5: Mystery
Sean sat in his Denali waiting for Lindsey. He rubbed his forehead, deep in thought. There was something going on with their parents. They had always been very vocal about sacrifices, right up to the point of forcing him to break it off with a girl he was considering leaving the family business for. A girl he still loved with all his heart. But for them to start in on Lindsey making sacrifices at sixteen triggered a desire to protect his little sister from the family secret.
Lindsey opening the door brought him out of his thoughts. "I'll see you tomorrow," she called and waved at a group of teens. They waved back as she closed the door and buckled her seatbelt. "Hi, Sean."
Sean blinked with surprise. Lindsey was actually smiling. "Um, I think you might be in the wrong car. I'm waiting on my sister. She looks like you but never smiles."
Lindsey burst out laughing.
"I don't see you for over twenty-four hours and you suddenly are all happy. What happened?"
"I made friends."
"You? Made friends?"
"Shut up. You're the one that wanted me to make friends."
"I wasn't expecting you to actually do it." Lindsey stuck her tongue out at him. "Mom said a boy brought you home yesterday."
"Danny. He was being really nice to me at school yesterday and even offered to give me a ride after lacrosse practice. He plays goalie on the lacrosse team. His boyfriend was going to try out this year but he left school after his twin died."
It was the most Sean had heard Lindsey say since moving to Beacon Hills. "Don't tell Dad that last part."
"Oh don't worry. I won't. At lacrosse practice, I met the girlfriends of the team captain and his best friend, and one of their friends. I think I might go to the lacrosse game on Saturday."
"Who are you and what did you do with Lindsey?" Sean grinned, happy to see his little sister smiling.
Lindsey grinned. "Lydia introduced me to Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. I already knew Isaac from art class and I literally ran into him at lunch the other day. They're really cool. Me and Danny ate lunch with them today."
"Sounds like you really like these kids."
"I do." Lindsey's face fell. "Have you heard when we're moving again?"
"Not yet. Hopefully, it'll be a while." Sean had never seen Lindsey this happy before and had a sudden idea that could maybe prolong the next move and not force Lindsey to endure the same heartbreak their parents had forced on him.
Parrish sat at his desk writing his report. A second victim had come into the ER screaming about being on fire. The woman, a lifeguard at the high school, like the man, had no physical signs of having been burned. She'd been watching over the teenagers who used the pool after school when she suddenly started screaming and fell into the pool. A pair of students had pulled her from the water but she continued to scream about a fire. Within twenty-four hours of being admitted to the hospital, she was dead. The ME determined that she'd been smothered, unlike the previous victim, who had an artery in his heart burst. Parrish sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. Both victims were convinced that they were burning alive. He didn't know of any drug that would cause that type of hallucination. Even wolfsbane wouldn't cause that. He'd asked Derek and Peter when he took them back to where the first victim had been found. Neither werewolf had been able to determine what exactly happened. They were currently at the school with Stilinski but Parrish had a feeling that they wouldn't be much help there either. The deputy glanced down at his cell. He glanced around. One other deputy and Rafe McCall were the only ones still at the station, not counting the officer at the front desk. Parrish rubbed the back of his neck and stood, grabbing his phone and making it look like his neck was stiff from sitting at his desk staring at the computer screen. McCall glanced up, then went back to work on whatever he was doing. The other deputy didn't look up at all as Parrish slipped out the side entrance. Parrish dialed and waited.
"Chris. It's Jordan. I could use some help."
"What do you need?"
Chris Argent had nearly died fairly recently after being slammed into a wall at the school while helping Isabel stop her brother's killing spree. Isabel, Derek, and Chris' sister, Kate, had somehow managed to heal him and save his life, although both the Beta and the Valkyrie were mum on what they did.
"You've heard about the two cases of victims convinced they were burning alive?"
"Derek mentioned it to me."
"Have you come across anything that causes hallucinations?"
"I'm afraid I haven't but I will check the bestiary to see if any other Argent has. But personally the only creature I have heard of that can cause hallucinations like that is a Darach. Maybe a nogitsune."
"I really hope we're not dealing with either one of those."
"So am I."
Parrish knew Chris had almost lost his life to a Darach and his daughter did lose hers to a nogitsune. It was not an experience that Parrish wanted to repeat either.
"I'll ask Deaton as well. Thanks, Chris."
"I'll let you know what I find out."
