The Plan and The Agreement
Waking up the next morning, I roll over to a memorable ache. My ass was hurting, and I instantly remembered why.
I groan to myself.
Fucking hell.
It happened again. Maybe Zayn was right. I need to see him, or Michael. I need to talk to someone.
I roll to the side of my bed, throw my legs out, and proceed to stand up.
Yep, it hurt. But not as bad as the first time. It makes me huff a sarcastic laugh. First time.
To Zayn: Hey, can I come round? Urgent! - Louis x
I chuck my phone on the pillow and proceed to have a shower in my separate bathroom. I was so glad for this privacy. Harry didn't need to see me, and he'd probably avoid me anyway. I was surprised and pleased my shower was void of any wanking sessions, and that I didn't even think about it. Well, I lie, I did but it wasn't over and over again.
Dressing, I check my phone.
From Zayn: Yeah sure, come over. Z
Thank god.
Exiting my room, I'm relieved when I can tell Harry isn't in the house. He's obviously going to be avoiding me.
"It happened again?" Zayn asks, yet he doesn't sound too shocked.
"Yes," I exclaim, flopping myself on his sofa. Michael was here, too, sat next to Zayn across from me. "What's going on? One minute, I'm sure he's straight... and then-,"
"No way is he straight, Lou." Michael butts in, smirking. "No fucking way."
"I agree," Zayn chimes in. I huff. "But I don't think he knows it."
"What do you mean?" I ask, confused. How can someone not know, after that. He had sex with me. Not once, but twice.
"I mean," Zayn says. "He's never been in a gay relationship. He's certainly attracted to you, but he would never admit it."
"Yeah, I think he needs to realise it at his own pace. Either that he's fully-fledged gay or at least bi-sexual." Michael nods.
"What about me?!" I shout, incredulously. "What about my feelings?"
"Oh come on, Lou. You like Harry." Michael chuckles. I blush.
"What? Nah, I don't." I say, looking away.
"You're a shit liar." Zayn laughs.
"Okay, so on some sick level, I low-key like him." I mumble, hands in my pockets.
"What? I couldn't quite hear you." Michael says. I grumble.
"Okay. Yes, a little. Fucking hell!" I shout. Zayn laughs.
"So now that's out of the way. We need a plan." Zayn says, sitting up fully, leaning forward. This was his planning position, I could tell. Michael matches his movements.
"A plan? A plan for what?" I say, sitting up a little, intrigued.
"A plan for him to figure it out."
Making my way back to Harry's, I was panicking. What if this blew up in my face? There was no way Harry had any feelings for me. I suspected that he was using me for sex, because I was in the way of him getting female attention. Me being gay, and attracted to him, would allow him to have sex with me.
But a straight man wouldn't get hard. I'm sure they would run away from another man, no matter how desperate.
So what if he was bi? What would that mean?
"Lou, you're thinking too hard," Zayn says. I huff. "Pay attention on getting us back."
He was right. I should get on with it, rather than get us into a car crash. Zayn was coming back with me. It was part of his 'get Harry jealous' scheme. He suspected that Harry was jealous of us both being friends, having that we'd argued about Zayn before last time.
Pulling up to the drive, I cut the ignition.
"Okay. We need this to go down well." Zayn starts. "You need to laugh at my jokes. Low-key flirt, even a little. Compliment my clothes or something, but never let it look over the top. We're gonna play basketball in Harry's garden."
Wow, he's seriously thought this out. I raise my eyebrows in pleasant shock.
"Have you done this before?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"No, now quit procrastinating." He says, leaving the car.
Zayn let himself into Harry's house, and I followed in after. I could hear movement inside the house, suggesting Harry was indeed in.
"Harreh!" Zayn calls, echoing into the house. He looks a little out of place in his basketball shorts, and large vest on. I need to change.
We walk into the lounge, and he sits here watching the television. He looks over the chair, first at Zayn and then at me.
"Oh," He says. "Hi." He sounds like he's trying too hard to sound polite.
"Hey mate. Lou invited me back to play some basketball. You up for?" He asks. Harry looks at me.
"Nope." He says, and looks back to the television. Zayn looks at me, and smirks.
"Okay, Lou. You were gonna get changed?" He urges me. I blink, and then get myself into gear.
