been drinking more than he should.
"Yeah, I'm fine" I replied, trying to sound as normal as possible.
But I'm not fine, some woman is chasing me throughout this club, trying to talk to me about having a baby for her and her pathetic husband.
And she knows my name and where I work. Great.
Noah and James soon came over and asked me the same thing and why I was gone for so long, they noticed that I kept looking over my shoulders, around the club.
I just gave them a bullshit excuse and quickly changed the subject. I asked if we could leave because I was tired and I wanted to spend my Sunday resting and all.
They agree, stating that the club was getting boring to them and people around them were acting too crazy for their liking.
Well, Damian and James agreed, but not Noah, as he wanted to stay longer and drink some more.
They ended up dragging Noah out as he screamed that he was getting kidnapped, and holding onto the door for dear life, luckily no one paid him any attention and they got him in the car.
When I followed them outside, I felt someone's eyes watching me. Hoping it would be a random person because of the scene Noah just made, I turned around and my eyes followed to the entrance of the bathroom and there she was.
She was watching us, Elizabeth, she had a frown on her face, due to the lights inside, I saw that her face was soaked with tears. She is looking directly into my eyes from across the club.
I broke the staring as I quickly huddled into the car, a cold chill going through my spine.
A new person added to the mix.
What will Elizabeth do now?
Should Autumn tell Damian what's been going on?
-Summer Roe
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