Parrish hung up and returned to his desk. He noticed that Stilinski had returned. The sheriff sat at his desk rubbing his temples. "Another dead end?" Parrish asked from the doorway.
Stilinski waved him in and Parrish shut the door. "They couldn't sense any more at the pool than they had at the first scene." He sighed. "The drug angle doesn't make sense at all. The first victim was a respected businessman. The second was a substitute teacher. The only thing I see that the two had in common was the fact that the two were convinced they were burning to death." Stilinski's brows knit together. "Parrish, could you get me the files on the Hale arson and the murder cases of the people involved with it?"
"You think it's one of the Hales?"
Stilinski shook his head. "No, werewolves can't cause hallucinations like that. But I have a feeling that their case may have a connection to this one."
Lindsey sang along to the song she was listening to on her iPod as she dried her hair, thinking about the new friends she'd made. Danny had been the first one to attempt to even make friends and she already felt like she'd known him for ages. The rest of the group seemed to look to Scott and he seemed to be the most mature of the group. Stiles was always ready with a joke or a sarcastic comment. Kira seemed a bit shy and awkward but Lindsey could tell she really liked Scott. The two always sat next to each other at lunch. Malia seemed to be confused about everything, which would be expected. Lindsey had heard that she'd gone missing for eight years and was found in the woods fairly recently by the sheriff. She was always next to Stiles. Lydia was the smarts, everyone went to her for help with their school work. She always had a smile and a smartass comment when needed. Isaac was fairly quiet and there seemed to be a sadness that hung over him. His blue eyes spoke of innocence lost. Blue eyes she could lose herself in. He had a beautiful smile when he did. She put the hairdryer up, turned, and then screamed. Sean was leaning against the far wall with a grin on his face.
"You scared me!"
"I was enjoying the concert."
"Shut up."
"I was coming in here to ask if you needed a ride to the lacrosse game."
"Danny's going to pick me up."
"That's nice of him."
Lindsey brushed her hair back and put it into a ponytail. "You wanna come to the game? It starts at 6."
Her brother looked down at his watch. "If I don't get called out, sure." Sean was a security consultant and he would be called out at the craziest hours.
Lindsey grinned as she slipped her shoes on. The doorbell rang a moment later. "That's Danny. I'll see you at the game." She gave Sean a peck on the cheek and darted out of the room, hopping down the stairs as her mother answered the door. Sean leaned against the upper railing. Danny was wearing a grey Beacon Hills Cyclones shirt and jeans.
"Hey, Danny," Lindsey said before Emily could open her mouth. "I'm going to hang out with some friends after the game, Mom. Don't know when I'll be home. Bye!"
Sean started laughing and Danny chuckled as he followed Lindsey to his car.
"Sorry. She would have wanted to ask you a million questions and we only have an hour before the game starts."
Danny laughed. "Then thanks for saving me."
Lindsey grinned. "So, give me the crash course on lacrosse so I'm not completely lost."
The blond-haired man watched the players run back and forth chasing the ball and each other. At least four players had to be carried off the field. The home team was winning by three but the visiting team was giving them a run for their money. He sensed two wolves on the field but couldn't pinpoint which ones they were. Number 14 caught the ball and took off down the field, gracefully avoiding the other team's defense before chucking the ball into the net. The cheers of the home team crowd were nearly deafening. As he was standing on the visitor side, he saw the home team crowd very clearly. He caught sight of the coyote he'd seen in the elevator of his apartment building. She seemed to be trying to figure out the whole concept of the game. A redhead and a blond held up a sign saying "Cyclones Are #1!" and an Oriental girl, whom he sensed was a kitsune, was jumping up and down cheering. The home team was now four ahead. The buzzer signaled the end of the game and the home team's supporters went wild and began to file off the stands. The team was gathered around Number 14 jumping around him. Number 11 and 24 went to his rescue, pulling him out of the crush of players. The four girls joined them and the boys took their helmets off. Number 11 picked up the kitsune and spun her around while she laughed. The goalie joined them and they conversed a moment before the players followed the rest of the team away and the girls headed towards the parking lot. There seemed to be more supernatural creatures in Beacon Hills than he thought. It made him wonder if that had been the reason Isabel had come here. He sighed and blended into the crowd. He was going to have to meet with her eventually and face her again. Despite her telling him she never wanted to see him again.
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