"Yeah, one sec." I turn to pace to my room. A brilliant (or maybe not brilliant idea) pops into my head. I pull my top off before opening the door to my room, pretending to look eager. I feel Harry's eyes on me, rather than see them.
Closing the door, I smile a little.
"Fucking brilliant idea." Zayn whispers as we leave the house. I now wear my long shorts, and a vest.
"What?" I say.
"The fucking top, you idiot. Harry's eyes nearly popped out." Zayn says, as we're far away from the house. "He's definitely going to be watching now."
Spotting the ball, I grab it, and bounce it a little. Dribbling it to and fro, I look up at Zayn.
"Ready to get your ass kicked?" I smirk. Zayn saunters up to me, keeping it close. He's good at this, pretending to flirt.
Zayn was definitely attractive, but he held nothing compared to Harry.
"You wish," He says, close enough touch me. Suddenly, he goes to grab the ball, but I'm quicker. Dodging around him, I dribble the ball. I can hear him chasing me, but I'm faster. I throw the ball, and it falls through the net. I laugh.
"You were saying?" I push past him, bumping into him on purpose.
"Fuck you." He laughs, and pushes me. I look back, and he retrieves the ball. "My turn."
He bounces the ball a few times, not trying to go past me.
"Come on then." He challenges. I smirk.
I try to get it, but this time, he shows what he can do. He dodges me easily, and dribbles it. Throwing it, it easily lands through my net.
"Wow, you're pretty good at this." I compliment. He smirks.
"I know." He says, loudly. Turning to get the ball, he whispers. "Take your top off."
"Just do it." He spits, trying to hide his plan.
I rip my top off then, without questioning again.
"Oh, so it's like that, is it?" Zayn laughs loudly. He's good at pretending. I wonder if Harry is looking. What does he think? Zayn takes his vest off, too, and throws it too the side.
We play basketball for a while, both playing equally well. I start to sweat, and I can see why Zayn wanted me to take my top off. I'm glad really, I haven't worked out in a while.
Suddenly, Zayn pats my back.
"Okay, I've had enough." He says, smiling. "This has to had worked on some level."
"We'll see." I say back.
We head inside, laughing at God knows what. Harry looks up sharply, but looks back just as quickly.
"Jesus Zayn. You're really fucking good." I compliment him.
"Cheers, Lou. You're not so bad yourself." He smirks back at me. He knows what he's doing. "Well, I'm should be heading off. See you soon?"
"Of course." I reply, and Zayn's eyes twitch with humour.
Calling out our good-byes at the door, I shut him out. I stay there for a second. How is this going to go down? Would he fuck me again? Do I want that? I hesitate before pushing into the lounge.
Harry is already standing.
"You're definitely fucking." He says, eyes alight with anger.
I shut the door behind me.
"We're definitely not," I say, sarcastically, leaning against the door. "I think I would know about having a dick in my ass."
"Then what the fuck do you call that?" He shouts, pointing to the garden.
"That's a garden." I laugh. I know I shouldn't but I love pushing him.
"You know what I mean, Louis!" He seethes, pinching the bridge of his nose. He's pissed.
"We were playing basketball. As friends. Friends do that, you know." I smile, whilst pretending to check my nails.
"Do you fancy him then? I think you do." He says, eyes glued to me.
No, Harry. I think I fancy you.
"Why? Would it be a problem if I did?" I press.
"You're not allowed to." He simply says.
"I think I am." I imply.
"I said you're not." He says, crossing his arms. My eyebrows meet in confusion.
"What? Just because you fucked me twice doesn't mean that I belong to you now, Harry." I spit. There we go. I said it. We're now talking about the fact we had sex.
He clenches his fists as he uncrosses his arms. He looks out the window, chewing his lip.
"Cat got your tongue, Harry?" I joke. "Don't like to admit that you liked it?"
He doesn't look. He just lets out a loud sigh.
"Fuck this. I don't have the energy to argue with you." I huff.
I push off from the door, and storm past him to get to my room. Before I could get to my door, a large hand grabs my wrist almost jerking it from its socket.
Wheeling around, I go to shout out but the call gets lost in my throat at the sight of Harry's forest eyes, dark and dilated. His grip is hard around my arm, and I'm closer than I realised when his other hand skims my chin.
