28: The Power of the Eye
Lilith watched as Sean left the hospital with the deputy that had shot her the day she tried to kill him. She followed them as they left in the deputy's car. She passed them as he pulled into the driveway of a small house. She parked at the curb at the end of the street and watched as he led Sean into the house. She pulled her phone out and dialed.
"They didn't go back to the house."
Would have surprised me if they had. Where are they hiding?
"The young deputy's house. The sheriff's second in command." Lilith gave him the address.
Interesting. I will handle it. You focus on finding Isabel.
"I can take them."
And you saw how well that confidence worked for you last time. I'll take care of the Procurers and the deputy. You find that Valkyrie.
Lilith snorted as she hung up, before pulling away and heading back into the city.
"This is looking familiar," Scott said. They'd finally made it to Missouri and they found the motel Isabel had stayed in with her family. Isabel was currently driving. They had been driving for hours it seemed before an abandoned gas station came into view.
"There it is." Isabel pulled over and everyone piled out.
"Do you remember where you buried her?" Malia asked.
"Along the tree line somewhere." Malia turned and hopped back into the car. "What is she doing?"
Scott went to the door and held his hand on the handle. A minute later he opened it and a coyote hopped out.
Malia trotted to the tree line as Peter and Devin retrieved shovels from the back. Malia sniffed down the tree line before starting to dig.
"I think she found her." Devin passed a shovel to Isabel.
Scott held out Malia's clothes and she took them, trotting into the woods. The others started to dig.
"I really hope someone doesn't pass by and call the cops," Devin said. Isabel, Peter, and Derek stopped and turned to look at him.
"Really?" Isabel said.
"Yeah, I'm going to shut up."
Malia returned and helped with the digging. "How deep did you bury her?" she asked.
"I didn't want scavengers to get to her." Her shovel hit something. "Wait." She held her hand up. "Stop." Isabel crouched down in the hole and reached down, feeling where Esther's neck would have been. She felt the necklace through the sheet she'd put over her. Flicking out her talons, she cut a hole in the fabric, revealing it. She managed to unclasp it and took it. Derek and Devin helped her out of the hole. Isabel brushed the years of dirt off it.
"This is the Eye of Odin?" Devin asked.
"I'm assuming so." Isabel held it up by its chain.
Devin reached up and took it into his hand. A warm sensation went through his hand as it slightly glowed.
"What's it doing?" Scott asked.
"You're asking me?" Isabel asked. Devin suddenly gave a cry and fell to his knees. "Devin!"
"Something's happening," he gasped. He looked up at her, fear in his eyes as they began to glow green, seeming to not be able to control his other half. Isabel grabbed his shirt and pulled it over his head just as his ebony wings sprung from his back.
"What's happening?" Malia asked.
Isabel shook her head. Then her worried look turned to complete surprise. As she watched, his eyes slowly turned from green to blue. "That's not possible," she whispered. Before their eyes, Devin's wings began to lighten, starting at the base and spreading.
"Okay, everyone else is seeing this right?" Peter said.
Scott nodded, his mouth hanging open. In a matter of minutes, Devin's wings were a light grey.
"What just happened?" Derek asked slowly, just as confused at what they had all just witnessed.
Isabel looked down at the Eye before looking back at Devin. "It reversed."
Devin was now on his knees and gave Isabel a confused look. "What are you talking about?"
"Yeah, I'm confused too," Malia added.
"Devin." Isabel looked him in his still glowing blue eyes. "You're a Pure again."
Lindsey was sitting on Lydia's bed, leaning against the headboard with her arms around her legs. Kira was sitting next to her. Lydia was raiding her closest, while Danny was sitting at her vanity with an amused look on his face. Lydia turned towards Lindsey with an outfit in her hand.
"This would look so adorable on you," she said.
"Lydia, I have my own clothes."
"But you can't get them until we find out where that witch ran off to."
"I'm not afraid of Lilith," Lindsey said.
"You should be," Kira said. "I mean did you see what she did to Isabel?"
"Guys, you do realize that Lilith's magic has no effect on Lindsey, right?" Danny pointed out. "She's tried before. Who knows what else Lindsey is immune to."