"I liked it." He whispers, swiping a thumb over my bottom lip. "A lot."
His lips crash onto mine, but nowhere near as hard as the other times we had kissed. Feverishly, my lips mould into his, and my hands work their way under his shirt to caress his hard back.
This kiss was intense. It didn't hurt so much, and it suddenly felt completely different. I could taste how sweet he was. Feel how warm his lips were. Smell his intoxicating scent with every breath.
This was Harry. He was giving me all that he was with this kiss. It wasn't because he was angry. It wasn't because we'd been told to do it. It was because he wanted to kiss me.
He opens the door behind me, and guides me through, lips still hotly attached to mine. He kicks the door shut and then presses back against it, me blocking him in. He runs his hand through my hair, and grips at the bottom.
I moan into his mouth at the arousal building up quickly. This is insane how we react to each other. At the thought, I press into him, and groan embarrassingly loud at the feel of his hardness against me.
"I don't know how to stay away." He says, pulling away to press his forehead against mine. My mind is spinning, thick with arousal. What is happening?
"I-I'm not ready for-" I start but Harry interrupts me.
"I know." He says, and kisses me softly, taking my breath away. "But it's always so good."
Heat rushes down through my spine at the memory of him, and breathing in feels like hot flames licking down my throat. Kissing him back, I know I have no hope. He moves down to kiss my chin, and then my throat.
"It doesn't have to be a relationship." He says, in between kissing at my neck. I tilt my head to the side to help him, head swimming. "Just let me make you feel good."
I grip at the back of his shirt at those words. No one has ever made me feel as aroused as I do right now. No one.
My decision made, I pull him back up to kiss me, pushing him into the door with my body. He moans loudly, the deepness of his voice penetrating my chest.
It instantly feels different. I feel like I have more control like this.
The scenario has changed. Like we used to be enemies taking our anger out on each other, and now we were equals choosing to agree for our needs. Which happened to be our need for each other.
I pull Harry's shirt over his head as we kiss, liking the way it ruffles up his long curly hair. Pressing my bare chest against his, he lets a gentle moan out from his lips which I eagerly catch. His large hand slides down the bottom of my back and cups my ass before grinding himself into me.
This is going a completely different pace. The other times we'd have ripped each other's clothes off by now. What did this mean? Was Harry gay? Harry coaxing his hand into the back of my shorts pulls me out of my thoughts.
Who cares? Does it really matter?
I undo the button on Harry's jeans, and run my fingertips along the hardness inside. He reacts by grabbing my bottom, and taking in a sharp breath against my lips.
A thrill goes through me at the control I have right now. Harry is so pliant. He has so much to learn about being with a man, and a small part in my head cheers at me being the first.
"I want you in my mouth," I breath against his lips, watching as they part with a groan at my words. I stroke my fingers against him. "Is that okay?"
He doesn't answer but swallows and nods slowly, his eyes closed. I wonder what he's thinking.
I slowly tug down his jeans, and then his boxers. I still can't get over how big he is. Where does he hide this thing in his jeans?
Getting on my knees, I look up. Harry still has his eyes closed. I gently lick the tip of him, and his hisses at the suddenness.
"Look at me." I say, gripping him. He looks down at me, his eyes so dark and full of wonder, maybe. I can't tell. Regardless, I take him slowly into my mouth, not stopping until my nose reaches the hairs at the hilt.
"Ugh," is the noise he gives, if I had to spell it. His head hits the back of the door, and I can no longer see his face.
I set a pace, not wanting to go too fast. I liked hearing every sound he had to give me. This was so much more intimate than we'd ever been before.
His hands weave their way through my hair, and I moan around him. I definitely like Harry touching my hair.
Looking up, my eyes meet with his. He's watching me, and it coaxes me to go a little faster. My hand cups his bottom, gently letting him know he can take the lead if he wants.
He tests, slowly thrusting in and out of my mouth. I can't help but moan, and I grab his ass in reaction. Our eyes are still locked, and his face contorts as he changes the speed.
"Jesus Christ," He moans loudly. "How are you-" He gets cut off by his own grunt as I take over, taking him in a deep as he goes, over and over. I'm as solid as a rock in my trousers. I could cut stone.
"Stop," He cries, pulling me by the hair and removing himself from my mouth. I'm only an inch away from his angry red length, and I let out pants of breath from the work I was putting in. Looking up, Harry has his eyes closed, head against the door, and his chest is moving heavily from his breathing.
"Are you okay?" I ask. I almost don't recognise my voice, wrecked from giving him a blow job.
Harry looks down at me, breathing heavily, hair messy. He hums. I laugh a little at his face. His cheeks red, he smirks. He pulls me up and fiercely kisses me, removing the smile from my face.
Taking over, Harry leads me to the bed, and I tumble back when I feel the bed behind me. He coaxes my shorts and boxers off, leaving me naked below him. He kicks his trousers and boxers off and joins me, kissing me hard.
"Lube?" He asks, in between kissing me.
"Top drawer," I groan into his mouth, and he reaches over, stopping briefly. The sound of my drawer opening is frantic, items being knocked around before he returns to kissing me.
I hear the cap of the lube snapping, and then feel his finger circling my entrance. I let out a shuddered breath against his lips at the arousal. I'm glad he remembers lube now.
His long finger enters me slowly, and he moans into my mouth. The slow drag of his finger drives me wild as it moves in and out. I desperately kiss him. I know I was questioning if I would want this earlier, but I do. God, I do.
He enters a second finger, and an embarrassing whine leaves my mouth. I stop kissing. My head is swimming from the intense arousal building up inside me. If I touched myself, I'm sure I'd come.
"More," I beg, before I can take it back. I need him. A third enters and I cry out, a passionate moan at the fullness.
"Fuck." Harry grunts above me, and I open my eyes to look up at him. He's already looking at me. I whimper at how beautiful he is. That someone as beautiful as he was, was touching me right now.
"'M ready," I manage to say, and Harry kisses me hard, his fingers still moving. Removing them, he lays down beside me.
"On top," He says, coaxing me to position myself. Managing, I plant both legs either side of him. This was new. Usually he just plowed me into the bed.
Harry rubs lube onto himself, and my cock twitches at the sight. He pushes at my hips, holding himself firm. Placing myself above him, I lower myself onto his hardness.
I can only explain the sensation as white noise when he enters me. The pleasure so intense that all noise gets blocked out. I was so full. Seated fully, Harry's hand twitches on my hip, mouth open. He looks up at me, hooded eyes, and my hands grasp his chest at the sight.
I start to move when I'm used to his size, and lift up. Taking him all the way back in again, I moan loudly as his length brushes against my prostate. I repeat, taking in Harry's moan and letting out my own, too.
Harry decides to flex up into me, hands like vices on my hips. Fucking me deeper, ensuring every inch was inside me. Things start to get frantic when I desperately begin to bounce quicker and harder. He retaliates by fucking into me harder for a minute or two.
The world suddenly flips when Harry decides to push me back, leaning over me and fucking me with all he's got. I cry out. The new position pushes into my prostate and I can't move my legs to stop the brutal force.
I cry out, again and again. I grab my hair, unable to ground myself. Tears form in my eyes at the intensity.
"Harry!" I shout. He moans above me, and his hand grips hard at my thigh. "I'm gonna-"
"Yes," He hisses, pushing himself up but not stopping the pace. "Come on."
Seeing the sweat on his chest, the flush on his cheeks and the arousal in his face, I come loud, and hard with a shout of Harry's name. He keeps going, and I start to whine at the sensitivity of him still brushing against my prostate.
"That was-," He grunts. "You're so-," He gets cut of by his own release. Mouth open, he lets out a loud moan, and grips me close as he fills me.
Twitching, we both try to get our breaths back. Harry doesn't move off of me, breathing hard into my neck.
"I don't,-" I pant. "I don't fancy Zayn. He's just a mate."
"I know." He replies into my neck. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay." I say, wincing as he rolls off of me. Looking up, I'm amused that we're on the bed upside down.
Silence is only broken by our breaths. I realise my leg is entangled in one of his, but neither one of us has the energy to move.
"What is this, Harry?" I timidly ask. I don't want to ruin the mood. That was fucking good.
"I don't know," He replies, looking up at the ceiling. "Maybe it's just our thing."
"Maybe." I chuckle.
Laying next to each other, I'm very comfortable. Sex has taken all the energy out of me, and I drift off to an easy sleep.
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