"Well, I doubt she's immune to humans," Lydia said. "You know, like whoever hired then murdered her parents to find the Eye of Odin."
Lindsey rolled her eyes. "You know, I can defend myself. Sean was teaching me."
"What's your weapon of choice?" Kira asked.
"Crossbow. I have a handheld one in my room." The others glanced at each other before Lydia grabbed her keys.
"We're going to your house."
Lindsey stood at the front door, keys in hand.
"Guys, this was a bad idea," Kira said.
"I'm scared to go in there," Lindsey admitted. "What if they were murdered in the living room and their blood is all over the place?"
Danny put his hand over hers. "I promise their blood won't be all over the living room. Just don't look towards the kitchen when we go in."
Lindsey nodded. She slowly unlocked the door and pushed it open. Danny stood on her right side to block her view of the kitchen and guided her to the stairs. Kira looked towards the kitchen, then widened her eyes. Danny was right to warn Lindsey about looking in the kitchen.
"Kira, come on," Lydia called.
Kira darted towards the stairs and followed them to Lindsey's room. Lindsey reached under the bed and pulled a case out from under it. She put it on the bed and opened it. A handheld crossbow and bolts were tucked into it. She closed it again and stood. Then noticed Lydia was standing in the middle of the room with a blank look on her face.
"Lydia?" Then the Banshee took a deep breath.
"Oh, crap," Kira said, seconds before Lydia let out a bloodcurdling shriek.
Parrish listened closely. He grabbed his service piece off the nightstand as he heard someone breaking into his house. He crept out of his room. Sean's door was already open, Parrish's personal pistol in his hand. Parrish motioned for him to be quiet as he continued down the hall. In the living room, a figure was sitting comfortably on the couch.
"I was hoping I made enough noise to attract the both of you," he said, clicking on the table lamp. He looked Parrish up and down. "Interesting. I've never actually met your kind before."
"You have five seconds to get out of my house before I become the only one you'll ever meet."
"I expected threats." The man stood before looking past Parrish as Sean gave a curse. "But you're not the one I'm after."
"I don't care what you're after. Get out. I will not warn you again."
The man shrugged out of his jacket before moving his head around, stretching the muscles in his neck. "No, you won't, because no one is going to stand in the way of me finding the Eye. And failure is not an option."
"Is that why my parents died?" Sean asked. "Because they failed you?"
"I don't give second chances. None of us do." The man flicked his fingers and Parrish heard the familiar sound of claws. "And now you're going to pay for your failure as well. And this time, I will make sure you're dead." He rushed towards them and the two men fired, staggering the man back. To Parrish's surprise, he only laughed. He pulled his ruined and bloody shirt over his head. As they watched, his wounds healed. Then black wings appeared behind him.
"You have got to be kidding me?" Parrish said. "Another one?"
The Dark Valkyrie then beat his wings, using the force to knock the two men off their feet. Sean landed in the hall while Parrish hit the wall hard. The Valkyrie leapt on Sean. Sean fired another shot before the gun was ripped from his hand.
"I now know I should have come myself instead of hiring Procurers." The Valkyrie raised his hand. "I'll not make that mistake again."
He started to bring his hand down, then stopped with a cry. Sean could have sworn he heard a growl. He was lifted into the air and thrown, hitting the far wall. Sean was surprised that Parrish had been able to do that. The Valkyrie attacked Parrish. Parrish stopped him by shoving claws into his chest, which caused Sean's jaw to drop. He then gave a roar and when Sean didn't think his shock could grow, Parrish's body burst into flames. Sean crawled backward to avoid the heat. The Valkyrie screamed.
"Sean!" Parrish cried. "The door!"
Sean scrambled past the two supernaturals and threw open the door. Parrish threw the Valkyrie out the door, the smell of burned flesh following in his wake. Sean slammed the door shut as the flames around Parrish extinguished.
"What the hell was that?" Sean asked as Parrish's eyes went from a glowing orange to back to green. Sean noticed that Parrish was now covered in ash but not a mark marred his body.
"Me defending you." He looked at Sean. "Whatever you do, don't tell the others."
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